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1 hour ago, daisyjune said:


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!

Mama Hanyu must be scared to death. Kudos to her though for giving Yuzu her undying love, support and understanding. Yuzu is so lucky to have a mother like her. 

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37 minutes ago, daisyjune said:


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!

I imagine having a headstrong child like Yuzu would always mean that you concede a lot, be scared and scarred and let them do what they want because the only thing you can do it watch from sidelines and pray. I also felt that Brian also felt like that that day. Because Yuzu was royally pissed about the incident and the on ice care, he was being slightly more mulish than usual.

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45 minutes ago, daisyjune said:


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!


Btw, which interview was this does anyone know?

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I am happy tracy will be there. I cant help but think Boston made the coaches realize Brian cannot be 2 places at once with 2 potentially nervous as heck athletes. Add jun hwan potentially.... both are needed and she and Brian know each other so well that it will help them do their jobs better too. I wonderif Ghislain might get credentials too....

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7 minutes ago, liv said:

I am happy tracy will be there. I cant help but think Boston made the coaches realize Brian cannot be 2 places at once with 2 potentially nervous as heck athletes. Add jun hwan potentially.... both are needed and she and Brian know each other so well that it will help them do their jobs better too. I wonderif Ghislain might get credentials too....


If not Boston then definitely Helsinki really solidified that they need as many hands on deck as possible to be there for their skaters. 

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5 時間前, xeyraさんが言いました:

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who found Yuzu doing the FS at COC seriously reckless instead of admirable and I'm happy that made ISU change some guidelines surrounding similar circumstances. I'm glad I wasn't around back then to witness it. 


Many may deem his decision reckless, I think I've even heard some call it dumb. Not all athletes make the smartest decisions, true, and Hanyu may have made some not-so-well informed ones himself in the past. But I don't think this was one of them. This was neither a good nor a bad one, I feel. Given the circumstances, I truly think he made the only decision he could've then. Brian probably knew it, too. It's the only way to explain how he stood by his student's (and a very high-profile one, at that) decision despite knowing full well the way tongues would inevitably wag about him. He couldn't have not, with the experience he's had as a coach. So as far as I'm concerned, it's not so much the decision that's admirable or otherwise, but the way he saw it through to the end. And Brian being with him every step of the way. Those, I personally find, absolutely awe-inspiring. Both the student and his coach. ^^

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41 minutes ago, liv said:

I am happy tracy will be there. I cant help but think Boston made the coaches realize Brian cannot be 2 places at once with 2 potentially nervous as heck athletes. Add jun hwan potentially.... both are needed and she and Brian know each other so well that it will help them do their jobs better too. I wonderif Ghislain might get credentials too....


I like David Wilson too, remembering that he sat with Yuzu once. He or another coach could probably chip in if Tracy can't. They have this, idk, calming presence even for a viewer like me lol. Though Yuzu's interactions with Brian is always nice.

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1 hour ago, daisyjune said:


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!

Really? I had never heard that before. Was the interview a video one? I've seen a few but either not the right one or I just missed that bit of information.

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1 hour ago, daisyjune said:


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!

I remember this episode too. Though I don’t remember in which interview I heard/read this. CoC related news and interviews are nothing you want to go back to again and again.

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1 hour ago, Yolo3a said:

I imagine having a headstrong child like Yuzu would always mean that you concede a lot, be scared and scarred and let them do what they want because the only thing you can do it watch from sidelines and pray. I also felt that Brian also felt like that that day. Because Yuzu was royally pissed about the incident and the on ice care, he was being slightly more mulish than usual.

Was he royally pissed? I, personally, got more of a "WTF just happened?!" feeling...


And though I'm sure Brian had it really tough then, as well, I am also quite sure he would not have let Yuzu skate if he didn't think he was reasonably ok (well, didn't have a concussion, since that was the biggest issue), no matter how much Yuzu dug his heels in. Even though, when asked later, Brian did say Yuzu really wanted to skate, I'm sure that wouldn't have been enough if he'd shown signs of concussion.


But, all in all, I agree with @¯\_(ツ)_/¯, not skating wasn't a viable option.

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25 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Really? I had never heard that before. Was the interview a video one? I've seen a few but either not the right one or I just missed that bit of information.


I don't remember it was in the video or in the article. I clearly remember the phrase 「お母さんがとても動揺していたので」, so it may have been Japanese article.

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Just now, daisyjune said:


I don't remember it was in the video or in the article. I clearly remember the phrase 「お母さんがとても動揺していたので」, so it may have been Japanese article.

That would explain why I don't remember it, then. :) Thank you anyway!

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