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Everything posted by moonkat

  1. Hope so. He might repeat Origin for the 4A though.
  2. Maybe this culture is why they haven't produced Olympic Champions. If Nobu were to come in, change the culture, and produce better results right in their rink, it would a disaster for this "culture".
  3. Does Yuzu read this forum hahaha
  4. Cause there's no time for it? Perhaps he tried correcting technique with Elizabet.
  5. Yuzuru's not going to be around forever. They are darn right to be worried, but realistically how many 2-time Olympics Champions can a country be lucky enough to have?
  6. Was my wish at the start of the season.
  7. [Admin edit: speculation] Of course most people do show their best selves to the public. I'm a bit sensitive due to Seungri. He looks like the disrespectful person he's been discovered to be in his 1, 2, 3 MV. Just compare his face and eyes with the rest of Big Bang's in the Fantastic Baby MV. Perhaps if there was any intent it was that Mariah wanted to get close and intimidate Eunsoo instead of skating a safe distance away.
  8. Perhaps Daisuke is sending a message to the JSF to stop lowballing Shun. Lol that looks out of place
  9. moonkat


    I'd love to see Autumn Classic Otonal again the future, perhaps as an ex. Probably wouldn't happen.
  10. Nah, considering there is no 4Lz, he's not going crazy here. Yuzu is just going to attempt clean programs. 4A is going to come next season in Origin 2.0.
  11. moonkat


    Personal preferences aside, the problem is not the neckline, but the proportions of this costume. Viewing from the front, down the middle the distance between neckline and waistline is too small in comparison to the distance between the waistline and private area, especially when he moves. He looks much better from the back. Just notice the difference as his spins around: Whereas in the masterpiece that is Notte Stellata these two distances are nearly equal.
  12. I'd still like to see an UA and pooh ad
  13. Dmitriev Jr. could be first simply from attempting it more. Isn't that how Trusova landed her quads?
  14. https://www.goombastomp.com/toronto-artist-creates-life-sized-pokemon/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/8o0nck/i_built_lifesize_statues_of_pokemon_out_of_foam/
  15. I'd say you'd have to be Japanese or even a Japanese Yuzu fan to know. https://matcha-jp.com/en/6083 The symbol of the Yuzuruha (諭鶴羽 )shrine is the yatagarasu (八咫烏- 8 span crow). http://yokai.com/yatagarasu/ The yatagarasu did not have three legs in the Kojiki (711–712 CE), but later it was merged with the 三足烏 ( three-legged crow) of Chinese mythology in 930 CE. https://medium.com/japanology/tengu-the-legendary-japanese-creature-of-the-mountain-b90f7ae1078f Then we have the tengu (天狗 -heavenly dog), which is a kami or youkai with avian characteristics. Somehow the 天狗 in Chinese mythology turned from a dog into a crow in Japan. There is a theory that the karasu(crow) tengu's origin can be traced back to the yatagarasu. Yes, it all got jumbled and is now three-in-one.
  16. Did PJ Kwong see the 4A on media day or does she have access to TCC on other days?
  17. Yuzu may be great at seeing the big picture when it comes to his performance, but not his costume . Etude was an absolute master piece of contrast, will H&L looks muted and ordinary in comparison on camera. Chopin 1.0 had best proportions with a contrast of colors that perfectly contour. 2.0 had those golden strips that stick out sideways. Each version of Chopin look flatter the last.
  18. I think it's because they both make him look innocent Finally realized what was off about his haru yo koi costume. The dark part looks like chest hair.
  19. If I'm not mistaken, Yuzu was literally called "You-Know-Who" by Debbie during ACI
  20. Last one... more Plushenko like?
  21. bad edit #2 showing length bad edit #3 showing skin Okay, I'm done! Just wanted to show effects of the suggestions in the this forum.
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