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4 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

I liked the savage expression at the end of the NHK 2015 Chopin.


"So scary!" (Taking the phase from Yuzu himself when he stood on top of the truck for the Sendai Olympic victory parade.) :laughing:


TBH, I nearly had to change my pants when I first saw his piercing killer eyes as they played it back in slow motion. And then when the  slo-mo ended, it flashed to Yuzu's innocent smiling face in the Kiss & Cry – hard to believe it's the same person!

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1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:


I am wedded to that playlist :laughing:
It's not just good for watching but whenever I search for something, I just find the year and voila, solved. 

BTW the 1tvdance Helsinki FS is gone. ISU, in their great wisdom and desire to popularize skating, filed a copyright on it. Because of course.


Makes you wonder WTF they are thinking... Oh, they aren't thinking!

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3 hours ago, Geo1 said:


What's intimidating is Yuzu's icy cold stare.

Imagine he's in the competition with that kind of pose and killer stare:bow:...he is just like a warrior with looks that can kill, charging ahead and annihilate everything on his path...his opponents will be  like :smiley-sick030::smiley-sick030:.  But the funny thing is that he'll return to his adorable self with cute smile and bowing to coach...:smiley-love017::smiley-love017:I remember in some interview ( sorry don't know which one) some skaters said they feel intimidated by Yuzu ' s presence on the ice rink..

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1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:

Reorganized the summary section for readability (also a shout out for beautiful SEIMEI 3F!). Magazine reports & longer broadcast specials that come out later will have their own posts with links added in this post for organization.


Here you go folks, all in one, thanks to our @gladi


Yuzuru Hanyu 2017-18 Media Day: Master Post


Yaaaas.... murderface exit!



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12 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


I'm so happy to find other people who feel the same! I always appreciate when women wear pants - it looks so much better, the dresses seem either hypersexual or infantile a lot of the time. It's probably no coincidence that my favourite Yuna routine is in pants. 


Goddamn that heteronormative nonsense. I can't wait for the day when they allow same-sex pairs. I don't necessarily mean gay romance but something beyond romance altogether. People complain about the men in pairs being gay and unable to fake chemistry anyway (bullhonkey) and that attitude just goes to show that those disciplines are stuck in relationship mode. I really like the exhibitions JButt/Pchan and Daisuke/Stephane did together in ice shows and I think they could form the basis of a wonderful new category of skating.



I hadn't really seen much or paid much attention and my impression ofher was "sassy sexy teenager" - probably her ex - which didn't interest me much - but I just watched her worlds FS and LOVED IT! She seems a bit unrefined but I don't care! :dancingpooh:


Let me venture even further off topic, and excuse me for saying so, but where did the powerful thighs on female skaters all disappear to? Is it an asthetic choice or are a lot of women unable to build that kind of muscle? Midori Ito - another favourite and criticised for not being feminine and graceful enough - had that power and those thighs. 




I guess the problem with same gender pairs is that it makes judging harder. You can't really expect the same rigor from a man-man, woman-woman or man-woman pair. I think at this point, there might not be enough same gender pairs to have a separate category of their own.  But that being said, why must all the pairs skate like they're in a relationship?  Unless they're a couple in real life as well, I don't like to see fake chemistry. Why can't we see a platonic program? It'll still be beautiful with good choreo and good skating. 



7 hours ago, ruruzest said:

I love love love reading your posts, looking for it all the time :smiley-love017:, love your dead pan, sense of humor and witty thoughts, 

nononono , don't talk about r****ment, just the thought of it drives me to depression, and I don't think he will though, he has to go to Milan to secure three spots for Japan right ? And yesssss! Beijing 2022 please!


He'll be as old as Javi right  now so it's possible. I'll love to see Yuzu skate for at least 2 more seasons after Pyeongchang 2018, but I don't know if my heart can survive another olympic season.

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21 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



+prolly a bunch of posts with similar sentiments (only came in after the 922 mark):


I suppose pissed/disappointed is a natural reaction for a lot of people but I feel it's more something they can't help doing to themselves rather than any real influence from outside forces.


