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Everything posted by Murieleirum

  1. Okay, this subject is the one that I hold most dear regarding figure skating, probably. Being a musician, duh. There are some splendid proposals here! I'd say Dvòrak's New World is definitely among those. In classical music, there is literally endless possibilities. I hope Yuzuru's team is working hard to find the best possible music ever for him. Something new and original. I don't quite care about other people's warhorses. They might be easy to skate to, but figure skating definitely needs to broaden its musical horizons. For real. For today, I'll just propose a piece that has been on my mind for a while, for Yuzu's Short Program, which is Stravinsky's Petrushka, dance rùsse: http:// This piece is fast, smart, virtuosistic, aggressive, dynamic. No other skater but Yuzuru would be able to skate to something like this. The accents appear randomly and switch places from one phrase to another - certain phrases look perfect for a spin, some accents are perfect for a jump. There's a middle, soft break to insert (for example) a beautiful counter-3A. And then, right after, the perfect phrase for the StSeq. But, you know, things can be arranged in many different ways. But I just- I see him skating to this. I feel like the music could fit into his skating and bring a wave of life and energy on the ice. Only little problem: it's, like, 20 seconds too short. But I think Yuzuru's team might be able to do something about it, they are very good at modifying pieces without damaging the music. The second piece I want to propose is for a hypotetical Long Program, and it's Ennio Morricone's Finale di un concerto romantico interrotto (Finale of an Interrupted Romantic Concert). It comes from the movie Canone Inverso, which is wonderful, and the music is, of course, wonderful as well. We often talk about how a piece needs a lot of ups and a lot of downs - there aren't many downs in this piece. It's glorious, from start to finish. But I've tried putting this together with Hope and Legacy's layout (just to see whether the music could allow some space to the skating) and I was amazed because most jumps fit in the accents and the changes of the music PERFECTLY. *enthusiast squeal* This piece is for piano and violin, with orchestra. There are parts in which the violin is highlighted, and parts in which the piano is alone, and so on. It's very romantic. Ennio Morricone is a musical genius. I hope you people will appreciate this choice! There's only one problem here, and it's the same as with the first piece: too short, by 20 seconds. But, oh well. They can make something up.
  2. The last part of this video, with Yuzu's 4A attempt, really makes you notice how higher the jump has to be for the 4 and a half rotations to fit in. When we'll see 4A, it will be obvious. It's impossible to mistake a 3A with a 4A for someone with a little amount of training, because 4A is visibly 'much more time in the air'.
  3. I would like to give out my 2 cents regarding 'pressure' and the ability to perform under pressure. Every skater has some sort of anxiety before skating at a major competition. Just like (in my life experience), for example, every musician has anxiety before performing a musical piece at a concert. It will happen all the time, to everyone. The crucial difference between some musicians and some others, or some skaters and some others, is the following: when you give yourself fully, to the performance and the spectators, when the performance reflects not only what you've done but who you are, when every time you perform you are naked and vulnerable in front of everyone - then it goes without saying that the anxiety is gonna be way more, the pressure is going to be way more. Personally, I am 100% sure that this is the main difference between Yuzuru's relationship with his anxiety, and other skater's anxieties. I don't feel that Nathan Chen gives himself completely, naked, to the audience every time he skates. I don't feel that with Shoma, either. I felt it with Patrick Chan when I watched him live. Because being vulnerable and giving yourself completely through your performance is what makes you a mature skater or not. Of course, I do see room of improvement for Yuzuru and his relationship with his worries and anxieties. I think he is able to be vulnerable, weak, fragile, to give himself completely, and still keep that confidence in himself that can make him perform miracles on ice. It's not something that he manages to do all the time, but when he does, he is unbeatable.
  4. Ciao Lys! Grazie del benvenuto! :pbow: Hai ragione, il rischio di non vedere nulla e non avere contatti con nessuno degli atleti c'è, l'ho considerato. Alla fine non è che si può scegliere la mansione preferita da fare, se si è volontari xD Diciamo che sarebbe un altro tipo di esperienza, rispetto al comprare i biglietti, sedersi e godersi lo spettacolo. Ecco, come vantaggio c'è anche che non bisognerebbe pagarsi i biglietti. Magari se faccio gli occhi dolci agli organizzatori riescono a venirmi incontro? :devil: <---- *una faccia del genere*
  5. I knew uncle Max would be blessing this site very soon. I hope to meet him one day, he has truly become a person I admire deeply. Every time he likes a comment of mine on facebook I get that tingly feeling in my chest!
