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14 minutes ago, raebia said:

Late, very late, I finally calculated the time difference between me and South Korea correctly.:dpooh:.


How does one counteract  the mixture of being totally dead in the middle of the night and being totally hyper nervous?? 





(Vodka AND coffee??:rofl:]


I have the same question... :13877886:



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1 minute ago, Sammie said:



THE SNIPER *snickers* Javier must be terrified of Yuzuru lately...


Anyways, regarding coping mechanisms,seeing as It'll be middle of the night/dawn hours for me... binge groceries will be a must. Chocolate bars, milka snacks, cookies, potato chips (to alternate savoury and sweet... those will be long hours), probably pasta at some point...


I'm not saying Ice cream because it'll be pretty cold still. Also, I don't know who will have the courage of keeping me company. I suppose they will have to take shifts to better deal with me LOL. 


I don't think I'll even need coffee... I always take it with, like, one liter of milk and a cup of sugar anyways... 

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16 minutes ago, Sammie said:



I have a feeling Yuzu had a talk with Javi after Javi talked about Yuzu training again :war:


Am I the only one relieved the comps will be in the middle of the night for me? That way I can go on about my academic responisiblities during the day as usual.... Sleep is overrated. Unfortunately coffein doesn't work on me but I doubt I'll lack the adrenaline to keep me awake anyway :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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5 minutes ago, robin said:


I have a feeling Yuzu had a talk with Javi after Javi talked about Yuzu training again :war:

I'm thinking Brian, more likely, but Yuzu himself would be more fun lol


ETA, I'm also happy the competitions are early and apparently end before it's time for me to go to work, but I'm not sure I'll be able to function much >.< From nerves and excitement, if not lack of sleep...

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5 minutes ago, robin said:

Am I the only one relieved the comps will be in the middle of the night for me? That way I can go on about my academic responisiblities during the day as usual.... Sleep is overrated. Unfortunately coffein doesn't work on me but I doubt I'll lack the adrenaline to keep me awake anyway :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


Teach me your secrets master  :worship:

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22 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Can't drink for medical reasons 💔 

I will die by Seimei anyway so I might just speed up the process lol

Actually, I can't drink either. Nor can I drink coffee. For medical reasons too. Chocolate is also restricted. 

So get a huge Pooh each of us - and I'm going to compulsively gobble tangerines. Just because... 

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