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@SparkleSalad and @KatjaThera if i'm not mistaken this person is looking for you?

I feel really happy that the swan project is really working to bring the fans together. It seems that with this we are really understanding how we all love him without distinguishing nations or language. In a time like this, i feel this is very important :10742289: thank you so much to you guys and @miinyanさんも、本当にありがとうございました!

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3 hours ago, katonice said:

New "The Legend" episode uploaded.

Another question about Yuzu, and the answer will make you go "aawww" again.

This boi... 


I thought somebody would answer with 'apologise to the translator', since if I remember correctly, it was from this press con xD Oh well, Kanako was close :biggrin: Girl really knows her fellow Junior World Champion... (also, lol at those Peru girls swooning all over Yuzu...I wonder if any of them are here?)

3 hours ago, katonice said:

That would be an idea.

Careful you might kill yourself by accidentally surrounding yourself with hydroblade murderface though.

I think there was discussion there which concluded that it is preferred method of death for most of the people on this planet


2 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Yasss, the compilation I was waiting for! :smiley-love017:8 thank yous for just a Senior career... (imagine if he started learning how to say thank you back in junior...it would be, how much...three? four more?)


2 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Off-topic a bit but. LOOK.AT.THE.NUMBER. OF RECORDERS. Considering his love for sound devices, I wonder if he can name all of them? :biggrin: 

4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

@SparkleSalad and @KatjaThera if i'm not mistaken this person is looking for you?

I feel really happy that the swan project is really working to bring the fans together. It seems that with this we are really understanding how we all love him without distinguishing nations or language. In a time like this, i feel this is very important :10742289: thank you so much to you guys and @miinyan さんも、本当にありがとうございました!

I know it's not aimed at me, but oh my gosh. I feel so warm and mushy right now...also, adorable Yuzu with Koalas^^

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I’m so glad our swan project is working so well ! 

OT , this morning during our morning few minutes routine of meditation before class starts, I told the students about Yuzu ‘s quote “ efforts may lie but not in vain “ , I was emotional but at the same time believe that his efforts will not be in vain ! I’m so happy to see that he spent time with his family, being that annoying brother or son :P and still be loved , thinking about all those time away from his family , his country :sadPooh:

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23 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

I thought somebody would answer with 'apologise to the translator', since if I remember correctly, it was from this press con xD Oh well, Kanako was close :biggrin: Girl really knows her fellow Junior World Champion... 


What did Kanako guess?

Can anyone please translate or give an overview?

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18 minutes ago, Maleko said:

LMAO what is this, is cringe :ohno: and hilarious :LOL: and real :embSwan:



9 minutes ago, robin said:


You mean this work of pure genius?

It's missing the "sitting through three hours of mezamashi to watch 5 seconds of Yuzu"


ETA: GUYS, 100 PAGES LEFT UNTIL PAGE 2000:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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Lol I wish the Legends segment was longer. It’s curiously structured to basically be a Yuzu endorsement at the start but anyway, key points (from memory, I’m on my phone but will refine later)


- They showed Yuzu warming up for 24hr TV jumping a triple jump just with his sneakers


- The first ice rink opened in Peru had Yuzu’s picture on inside and outside. The girls inside were huge fans of Yuzu and gave various reasons why (he does impossible jumps, one girl said she wanted to hug him for a long time #same). One girl (the one they focused on) was also using Seimei (I assume as her program music?). Reporter asked if she was crying and she was like ‘I’m not crying!’ and hid her face in her friend’s arm aww.


- Flashback to Otani Shohei saying we’re in the Yuzu-era. Yuzu asked something along the lines of what he pays attention to when hitting the ball I think and Shohei says he really pays attention to the axis, then says ‘to say this to Hanyu-kun is a little...’ 


- Recap of looong NHK press con answer (LOL at 3 minutes Yuzu added ‘sorry, my answer is long’ and then talked for TWO MORE MINUTES) and table apology Yuzu (I didn’t realise Boyang didn’t even get a chance to speak LOL)


-  Question for the guests was ‘after press conferences, Hanyu does XXXX thing’

- Kanako guessed he greets everyone one by one. The other guesses weren’t serious (I don’t rly understand the references but they were jokes)


- the answer was ‘he cleans up after himself’. While cleaning up Yuzu refers to his own mess (I think? Writing this from memory lol) and ‘as a Japanese person it’s embarrassing’, hence he cleans up


- Ueda after Kanako explains her reasoning for guessing (‘he also greets the ice’) asks if she does it and she’s like ‘no, I’m the type that goes PA going in and coming out’ ie. she just skates out v quickly). 


After answer is revealed Ueda also says to Kanako ‘so you also put in the chairs right?’ and Kanako’s like ‘hahaha........’


so he tells her to do her koala face (?? Lol) as a distraction and they’re like ‘that’s a sexy koala face?!!’

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