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  On 1/11/2019 at 9:23 AM, TallyT said:

We probably shouldn't keep it up, no... but while part of me disapproves if their privacy was breached, another part can't help being rejoicing at just a glimpse because of how free and beautiful and yes, joyous, Yuzu looks to be skating like that.


Conflicted is hardly the word (and I can't pretend I haven't watched it several times).


PS - now it's out and has been spread, I hope Yuzu and Javi will be okay with it and realise the fans just want to know they are both doing well.


While I agree with not spreading a sneak video, I'm torn because I missed seeing it before it got taken down. Very glad to hear that Yuzu is back to good form though...

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Speaking of forbidden videos, I found this adorable video that I'm 99% sure is Yuzu, but it's probably not supposed to be on the internet and fortunately is very, very short, has very few views, and makes no mention of who's in it or where it was taken.


But take my word for it, guys. It's adorable. :snonegai:

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  On 1/11/2019 at 5:08 PM, ralucutzagy said:

Both, Otonal and Origin are amazing programs! :tumblr_inline_mto5i4jHv61qid2nw: I hope he will keep them ... but he never kept both his programs for the next season ... IMO he will stick with Otonal.


But Otonal was already almost perfect at CoR so I dunno. But I'll take whatever, Yuzu is really full of wonderful surprises :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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  On 1/12/2019 at 2:32 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

I'm jumping on the 'keep Origin' bandwagon, myself. IMO he hasn't performed that program the way he wants to, even once yet, and in my eyes it's the program that most clearly expresses who he is as a competitor and a person. 


Why keeping so problematic program? Wouldn't it be better to move to something other, maybe even more interesting?

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  On 1/12/2019 at 2:57 AM, Paskud said:

Why keeping so problematic program? Wouldn't it be better to move to something other, maybe even more interesting?


I also hope he will move on.  It's also problematic to me for whatever reasons... He hasn't performed it perfectly yet so its full potential is unknown. Still I'm not sure judges appriciate it as much as they did with Otonal. And I'm all for something new and even more interesting :tumblr_inline_n0o1ffHUs91qid2nw: I want him to work with Benoit Richaud whose choreos convinced me more than anyone (OK, I know it won't happen)

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