Hopefully those of you who are harboring some disappointment or resentment will fully come around before he actually goes out there and proves your anger/disappointment unjustified. Because I think if Hanyu had gone with new programs, even if the programs are new and the tech gets an upgrade, essentially, we'll be seeing the same process all over again. The guy will struggle in the early season and by the second half, it's a gamble on whether he nails it or not. As an audience, my reaction would be:


Early season: ....man I wish I knew how to fall like that.

Mid season: ...okay, he's getting there...hopefully...maybe...

Late season: Let him pull through please let him deliver oh please oh please oh please *shushes heart whining about over-stimulation*


Which is completely fine, during the mid-cycles. I daresay it's what I prefer, even.


But come the Olympics, while the whole world's watching, building consistency leading up to it to show the world perfection (which gives them the illusion that the skater was born able to skate like that) is the game. Especially for Hanyu, who's remembered as the guy who won with a WIP skate, he has all the more reason to show them his finished product, and while this finished product is something FS fans think they've seen before (seriously, I think we ain't seen nothing yet), it'll be something completely new to the rest of the world. Imagine the amount of new fans the sport would gain if he and everyone else manage to do what they're aiming to do in PyeongChang. The future possibilities for the sport are just...


If the Grand Prix series and World Championships are more about the fans, the Olympics is about the world, bigger than just us established fans. We always forget that. This is the one chance skaters get to actually make their sport appeal to a wider range of audience, and although they usually squander it by making it seem boring, with all the quadmeisters and Hanyu trying to deliver his absolute best (only possible at this point with these two programs, but the rest of the world don't know that, and they don't need to) this time around, it'll be different.


I think ISU has been waiting all their lives for something like this, and it's actually happening. And it's dependent upon the strategies of all the leading contenders. I guess that kind of explains the judging last season. Cos if the quadmeisters provide exhilaration and excitement that get people pumped up, Hanyu's performance, if perfect, would seal the deal, showing them what a perfect FS performance that's both sport and art at the same time, is really like in its ultimate form.


Hanyu has done so many new things and pushed the sport forward so much and this one is just another form of something new, really. This is a major, major step forward, people, and not even a slight shuffle back. Maybe it's harder to see since it's hidden underneath the giant vehicles we call "programs" (and that's really all they are, vehicles--more on this later, maybe) but rest assured what he's attempting this season is something he's never done before, and I don't just mean the layout (since him upping his tech is really nothing new) and if he's successful, the result  will be something *nobody*, FS-fan or no, would have ever seen before.


Hanyu is the sort of skater you'd never dare to keep your expectations too high for even while knowing that at some point, he'll probably wow you, so you only dare to remain very hopeful, in normal seasons, because the former is just folly when it comes to Hanyu. Right now, though,  I'm actually having high expectations, not just hopes, because I feel there's a good chance they will actually get answered. You know, kinda like making an informed decision when making a huge investment. I think I'm finally more or less on the same page as @meoimawhen it comes to Hanyu and the Olympics. He'll do fine. I think. xxD


At this point, I'm actually wondering why more people aren't already doing what Hanyu 's doing. Experiment and improve like hell during the mid-cycles, and then pick the best stuff from these mid-cycles to polish for delivery to the entire world in the O-season.  They don't even have to do it exactly like him (increase tech content), but only maintain their best efforts (meaning no downgrade, which most skaters until now seem to resort to doing). I really do think this would open more people's eyes to the appeal of figure skating rather than those who somehow managed to stumble upon it themselves. It would kick the doors wide open for people to flow in, rather than the trickle all this time.


This may be the only time in a long while we'll get to see all this happening, the effects of which would dramatically change the very future of the sport, and the major role Hanyu will play in it. Wouldn't you all rather see this then what is more or less, while very exciting, essentially just another mid-cycle attempt?

:clap:This.... Ugh... This... Perfectly said.... And reading this post I suddenly remembered he said something on the lines of "We haven't seen everything yet"... It gives me tge chills :slinkaway:

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Bringing this from the Figure Skating Bulletin Board (thanks @ralucutzagy!).

It seems TV Asahi will be showing the best performances from the previous GP series in a 3-hour special.

We might see Seimei!


Here's the description from the website. Someone might be able to translate?




14 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:



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