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Media Day 2018

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Over the past few years Yuzu has often said in interviews that he loves skating itself, that sometimes when things get too difficult in life, his only happy place is on ice. So I guess what's behind the "getting back to enjoying skating" is not that he somehow lost his love for skating, but that the love was interwoven with so many meaningful but heavy stuff, like his fiery ambition, the expectation from his country, disproving some people's doubts etc, that it became impossible to have simple enjoyment. But now, with the stakes off, he can enjoy all he wants.:softYuzu:


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I am so happy about the new programs! I understand that a lot of people were hoping for something more modern like LGC or something like a tango, but personally I love classical music and ballet so.. I'm living for the Nijinsky tribute. Otonal also seems beautiful, although I can't really say much since we've barely seen anything of the programme itself. Really though, Yuzu can do whatever he wants, I'm just so glad he is still skating  :10636614:

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1 hour ago, monchan said:

Why do I feel he alr succeeded landing 4A in practice and just wait to settle it in the competition... I mean the common sense is you don't like to mention what you can't do yet at the moment so specifically :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:


Of course not, Yuzuru Hanyu will NOT be remembered for having landed the first UR 4A! He will be remembered for having landed a perfect, magnificent, celestial, light, fluffy, smooshy 4A... oh God I want it now... 

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