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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


@Xen started it... :peekapooh:

Uh, no I did not. Let's stay away from that. 

Last I checked, Yuzu is at 74% in that poll, with Adam at 10% and Nathan at 14%, poor Dima at 2%. 

Wonder if Adam will overtake Nathan. In which case, no wonder Adam wasn't in the SP poll either. :2:

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8 hours ago, dodobirdo said:


:thanks: That makes sense! Thanks for clarifying!

Names in Japanese (in general, like first names, last names, places) are so difficult to know how to read, they often do not follow "normal" rules and can be quite creative (you could never guess some of those). Even though there are a lot of them that are quite obvious and common, sometimes you can really be surprised.

Typically, all paper work comes with two rows for names : one for your kanji name and one for the reading. And names of places (like in stations) are often written with furigana so you're sure how to read them.


7 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


I read on twitter that staff said there were around 6000 visitors from opening til the afternoon. The line went from the 8th floor to the 1st then again til the 6th floor... I felt 2-3h wasn't so long when you know the Japanese standards so I went to check on some blogs/tweets. Seems an average of 5h total to queue to get in + queue to go in the goods sales + queue for the cashier was quite a standard (add to that the time to queue for the exhibition, which seemed more feasible in the afternoon)


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What went on, probably.

Left pic: 

Yuzu: Hey Patrick, can i have your gold medal? 

Patrick: No can do. This here's MINE. 


Upper right pic: 

Yuzu: You won't give me your gold medal? Are you sure? 

Patrick: I'm more than sure. This is MY GOLD MEDAL. 


Lower right pic: 

Yuzu: ... 

Patrick: (What's with that smile? Is he plotting something against me? But no, this is fluffy-wittle-innocent Yuzu. Maybe he's sad. Hah, too bad for you, i still won't give you this gold medal.) 

Yuzu: (Ok, i'll let you enjoy your gold medal for now. 😏) 

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7 minutes ago, Erin said:


What went on, probably.

Left pic: 

Yuzu: Hey Patrick, can i have your gold medal? 

Patrick: No can do. This here's MINE. 


Upper right pic: 

Yuzu: You won't give me your gold medal? Are you sure? 

Patrick: I'm more than sure. This is MY GOLD MEDAL. 


Lower right pic: 

Yuzu: ... 

Patrick: (What's with that smile? Is he plotting something against me? But no, this is fluffy-wittle-innocent Yuzu. Maybe he's sad. Hah, too bad for you, i still won't give you this gold medal.) 

Yuzu: (Ok, i'll let you enjoy your gold medal for now. 😏) 

I still wonder what was going on when he first jumped onto the podium, kind of flailed his arms in Patrick's direction & then quickly composed himself. Looks like he was giving a "ta-da!" to the others but thought better of it...


Don't know why I want an "official" explanation for this, it's just so funny & endearing to me. He had the best entrance for sure :)

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9 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

Pardon me for asking this here but  if I have an image saved on my PC, how can I post that with my reply??

Can a gentle soul please tell me how to do it? :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

You can upload the pic in imgur then use the link to post here

i can only embed the link from my computer , not from my mobile though 

hope it helps


im not crying 

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3 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

Pardon me for asking this here but  if I have an image saved on my PC, how can I post that with my reply??

Can a gentle soul please tell me how to do it? :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

upload it to an image hosting service like imgur, get the direct link (it should finish with .png, .jpg or any iamge format) and then copy and paste the link here in your reply. It should be automatically embedded but sometimes it takes a while to show up.

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14 時間前, Toniさんが言いました:

Ahh, John Curry. I loved him because I was a ballet dancer. He was also sooo long. 1972 was my first, though. I was eight. 


Meanwhile, we are like-minded, although I strongly disagree with one thing you said. I say Yuzu puts MORE preparation into his jumps than anyone else, not LESS. Remember that one of Yuzu's coaches (name? having a senile moment) specializes in gaining speed and energy from minute movements. Watch the lazy rhythm Yuzu develops as he works toward his jumps (his 3a is the best example.) Watch his feet -- effectively rocking side to side. He isn't launching into his jumps with no preparation. He's using all these steps AS his preparation -- not just to increase his speed, but to launch himself in the right direction.


Haha. And yet, it appears as though he's preparing less. So more is less. And less is more. I think you and @micaelis are both essentially saying the same thing. 8D


14 時間前, Toniさんが言いました:

I think this is his most brilliant skill, and as a Tibetan Buddhist, I have a special appreciation for this talent. What he's doing is very Tantric -- to use the problem itself to solve the problem.  He's so used to this counter intuitive prep, I bet he'd have trouble doing a straight run at a jump.


Accurate. 10/10 would agree again.


