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10 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


Beauty comes through movement, not bone structure (but also through bone structure. :P) If the Elephant Man flowed like Hanyu I'd think him beautiful, too. I didn't think anything of his looks when I first saw him and I can do without them, to be honest. His movements absolutely captivated me. I want to move like that. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: Isn't dance more or less about beauty, anyway? Even when your objective is, for example, to express pain or anger, you want to do it beautifully, right? 


And re quads, take away the fact that no one is as light and airy as Hanyu - Nathan's skating doesn't strike me as naturally beautiful and we have Boyang if we want Amazing Spider Quads (I promise I won't start again!) And when the guy with the best jumps has the most beautiful flow between them, how can you not regard him above the others?


lol, I'm arguing with your friend to myself.


Yuzu is the quad king...He could  jump all the quads if he didn't put so many transitions.he would have enough time to prepare and enough energy to jump 6 or 7 quads...he didn't do so, because he wanted perfect jumps and perfect programs. I always believe that..I can't wait for the debut of 4lz and 4A to shut you all (not us) up and make you all bow...and Yuzu to claim back his quad king title.:devilYuzu:


I never thought I could be so obsessed with someone...I was like a normal fan since SEIMEI until 4cc happened...I think Yuzu needs support from us to defend evil world...Now I am like :dpooh:everyday...

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5 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


I promised I would just lurk and get info on tickets and streams etc. but I let my guard waaaay down on here. Look at my rank, for crying out loud. :facepalm: I don't even use social media and this happened, or maybe that's why this happened. Anyway:animated-smileys-character-075: it's obvious this place is an opium den from which we can never escape. May God have mercy on our souls.

Same here, 0 experience on social media, ( please forgive me for my unawareness of some of the internet etiquette rule:sadPooh:, just planning to lurk to check out news on our beloved fairy and look what happens here, just posting away and losing my shyness quickly and feeling happy about it!:space:. In fact, my friends all congratulate me on my new interest because they have never seen this side of me,  very passionate about something, ,( I have to admit, I have no life before, just work work work:smiley-sick030:,) . And now I'm like:smiley-happy105: 

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I ADORE THE LYMERIC FEST. I wonder if my Haiku abilities are still somewhere there to translate them into English...hmmm...


On a side note, I've decided to show my mom who's fifty something what I'll be talking about for the next six or seven months Yuzuru's Seimei performance I had saved on my laptop, and her summary was basically that: "With ice skating, we watched pairs, dance and ladies because they were beautiful and gracious, while men were something like a show of power more than art. But he's pleasing to watch aesthetically, light and effortless, has everything men lacked before to be enjoyable. Oh, and he looks like he's 14, how old is he in this vid?"<-cue me doing a quick math on the dates of GPF '15 and Yuzuru's birthday (he was already 21 by then xD)


also me arguing that there's no way he's wearing a make up, but it might be I was blinded after Machida's Basil Glory(ious) Make up.

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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:


What in the...?!??!!?! HAHAHA :13877886:

HAHAHA! How come I haven't seen this?

You know those shows where participants have to keep from laughing whatever they do to you you/show you or else you get punished? I would totally lose it and burst out laughing if this were one of the things shown to me LOL!

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