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2019/2020 Season Program Announcements

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According to his Instagram post, Mitsuki Sumoto has finished making his new SP with Nanami Abe. Although he hasn't revealed the music, he said the program turned out really nice and fun to skate.
As to the FS, he will keep Mi Mancherai.


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I think this is a better music choice for Jason than last year's LP. Its hard to know how the whole 4 minute program would be base on 15 secs video. And DWilson is not known for good take/approach for warhorse



Ting Cui will keep her SP. She announced her LP music through IGhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BxV7zhSlqgn/

Long program: composition of ‘Wayward Sisters’ and ‘Table for Two’ from the Nocturnal Animals Soundtrack

Finally a non warhorse choice.



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On 5/12/2019 at 8:25 AM, Katt said:

And DWilson is not known for good take/approach for warhorse

Hmm. He's done good Chaplin, Romeo and Juliet, and Les Mis. 


For Jason, I hope they use his flexibility in the right way for this program. It could easily start to appear too "grand" and therefore disrespectful with the overall theme (although it's up for debate if they'll end up utilizing the song's association with the movie and its topic), but used in the correct way and fine tuning his performance quality to go with it could work wonders. 


Assuming they do go with the movie's topic, though, I'm not sure that it can be done justice with the kind of requirements we have for spin positions and footwork requirements. Almost inevitably we'll have overtly busy footwork that detracts, and a sit or camel (and definitely intermediate) spin position that doesn't work at all.

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