13 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

I don't want to spoil myself with the video, but this definitely looks like a more proper exhibition... I loved the one in Sendai in November, but that was really small and really mostly all posters. And I have to do some maths... But really, that goods part looks like a Yuzu supermarket! They should have included some of the stuff he does CMs for lol Since one is at it, they could also throw in some gum, chocolate, detergents and razors. lol


I know you were there and saw it for yourself and although I can't say the same for myself, I can't help but feel that that one was a proper exhibition in its own right, too. It had a different concept and it chronicles the station's coverage of him over the years, showing us Hanyu's journey through their eyes. It's a very thoughtful and personal (for a TV station) gesture that I feel has something that's all its own, like a quiet homage from the local media to the hometown hero, who has soared beyond that to become a national-no, an international-no! An interplanetary? No, not even that. An intergalactic one! (Haha how's that for a hyperbole? Tho I'm not so sure it's one...)


This one is a different, and a much bigger monster altogether. But still a very thoughtful gesture by the corporate sponsors who put this together. It really shows how much he's appreciated even by those who would usually only seek to gain from him. There's still a lot to be gained here but I get the impression it isn't overt and doesn't quite have the feel as though these sponsors are milking his name for all its worth. The opportunity they are taking seems minimal and only logical because people would want something to take home with them. And by limiting the number of goods being sold (or so I've heard) and making the event a traveling one with only a couple or so weeks for each stop (i dunno the exact date for each but maybe the one in Tokyo is longer than the others given the location?) they are not taking complete advantage of his name and oversaturating it. The tasteful way it's being done interspersed by the cuteness (wow, the toe sock gets to make an appearance too? Tho it looks more like a kappa's foot to me, if kappas were black in color, with the way the toes are made to spread) communicates sincere appreciation, affection and respect behind the organisation of these exhibitions, which is no less than what Hanyu deserves. But man, do the Japanese have a thing for queuing up or what? Like the longer, the better. Still, like what you said, this will likely taper off to more manageable levels as the days wear on.


I'm also willing to bet that the sponsors who invested in him from early on in his career must feel like those who made early investments into Apple and Google. Only theirs come with a side of sincere and personal affection and pride.


12 時間前, Danibellerikaさんが言いました:

They might be his real medals.  Perhaps he's temporarily lending them out to the exhibition, but when it's over he will get them back.  I doubt his olympic golds are there though. Though did I hear his sochi medal is on display in Sendai? In that case I would think it's a replica or something. 


I imagine he'll need his Oly pretties for the Emperor's garden thingy. Since Kasai won't be around this time to show off his haul, he's going to have to step up to the plate like the good kohai he is.


11 時間前, Malekoさんが言いました:

OMG! I want to be there :sadPooh::squishedPooh::Poohgaveup:



With the depature of Javi I'm glad that Boyang exist 








Has anyone ever done this for the meme involving the guy out on a date with his gf but got his head turned back to run an appreciative gaze over another girl that just walked past?


10 時間前, dodobirdoさんが言いました:

Oh dear, the hanyuconomy is something else! With how much I find myself wanting to buy this, this, and that --oh wait yes and that one there, too-- I suppose I must resign myself to the 'good fortune' of being on the other side of the world :13877886:


...that being said, does anyone know if there will be second-hand, international sellers for the exhibition's merch (similar to japanhomemaker for CiONTU merch)? For a purely theoretical thought exercise, of course :biggrin:



:5a7ce9d358326_offtopic1: Just wondering, after seeing the post about Yuzu and Yoshiharu Habu being invited to the imperial garden party: despite having the exact same kanji for their family names (羽生), for Yuzuru it is pronounced as 'Hanyu' and for Yoshiharu, 'Habu.' How common/rare is it for a family and/or given name to have multiple possible pronunciations? And when faced with such a scenario, how do native Japanese speakers figure out the correct pronunciation of the name (for non-famous people, at least)? Would it require spelling it out with hiragana regularly?



Guess in his own way, he really is making it rain money. But also in his typical fashion, it's not just himself he's making it rain on.


And about the name thing, the answer is most don't really know for sure until they ask. They can assume tho, and sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't.


3 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:

Romeo in the window at night.




...I don't really care where we go on our honeymoon so long as i have you there right beside me making me laugh...


1 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:


  Reveal hidden contents

Free c-section, tho.



...and be horrified. Usually at the same time.


On a more serious note, I wouldnt want to be a Hanyu anything in Japan right now. Not an anti nor a fan. You don't win either way. >_< Well, maybe being a fan would be more bearable now because of the blissful euphoria as opposed to the anguish of seeing him everywhere but the financial consequences that come later...ouch. Not that any of us would regret it.......but  I dunno if that's so much better, haha.

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