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Everything posted by Murieleirum

  1. I'm here and ready!!! Bring it on, my sister won't come home sooner than 2 hours!
  2. I was searching for an onomatopeia that could best convey the sound of flat heavy blade hitting the ice... did I fail? xDDD We should get a tattoo of Shu-Pa and have people ask us what language is it and what does it mean hahahaha
  3. I jumped loop! Yus! The only problem is that instead of landing with PA I'm still landing with TOC full blade full weight.
  4. Can you believe he is a literal ray of sunshine
  5. I actually second this idea! Not only to clear up the general chat, but to have a venting place in general - regarding skating stuff. It happens pretty often during competitions and also off-competition that there's gonna be burning debates about this and that, and I think it would be a nice idea to separate those from the rest of the discussions, so that the general atmosphere could be more pacific.
  6. Practiced Loop and Lutz during the last lesson! Lutz is crazy. Like, I didn't quite get the dynamic of the jump until they took me and made me do it. I couldn't fully rotate one though, and the same goes for the Loop, which I actually do rotate, but I have problems landing on the right leg LOL - which is my left leg because I am a leftie. I think I have problems with landings in general. It scares me much more than the take-off!
  7. Those magical 6 weeks. We know Yuzuru's been skating on the ice without particular discomfort since some weeks ago. But even considering the chance that he didn't start jumping yet, if he starts at the beginning of February, he will have 6 weeks to peak. So I do believe that he can do it, and I hope he will be at his top shape in Saitama. He's used to have glorious comebacks now, and he's used to extreme pressure. It will also be his first time to skate in Japan since... WTT 2017, wow. 2 Years. I am sure that his desire to compete has never been this strong, except pyeonchang, tbh.
  8. I feel the same thing with my Edea skates, which are not high level boots. My feet are particularily 'large' at the arch area and it's been a hassle. Yesterday I was starting loop practice but when I go in my deep edges, you cannot imagine how much my bones presses against the boot!
  9. Actually that fast sequence of cat-cow he does is pretty difficult to do right. You have to do it with a big movement extension and if you do it it brings your heart rate up because it takes a lot of core muscles. I think it has something to do with jumps and the speed with which he has to go and close his body tight for rotations.
  10. So today I didn't jump a single salchow lol, but I learned how to do pistol pose! (it /is/ supposed to scratch a lot with the tail of the extended leg, right?)
  11. Hey, I started jumps and my backwards crossovers still suck jumping is just a matter of courage really, but the hard thing in skating, for me at least, is to do things cleanly and with a good technique, meaning executing even a simple step (like crossovers) in a beautiful way. So don't you worry about jumps for now. Even though you will probably start jumping waltz jump in less time than you think.
  12. Temporarily messing up the tempo of his 3A (which he is still landing btw, I think you are worrying too much without objective basis of concern) will not compromise his mission to land a +GOE 4A. And then of course practicing 4A will not stop him from practicing 3A. One thing is competition and another is practice. Plenty of people here already told you that his 3A's in practice were perfect. So I don't think overall he's messing it up at all.
  13. I rewatched Helsinki recently with the ita esp. It was obvious that there were troublesome ice conditions, and in fact Yuzuru was probably the only man left standing without even a fall at the end of the LP. But all of his jumps lacked the usual height, because of ice conditions. In the case of COR LP, his ankle was bad so it cannot be judged. In the case of the SP, this season was by far the best early season out of all his years as a senior, because he never once fell on a jump. He was clean all 3 times he skated. In the past, he usually nailed the 3A because he messed up the quads, so he put extra-focus on the 3A. I would say, on the contrary, that his 3A has become more beautiful, because it's become bigger and tighter. But this is just my opinion. EVEN IF 3A could have been influenced by 4A training. Even if it objectively was (which is not 100% sure), I'm sorry but... what gives? We're talking about 4A here. Yuzuru would gladly give up some of his 3A's perfection if it meant jumping a perfect 4A. I love 3A as much as the next person, but Yuzuru always wants to progress in the sport and jump new things, and 4A in particular has always been his dream. So I don't really understand people hoping that he doesn't mess with his 3A. Please Yuzuru, mess with your 3A as you want. It's all part of the learning process, and I think supporting Yuzuru as a sportsman also means understanding his vision of the sport, or trying to. He will never give up training the 4A because there is a risk of losing consistency in his 3A. And he shouldn't.
  14. Absolutely. That gong was made for 4A. I know how he thinks in terms of music and choreography because I think we share the same obsession of making everything fit with the beats of the music.
  15. Get inside his mind. The landing of the 4T3T at COR wasn't perfect at all. And I'm sure he's seen all the other moments in the program where he wasn't absolutely perfect. So I don't think he thinks he's perfected it. I think he wants to perfect it at Worlds. So everything depends on Worlds really... if he manages to skate perfectly or near perfectly both programs at Worlds (God, I hope so, I'm so down to see a perfect Origin live) then maybe he will feel the need to change air next season. But I do think that he thought Origin would suit 4A very well... maybe the 4A will be the main reason he will keep the program next season, if he does end up keeping it.
  16. I vote yes. LGC as short and Origin as Free, can you imagine, would the judges even survive till the medal ceremony
  17. Guys, I can't help but highlight the importance of Yuzuru's announcement regarding his goals for next year GP! I've read in the past weeks here some preoccupied users sharing their worries for his health. It's true, we didn't know anything about his rehabilitation up until now. We knew that his ankle went through a lot of distress and even if we knew that it was less severe than last year, I personally wasn't too optimistic about his overall condition. But now? If he's declaring that he wants to win everything in the GP next season, it means that he's probably sure he's going to fully heal, if he hasn't already fully healed, which means that his injury wasn't a permanent one, he is really going to come back in full force. I am so happy because of this
  18. Thanks! Yes, especially with the layback I think it should also help if we're going on a straight line. Btw it's outside edge on the front bent leg and outside edge on the back leg, right? I will practice it on a line next time c:
  19. thanks!! I definitely only trained on one side so I should work hard as well!
  20. Soooo I filmed some stuff today. Good stuff I'm confident about (SE and IB?) and Salchows (not confident lol I hate them fuck them). If you have suggestions and see something I should fix in my jumps and Salchows please share. Things I know: my exits are terrible (gotta practice those backwards balances).
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