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It's understandable if he removed the 4Lz. He only once landed it in competition. I think this season he wants to try and stabilize the new quad, like he did with 4Lo last season, and peak at Olympic. But it seems the fall at NHK makes him to think again about the 4Lz. I'd rather he use H&L layout, to avoid the risk. 

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I'm gonna drop something I tweeted a few days ago to kinda of ease some minds.


Nathan's highest GOE accumulated over 2 programs this season in international competition is 12.57 points.

Yuzuru got 13.07 points in GOE at CoR for his free program alone.

If we include nationals, Nathan's highest GOE over both programs is 26.7.

Shoma's is 31.44 (lombardia) with a potential to get 32-33 points out of GOE across both programs.


When clean, Yuzuru can get up to 35~39 points in GOE across his two programs.


Both Nathan and Shoma have been getting around 45-46/92-93 in PCS (or 136 points in PCS over both programs) while Yuzuru averages at around 46-47/93-94 (or 141) with his highest PCS being like 48-49/97-98 (or 146).


Going with 4 quads, no 4lz, there will be some BV difference but if everyone is clean (lol) he facts is Yuzuru's technique is such he either lands a jump to the highest quality or pops it or falls. There's not much in between. Nathan and Shoma might land the jump to no deductions but have some weakness there that holds GOE down and their PCS overall isn't up to Yuzuru's level. The BV gap is not going to be the 16 or so points a clean Yuzuru has over them in GOE and PCS, and it would take some WILD judge f*ckery for that gap to be significantly closed.


Also. Shoma hasn't produced two clean programs all season with his most frequent errors being on his 4F. Neither has Nathan, and Nathan keeps changing his layout and has apparently not decided his layout for Olys yet. I would be REALLY surprised, given the competition schedule too, if they both skate clean.


If Yuzu is dropping the 4lz and all other jumps are training well...I'm SUPER not worried. This is good news. Yuzuru really wants clean skates and a decisive win and he could have a better chance of achieving that without the 4lz.

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Wow.... I think everyone just went through the stages of grief and all for 4Lz? Here's my take: Try to chill. I know everyone has their worries but it's not like Yuzu's already obsolete without the 4Lz. He is still technically competitive BV wise with his other 3 quads and 3A (not to mention his GOE scoring capabilities). This is NOT a Yuna situation. Might I also remind everyone no one (except Yuzu with a 4Lo) has beaten 3quad GPF'15 Seimei yet with only the Salchow and Toeloop?


He's not going into the Olympics blind. He's a tactician. He knows what he's doing. We can be worried (there's nothing wrong with that) but I feel like questioning his/his teams decisions without knowing the full story does him a disservice. I'm not saying he's always right and to blindly trust everything he does but I am at least comforted by the fact that I know every decision he or his team has made was well thought out. This is not his first Olympics and neither is it for Brian.


Also, his 4Lz now has a 100% success rate in competition so far. :smiley-laughing021:

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4 hours ago, GreatLakesGal said:

"It's surprising how well he has trained."


What an odd thing for a coach to say about his student. 

Maybe that's what happened:

Brian: Maybe you will consider removing 4Lz from your layout


Brian: Y-you know, not forever. Just for now... 


Brian: You can put it back for Worlds.... 


Yuzu: Ok

Brian: Ok? You won't practice it behind my back?

Yuzu: I will try

Brian: :knc_brian1:



Brian after his arrival in Korea: "It's surprising how well he has trained." (translation: "it's suprising he wasn't stubborn with 4lz during training and actually listened to me")


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15 minutes ago, Bonesfan said:

USA article on Yuzuru! TIME magazine is widely read - nice to see Yuzuru acknowledged as perhaps the "greatest figure skater of all time".



Of all the photos... :facepalm: 


Nice little article, though, without a hint of a sneer! Sounds like the author might be a bit of a fan. :) Nice to see it under the "most popular stories," too.



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36 minutes ago, Yoa said:



He mentioned Requiem alongside Notte Stellata as a program he can skate easily and be himself! I wonder if he plans to skate it this season after all... 


Click for unbridled happiness:


Q – Although it’s a matter for the future, pro skater, choreographer, coach––what would you be most interested in?

A –– Everything! I want to get to a spot where everything can coexist as an entirety. Something that only I can accomplish––I believe there has to be a path towards that, so I want to find it properly––my mission in Figure Skating. 




Omg, wat? Nobu jumping 4lz? O_O


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