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  On 6/19/2019 at 8:28 PM, Louitunes said:

Five hours ago it was 27 ish hours to announcement.  We should have had a countdown!!  :curse:



  On 6/19/2019 at 8:35 PM, mercedes said:

I'm confused,i thought it ws tomorrow(June the 20th) around 5-6 pm Central Europe time:confused:



It is around 5 or 6 PM.. Jack tweeted it'll be announced around midnight JST which would be 5 PM local time (Central Europe/UST+1). Though it was tweeted a bit before 3 PM saying it's 27 hours to the announcement which would be 6 PM, but I think 5 PM is more likely.

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  On 6/19/2019 at 8:35 PM, mercedes said:

I'm confused,i thought it ws tomorrow(June the 20th) around 5-6 pm Central Europe time:confused:


I was going on the time  @sallycinnamon posted which said 5 hours ago and the quote of 27 ish hrs in the link.  However realise this is prob off.


Her post said around 5 or 6 PM local time (UTC+1).



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time for my belated opinions:


Men: I hope for lots of Yuzu fancams, so kinda rooting for no NHK for Yuzu, but I know he'd be happier skating in Japan so I'm torn:tumblr_inline_mnvwrg4ssV1qz4rgp: (but since FaOI Toyama is selfishly keeping all the footage from me, I'm gonna give priority to my wish for FANCAMS and praying for no NHK:10640793: sorry Zu) I hope JSF is sensible enough to give Yuzu and Shoma different assignments. Other than Misha in COR and Nathan in Skam and Boyang in CoC I've 0 idea of where everyone will go. Kinda excited but not biting my nails, contrary to last season...(well since I already know for which comp I'll try to get tickets). tho I symphatize with all of you who are waiting to see who will go where and fight for tickets, I know the feeling:consoling2:

Pairs: just excited about everyone, just thoping that we'll see more pairs than last season :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw: Just... curious about ID LOL Just hoping all my faves will get a nice chance at the final...


Ladies: well, bloodbath for sure, and I have too many faves already so I'll be screaming in frustrations about the assignments anyway. I'm already imaging a field like NHK18 but repeated for all six GPs:13877886: probably there won't be "easier" fields, there will be at least 3 ladies who have landed quads in comp + at least 2 with 3A, so some of them are already bound to meet before the final anyway.. .Likely Sasha and Anna will have different assignments, not sure if any of them would meet Rika...maybe they could,  they would likely have more chances than most vs a cleanish Rika and maybe Rus fed would want to "protect" the veterans... IMO unlikely that Alina and Rika will meet, I kinda expect Rika vs Zhenya and/or Lilbet and Alina vs. Satoko and/or Kaori, like this past season. Rika will probably have less room for mistakes since her BV advantage would be likely not as big as in the past season (or not, waiting to see her full FS layout). Quadless and 3A-less ladies will have 0 room for mistakes, since even UR quads now are gonna have higher BV (and PCS will likely follow BV, in some measure)

I hope Alyona K will have 2 assignments, I wans't even conceiving the idea of her getting only 1 before coming to this thread:59227c768286a__s: I kinda hope that she will upgrade her BV a  bit, tho, I don't know how much she can count on GOE and PCS not only against skaters with quads/3A but also Alina or even clean Evgenia. Of course everything can happen, but since there will likely be multiple skaters going for high BV, not just one or two, + a number of established senior skaters, IMO a repeat of what Sofia did (getting to the final with only one Lz in the free on virtue of her consistency) will be harder...

Mai...poor bb, I hope she can avoid having the worst fields all the time:tumblr_inline_n2pjcykAXc1qdlkyg:

I suppose I should stop worrying about who can make it to the final and just enjoy each GP:tumblr_inline_mw5grieCFe1qid2nw:


the announcement will happen at a nice hour for me, nice:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


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Love the anticipation and debating after we know, lol. 


Yuzu can handle any field, at any event, so it is not a big deal who he competes against and it becomes more of a *how much footage will we get* kind of thing.... so in that vein, hoping selfishly against NHK:) and hoping for SC where they are usually very accessible. 


Interested to know where the 3A will be unleashed and who has to face them first....


And I am really hoping Mai gets good assignments for a change... with her scores last year she would have won SC, so I hope the skate gods are with her this year....hmmm, SC might be good since we def have no big names of our own (unless gabby is recovered)....

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  On 6/20/2019 at 5:22 AM, Fay said:

The GP assignments will be announced later, it seems. They delayed it...


Source? More info? Anything? Argh!! :headdesk: :68468287:

  On 6/20/2019 at 6:17 AM, Fay said:

They say tomorrow. This tweet claims it’s tomorrow 



LOL thanks, we posted at the same time, it seems.


Okay, June 21st it may very well be, then. Guess I can sit back and relax. 


Actually, I can sit back and relax, regardless. I decided I was upset enough about missing both Finnish and French GPs last season due to sad personal circumstances, that I might just as well make up for it and buy tickets for the French GP. So I did. :dancingpooh: I don't really care who shows up (although am partial to Papadakis/Cizeron and the Russian and Japanese girls), as long as *I* show up. 

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