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3 hours ago, barbara said:

Really?  When my late husband had his first bout with cancer, it was stressed that he make every single radiation treatment  Every single chemo - even on weekends.  Is there a way to stagger arrival times for the most needy?  Being the the waiting room with not just other patients but with those who rove them over and need to wait must be the most dangerous time for exposure. Keeping everyone who came along with the patient outside and asking them to not enter the building would lower the risk of exposure -unless the patient has already been exposed, I suppose, and then everyone is at risk.  What a dreadful decision to have to make.

Yes, normally you don't want to miss a treatment once you start, because missing a treatment gives the cancer cells a chance to grow back harder. So for example, all our patients currently on treatment must finish. But, depending on the biology of the particular cancer a patient has, treatment start can be delayed for a bit. Those are the patients you can turn away (for a short while). Sooner or later they still have to be treated

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1 hour ago, Figure_Frenzy said:

I left the planet for a few days and I am already 20+ pages behind here— that's a reminder for you to not underestimate the power of the planet 😅😅😅 even as we enter the drought season way earlier than we expected 😫😫😫


Corona rambles incoming↓

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I only started self isolation yesterday, after I got a bottle of hand soap refill now I am ready for self-quarantine! 😏😏😎After doing my laundry and buying a few more supplies (mostly food), I finally started staying at home. I should have bought the hand soap refill way earlier (I mean I already thought of it since Monday last week 😅😫), but by the time I went to the supermarket by last Saturday the hand soap refill was completely wiped out off the shelves 😫😫😫 ...oh well, at least people here in Belgium were smart enough to wipe out the hand soap as well, not just the toilet paper! :v :v. The minister reassured that the "essential" stores (ie. supermarket, bakery, butcher shop etc.) would remain open during this period (lasting until 3rd April), so there's no need for panic buying, but it happened anyway. :facepalm::facepalm:



Update: welp, I guess real lockdown starts for real  tomorrow (Wednesday) noon. It's okay, I have enough food supply 🙏🙏🙏


Anyhow, speaking of Yuzu's whereabouts, I feel like it's likelier for him to stay at Toronto, ninjaing as he wont to do during off-season 😃😃. The pandemic might already subsides by May in Japan, but even then I don't feel like it would be feasible to hold the ice shows as planned. It will be another unusually long drought but I don't mind having FS (...well, Yuzu really 😛😛) content only at the start of the new season (which is more like mid-September, amirite? 😛), rather than having him (and other skaters) risking it in ice shows in the coming months.


Anyhow, let's keep doing our own part during these trying times, wash your hands, and I'll be off to watch Yuzu's latest CBC interview 😄😄😄

Jason came home to the states, but that's a vastly different thing that Yuzu getting on a jet and going to Japan when there is no way to know when Canada would let him return.  I do hope he's in Toronto.

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It’s a good interview - a grown up interview, where most western interviewers, to my mind, try to infantilise him.  The Pooh reference came across as a genuine inquiry as to what made Pooh the iconic image for him, a question which I would love to know the answer to but probably never will, rather than one of those belittling questions we so often hear.  I wonder whether a Japanese interviewer will ever get that answer or whether it’s just a private thing he prefers to use the language barrier to defend.  

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For anyone who hasn't seen it, Scott Russell had some nice comments about Yuzu in the Facebook livestream he did with PJ Kwong last year. He is truly a big old Fanyu. :D Start at around 30:18 for the question he's responding to (what are your favourite performances by Ontario skaters -- he decides to include Yuzu at the end as an Ontario skater). You can stop at 34:38 if you don't care to hear some aggravating Saitama/~RIVALRY~ narrative though.


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21 hours ago, Frenchkiss70 said:

He is so considerate of his fans while staying true to himself. The bestest ever. I couldn’t love him more 

I cried during the interview of Yuzuru, then all of you made me cry catching up on this thread!! I've watched it maybe 20 times now (is that ALL???? I hear you scream!) and I have to say everything about Yuzuru here is lovely, endearing, captivating.....and that's just in an interview, never mind his skating!!  He looks so beautiful sat there in his seat in front of the open fire, cozy and comfortable. Scott does a great job of making him feel relaxed. But still, he looks special doesn't he? A very special sportsman, and that how Scott treats him. I love Yuzuru's reaction to praise - slightly embarrassed but pleased, Teary eyed but covered with a smile and giggle. His eyes are so .... true, you can feel his genuineness throughout the whole interview.  (I'd trust Yuzuru with my life, it feels!)  His love of skating is tangible, gosh we are so lucky to be here at this time, to know of this person, and to follow him and his performances.  This sense of how RARE he is, what a beautiful diamond of an athlete and artist he is, and what personal integrity he has ... you can't escape feeling it (well, I cant!). His love of TCC and the people there (good friends and experienced coaches), his time spent in Canada, the importance of his fans, the importance of the Japanese people to him and him to them, and of course the importance of coach Pooh with his lovely comforting face is all there, openly expressed.  And Yuzuru's cute joke about the forest (it's like his art, we dont mind experiencing it again and again!), the clips of his skating and the gushing comments made by commentators - it's everything he deserves.  If Worlds had gone ahead, I feel Canadian media and maybe Skate Canada too would have treated him like the precious treasure that he is.  I'm now thinking it's a shame really we didn't get to see how Canada used this big opportunity to show love for this beautiful, talented, magical adopted son of theirs. 

So in summary - I loved it! even though it made me :sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh:  (Oh I know, too gushy/sappy, but that's how I feel in this moment, post CBC interview!)

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1 hour ago, rubyblue said:

Last call if anybody else wants to help Yuzu troll USFS ;) Idk why I care, probably because I'm bored of sitting at home and reading bad news, so I welcome any kind of Yuzu-entertaiment.




To absolutely no one's surprise, Yuzu romped it home... but I just wanted to share the url for one of the voters' gif of Yuzu because it is so so so beautiful. 



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4小時前, TallyT說:


To absolutely no one's surprise, Yuzu romped it home... but I just wanted to share the url for one of the voters' gif of Yuzu because it is so so so beautiful. 



Never doubted that he would win:2lbkos0: , but I honestly don't understand why USFS would do such a poll to show how Yuzu is more popular than their skaters:oops:.

Just for the sake of clicks?

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7 minutes ago, CaroSkate said:

Never doubted that he would win:2lbkos0: , but I honestly don't understand why USFS would do such a poll to show how Yuzu is more popular than their skaters:oops:.

Just for the sake of clicks?

Yeah attention. There are many rounds. Its like a kind of Skating Awards. I think they'll do it next year too. I never vote. But i know there are many ppl voted followed their page for that poll.

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For anybody who gets the CBC, they're doing a 3-hour replay of 2018 Olympic figure skating (not specified which events but I imagine Yuzu's programs will be shown if they're doing highlights) this Saturday from 3 pm to 6 pm Eastern, to replace the Worlds coverage that was supposed to go there, I imagine.


It isn't as if you can't just watch the programs you like online any time, but there's something fun about it airing on TV, for Muggle family members to be forced to witness and be converted. :D 

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