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Guess the New Programs! (and win nothing if you do)

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  On 4/14/2019 at 4:02 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

I think it's too soon to make predictions but I'm expecting a new short but a recycled and revamped Origin. Just a gut feeling I have. 


I think if Origin gets recycled it'll be for- *gets gagged*- Be-*gets gagged*

Okay, but seriously may the skating gods hear my prayer and give Zuzu a Taiko drumming SP and an FS to gladiator?

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  On 4/13/2019 at 4:47 PM, Henni147 said:

4. I know that Hydroblading and Ina Bauer are very important to him, but it might give the judges a feeling of "Yuzuru-I-can-only-do-Ina-and-Hydro-Hanyu" after so many repeats even with different arm-positions etc. What do you think? Should he keep/reduce/skip them in competition? I love these moves, but I fear that people could get tired of them... 



I don't want them to eliminate the hydroblade or ina bauer per se but I do want them to change things around a bit. Move them from the choreo sequence to another point in the program as a transitional element like R&J 1.0's Ina Bauer for example.  Without the extra 30 seconds at the free skate, if you include both at the choreo sequence it ends up being just it, a hydroblade and an ina bauer.  I wonder if we'll see next season this Ina bauer before a 3A that he did at ACI practice, probably upgraded into a 3A sequence: 


At 6:25


Because it's absolutely gorgeous!  (it also kind of matched the background music on this practice :laughing: )  


I hope that he will not stop experimenting with entries and exits even with the change of layout. At least that post Worlds interview calmed me down a bit since he did say that this is one of his prides in his skating and if he stops caring for it he will lose his identity.


But I do wonder if the choreographic quality of his free skates will suffer even if just a bit as he pretends to add 4Lz/4F/4A (?) ... And who knows what more, If his ankle let him.  

Maybe it won't, but the absence of those 30 seconds worry me a bit.  I selfishly wouldn't care if he didn't add any of these but he wouldn't be Yuzuru if he didn't want a challenge. And he's absolutely right to think that according to judges' eyes the message is that he needs at least a 4Lz.  At an ideal world this wouldn't be true but it is now and he has to deal with it if he wants to keep competing and undoubtely winning. 


I really don't know what to expect/suggest for his programs! But I do hope that it will be a relatively unknown piece and/or less commonly used in skating. No warhorses and enough with recycling.


When he revealed SEIMEI it was rather early, at an ice show, and everyone was just "What the heck is SEIMEI??"  And searching for the song on youtube but no one could find the right track because SEIMEI wasn't the name of the song but just the title of the program. :rofl2:It was a great mess.  After years of R&J and especially POTO during the excruciating POTO season that 2014-2015 wasit really was a breath of fresh air.  Similar for H&L but since there was SEIMEI previously, it was more like a relief that he chose again a different and beautiful piece, at least for me.


2019-2020 could be what 2016-2017 was:  different music choices, new technnical content. 


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Just a note here, because everyone seems to be interpreting this differently: there's more to Yuzu trying to reintroduce 4Lz and trying to get 4F than just a quest for higher BV or more candies from the judges. As I understand it, he also mentioned (in a post-WC interview) that having only edge jumps other than 4T is a serious disadvantage for him because edge jumps are more affected by ice conditions than toe jumps are. 


So he's looking to improve his strategy and give himself more options. I think it's a really smart thing to do, especially if you consider how often the ice has been soft at competitions this year. Because he's great, he's managed to overcome this without too much point loss this year, but why not just skip the stress and give each program a 'good ice' and a 'bad ice' layout? 


Planning ahead, always thinking - that's our boy. 






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  On 4/14/2019 at 10:36 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

Just a note here, because everyone seems to be interpreting this differently: there's more to Yuzu trying to reintroduce 4Lz and trying to get 4F than just a quest for higher BV or more candies from the judges. As I understand it, he also mentioned (in a post-WC interview) that having only edge jumps other than 4T is a serious disadvantage for him because edge jumps are more affected by ice conditions than toe jumps are. 


So he's looking to improve his strategy and give himself more options. I think it's a really smart thing to do, especially if you consider how often the ice has been soft at competitions this year. Because he's great, he's managed to overcome this without too much point loss this year, but why not just skip the stress and give each program a 'good ice' and a 'bad ice' layout? 


Planning ahead, always thinking - that's our boy. 







