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Everything posted by Murieleirum

  1. Now that you've said it, it's obvous. Lol! This is what Ambesi has always hoped for and I have to agree with it. Let the computer judge the completedness of the rotation - and let humans judge everything else that is not mathematical.
  2. SE is a technical feat, not so easy but since it is often executed, it's kind of taken for granted. He does it after landing his first quad, and it counts as Transition. The impression that he's "giving up/wasting 5 seconds" is that: just an impression. In a time where Men's skating has just become crossover, jump, crossover, jump, he goes there and shows that skating is also quiet, calm stillness. It reminds me a lot of Chopin's beginning. He does maybe 2 or 3 strokings, covering a lot of ice and still with his body. Very different from Nathan's very busy Nemesis beginning. But it did work. Because every movement was efficient and elegantly executed. That SE has a meaning and I want it to stay. He just has to master its execution going into it and out of it.
  3. I think he's not going to change anything! Somehow I think Seimei 1.0 and 2.0 was an exception, a delay in the making of the costume. But he did tell us that it wasn't finished yet. This time, he hasn't spoken about costumes at all, so I think they won't change.
  4. Aaah I can't wait for the cameras to catch the Pooh + Goat + Nessie rain!
  5. In the last two years, Yuzuru was competing, in his first GP, against athletes whom, against him, were always overscored (Chan, Chen). This year, it's not the case. The only one I can think of is Kolyada with his -3 and -4 falls, and with him being Russian, but... my mind cannot conceive that happening. So. I'm going down with Yuzu as well. Till the end of the line. Always. Yadayada.
  6. Oh! So he recorded it! Then it definitely, 99% is Yuzuru's new Exhibition piece. And I couldn't be happier!
  7. I got the exact same score in Skate America and Skate Canada... I'm thinking someone cursed me
  8. So eating and figure skating is not really compatible... before it's impossible to eat unless you want to throw up, and after it's impossible because I am not hungry xD
  9. Talk about spinning, my friend got me a spinner for present. I am obsessed and I keep having nausea out of practice. Tips to reduce nausea when practicing spins? try to center them all the time?
  10. It's a beautiful song!! Worthy even of being chosen as warm-up song for Yuzu himself. Pity he mostly listens to Japanese rock.
  11. Every time Yuzuru competition time comes, The Final Countdown starts playing in my ears and won't leave me until after the Gala. Halp.
  12. https://mobile.twitter.com/max_ambesi/status/1056274778338803712 Max keeps blasting people lol take cover
  13. I've picked CoR from the start because usually one of his biggest upgrades happens between the first and the second GP. In late October there's not much time for concrete improvements, but in November-December, he's already 4 months in hard training... and it's usually then that he starts getting the results.
  14. Maybe at the end of the season the 3 last spots will be given "Best jinxing" medals??
  15. So today we finished the stage with Luca c: HE LIFTED MEEEEE But I don't know if I have a video yet. If I do, I will post it lol, but the force pulling me outside was so strong, my headbend flew off of my head LOL. And I screamed. I didn't know lifts were so Extra. And Luca laughed at my red face. Adorable. Also, there was one guy in our group who was always skating on his own, and could do everything flawlessly. Luca called him Yuzuru Hanyu LOL.
  16. I love this little story, it sounds very Yuzuru-ish. And I don't give a fuck about haters and I think Yuzuru learned to do the same. So I really don't think everything Yuzuru says is top secret because living like that, hoping that no one shares what you say... who would live like that?
  17. Jackie thinks he's the only one who's ever skated to know that? Max Ambesi was a skater, too. But you can see from his answers, he's trying to invent things. Only because Shoma doesn't slip off of his edge, doesn't mean that he doesn't put weight on it. Being the last foot to leave the ice, how could it be possible that there is no weight on it??
  18. *gasps* so I'm not the only one who upgraded from blind guessing to slightly educated guesses...
  19. You should see in first person! I'm sure his crossovers would persuade anyone. (My bf forgets to reply to my messages so he deserves nothing, I can escape with Luca Lanotte anywhen) Also, they taught us mohawks, inside edge and outside edge, we did some three turns as toeloop entry and some did single toeloops (I wanna learn iiiittttt), I once again realized I have no edges, Luca spoke to us about the weight in the shoulders while doing forward and backward crossovers. Basically, he said to put weight on the shoulder parallel to the foot who's doing the pushing (for backwards crossovers), the foot who's crossing over basically. Because if you put the weight in the shoulder inside the circle, then the line is a little bit too tilted towards the centre of the circle, because already the inclination of the feet are bringing you in - so to kind of balance that out, the weight on the upper body actually goes on the outside shoulder. It was very interesting. Also they told us how to put our arms up when spinning or jumping (letting the arm pass in front of the chest, under the other arm and going up, and not behind the head or something else). Then towards the end Luca got heart attacks because or jumps landings were very dangerous, I basically landed a Waltz jump with the free leg's knee at the height of my chest, and a colleague of mine managed to underrotate a Waltz because she got nervous about Luca watching her and just stomped on the ice LOLOLOL. Basically, we are so not serious.
  20. omg yessss he and Walter Rizzo were soooo kind... Luca is soooo beautiful and his crossovers. His crossovers are to die for. Never seen such softness before my eyes so close. Since I was the less advanced, he gave me a hand a couple of times and aaaahhhheeedddwww he so soft. I am in love. We will have 2 more hours on saturday and the plan is to ask Luca to lift me. I wanna do a lift. Oh Yes.
  21. Yes! Ask them to sneak record you! It sounds like the best plan c: Tonight and until saturday, me and my colleagues will be lucky enough to do a small masterclass with Luca Lanotte... it will be my first time meeting him and I am so excited, but on the other side I don't want him to think ill of me because I can't skate at all... but at least I am young and pretty so maybe he won't hate me
  22. Favourite one is LGC/H&L. Aaaah I cannot see the videos on the phone. But I want to join the Matsuoka Yuzuru interactions fan group.
  23. I don't feel like any of his programs look alike... the same move can have a different meaning/feeling every time it's done. But I understand if it's seen that way.
  24. He did scream a lot during his performances! In Boston SP and Nice FS at least. I would like to add something regarding Yuzuru's "typical elements". They are never there because they are necessary. The only necessary moves in FS are the technical elements required. So, Yuzuru is never under the obligation to put one element or the other, and I don't think he's ever thought "where should I put the hydro in this program?". It simply comes to him, while he's choreographing with Shae-Lynn (it could also come to her), to add the element because he wants it there. Because he has fun performing those elements. But when you are at the start of the season, you have to force yourself to remember all the steps and turns you have to do, you have to force yourself to listen to the music, and you have to force yourself to calm down because it's your first competition after 7 months... yeah, it's not gonna be easy to sell all of those elements in a convincing way, and they will probably look 'not necessary'. What I'm saying is - give Otonal and Origin some time to mature, and when they'll be ready, every single step into those programs will have meaning, every single step will be "necessary" because the programs will be whole. (btw, he did give up Biellmann spin, so it's not like it's impossible for him to change some elements inside his skating. This year he has a whole new set of spins!)
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