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Media Day 2018

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4 minutes ago, Xen said:

I highly suspect there is a longer footage just not shown yet. This was the one show that had that tour of TCC right? 



1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:

I am certain there is longer footage, and not just by Fuji but it is very possible they're not actually allowed to air more than this right now. They can tease as to get folks interested but until he actually shows up at ACI (or maybe even longer, depending on what they filmed) it could be that this is all that they can show.


FUJI TV (channel not the app) is going to air Figure Skate TV on 8th - next Saturday night 23:00 - 23:55 pm JST so it may be more footage then.  If any other media is allowed to show more footage from the media day is unknown...

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If I remember right, back in 2016, they focused on H&L and its layout (mostly 4lo) more than LGC. The showed part of stsq and chsq from H&L, abit from LGC and zusa and all. So its probably the same this time. And this might be we haven't seen the best parts yet :rock:


As for fuji tv, in 2016 they announce special interview in media day but in D-day we realize they cut it into 2 parts and have to wait one more week.  

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