It's only sad that both F and Lz add burden to his right ankle, so, while those would offer a competitive advantage, he has that big limitation too, additional risks skaters with more healthy ankles don't have atm.




Since I'm greedy, I'd like if Yuzu had a new set of programs, so gonna say:

SP upbeat with fast stsq that will make me wonder once more "how on earth he doesn't trip?". I may or may not be rooting for a tango or spanish guitars or full rockstar mode:biggrin: 

FS some soundtrack, with some big moments for jumps but many breathing moments (more than in Origin, so he has energy for the jumps and for getting those level 4) and a dramatic crescendo towards the end.


Ideally I'd like to see jumps more distributed like H&L with chsq or another spin to separate jumps. Maybe he could go for SE in his chsq, since judges like them (and his SE are beautiful), a stag leap or sit twizzles, 'cause I like them:tumblr_inline_n2pjcy6tMv1qdlkyg:and IB into final jump like he planned to do with first  Origin layout.

You know, the funny thing is that Yuzu was doing exactly what many seem to wish - use his signature IB and hydroblade as transitions, add new things like leaps and sit twizzles and new spins, have a different chsq -- but ACI was what it was, and I'm not only talking about zen!Yuzu saying bye bye, but in general other people and judges not being impressed --. So tbh while I wish for those changes idk if it would make things better for him from a scoring point.

(Also, I still count Origin chsq as starting at least from after 3F3T, because there's virtually no break there and the combo is a transition...And no one will persuade me to change idea):squishedPooh:

Idk if we can expect long spirals from Yuzu, long SE/besti squats are IMO more likely. I'd like to see him end his program with stsq once, instead of a spin (actually, a tango or rock sp would be perfect for that...)


Back to predictions:

At least one program will have japanese music.

Taiko drums would be lovely, or more japanese composers, or it could be that he keeps HYK:67638860:

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  On 4/16/2019 at 1:52 PM, LadyLou said:

It's only sad that both F and Lz add burden to his right ankle, so, while those would offer a competitive advantage, he has that big limitation too, additional risks skaters with more healthy ankles don't have atm.



It's a risk either way at this point...if he does an edge jump on the wrong ice conditions for edge jumps he could hurt the ankle again too. I'm guessing that having more options is better from that perspective as well.

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I predict one warhorse program and one program to fresh not-much-used music, either Asian or modern. But I predict that if he chooses an Asian piece, it's not going to be to traditional/classical japanese music but an unusual take on it.

Warhorse program guesses - something Latin-ish like Adios Nonino, or balletic like Firebird or Nutcracker (don't kill me), or some big Italian opera piece like Io Ci Saro (sp?).

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I don’t see why he should abandon layback IB and hydroblade - it’s not as though anyone else is doing them better or indeed much at all.  Lot of SE, few anywhere near the quality of his, the odd cantilever,  the rest is pretty pedestrian stuff outside spins and jumps, step sequences seem to be meh too again aside from the odd exception.  To someone who is bored by them I would say “what is it you want to see then?  “.  To which the answer is probably quality crossovers or balletic ankles/arms or a nice rink long lead into a big jump like Brian Boitano used to do or something similar..

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  On 4/17/2019 at 1:33 PM, Sombreuil said:

I don’t see why he should abandon layback IB and hydroblade - it’s not as though anyone else is doing them better or indeed much at all.  Lot of SE, few anywhere near the quality of his, the odd cantilever,  the rest is pretty pedestrian stuff outside spins and jumps, step sequences seem to be meh too again aside from the odd exception.  To someone who is bored by them I would say “what is it you want to see then?  “.  To which the answer is probably quality crossovers or balletic ankles/arms or a nice rink long lead into a big jump like Brian Boitano used to do or something similar..


Nah I doubt anyone can ever do anything better than when he does it. I personally want him to ditch most of his signature moves because I want to see different things from him and I am sure his team and he are capable of this. If we were to compare his programs with the rest then well he could just pretty much walk on the rink and still be more interesting to watch lol I just want to see the Y spins and more spirals but idk its not even about what the judges will think bc they will see what they want to see anyways. I dont know how much longer Yuzu will compete so I wanna see something new 



Guess new programs!

He probably will keep both or at least Origin and up the tech.


what I want tho

sp: something fun and upbeat. can never go wrong with this. or something cool like Mission Impossible 

fp: a piece from Joe Hisaishi pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

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