  6. L'apriporta della pista credo sia il lavoro più difficile perché devi cercare di non svenire dall'emozione HAHAHA però mammamia che bello. Allora per ora bisogna solo andare sul sito ufficiale tutti i giorni aspettando che venga attivato. Tutto quello che hai detto suona più che allettante! E mi sembra una bellissima esperienza. Credo anche che le chance di essere scelti dipendano anche da quanto velocemente gli invieremo i moduli di richiesta, nnnooo?? *la speranza* Se così,, metto Milano 2018 come home page al posto di Google. LOL.
  7. Ciao Gaia! Wow, dal 2008, ammiro la costanza della tua fedeltà a Yuzuru negli anni! :yes: Come funziona provare ad offrirsi come volontari? A me era passato per la testa di chiamare e chiedere di offrire aiuto lavorativo durante l'evento, però non ho mai fatto una cosa del genere, quindi probabilmente avrò bisogno di assistenza tecnica xD Se tu mi sapesi chiarire la cosa, mi salveresti! :love:
  8. http://i.imgur.com/gCZHXoI.gifv Omg, this is my favourite together with the "Yuzuru Hanyu from China" reaction face. Because there's Yuzu just doing his thing, and then there's Plushenko looking at him with heart-eyes, and then he turns to Javi and they exchange looks like: P: "But have you seen this cute little dork next to me" J: "I know right"
  9. If this is possible, I would like to arrange a marriage with Hana wa Saku (花は咲く), the whole performance. Doesn't matter which version.
  10. Guarda, ti capisco benissimo, da disoccupata anch'io mi sono indebitata con mia sorella (che mi ha regalato i biglietti per le gare) e altre genti varie pur di poter rientrare filo filo del volo per Helsinki. L'alloggio, botta di culo, l'abbiamo trovato su coachsurfing. Milano 2018 si spera che accadrà grazie a qualche miracolo simile xD Ma io dico... ma perché Yuzuru non può venire a pattinare alla pista di Cornelia, qui a Roma, che è 20 metri quadrati e se cadi ti fai il bagno perché è completamente sciolta metà del tempo?! :rofl2:
  11. Wow, dev'essere impegnativo tradurre un video del genere - di sicuro si impara molto riguardo i nomi italiani dei passi e delle transizioni e di tutti gli elementi tecnici! Nemmeno io sapevo che 'turns' si traducesse con 'becchi' xD Sono sicura che avete fatto un lavoro molto accurato, non vedo l'ora di vederlo! Credo non mi stancherò mai di quella versione di Hope and Legacy. Sento ancora le stesse emozioni che ho sentito sul momento, in quell'Arena, bwaaah *si emoziona di nuovo*
  12. Ciao a tutti! da Roma qui vi saluta una fan di Yuzuru piuttosto recente - da questo dicembre, appena dopo il GPF c: Spero di poterci riunire in tanti qui! Già su facebook, nel gruppo di pattinaggio artistico gestito anche da Max Ambesi, le lodi a Yuzuru non finiscono mai. Credo che l'Italia abbia un amore particolare per lui (chissà perché... xD)
  13. やりましょう。本当にありがとうございます! イタリア人フィギアスケートのファンは殆ど皆さんゆずるさんのファンですね。多分Massimiliano Ambesiのおかげですね。^^ こんにちは。はじめまして。 私も今日本語を勉強しているので、お互いに頑張りましょう!友達できたら嬉しいと思います。 よろしくお願いします! :yay: ありがとう! はなさんの日本語はとてもすごいです!  ちょっとはなさんのほうが上手だと思います!  よろしくお願いします  :s_drinks こちらこそよろしくお願いします☺♥ :love: 本当にありがとうございます! 
  14. こんにちは皆さん! 私はイタリア人、日本語を勉強して、ゆずるさんのファンです。始めまして。 私の下手日本語がごめんなさい。自分は磨くのが願います。友達に会うも願います。 よろしくお願いします! ^^
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