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  On 8/29/2021 at 10:38 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

Thank you!


You know, I know it's easy for us to diss T-shirt and jeans skating costumes when other skaters wear them....but Yuzu just looks SO. DARN. GOOD! In them....:13877886:


It's really not fair...I'm dead again over here.:8788161:


he looks good in... everything! morover when he skates he really could wear anything: I guess he could skate in a pooh-san costume (I'd love to see that :D ) and still we would all be mesmerized.

:smiley-music025:"you're jut too good to be true, can't take my eyes out of you...." :smiley-music025:

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  On 8/30/2021 at 12:06 PM, gaia said:

he looks good in ... everything! Plus, when he skates he can really wear anything: I guess he could skate in a pooh-san costume (I'd love to see that  :D) and yet we would all be mesmerized.

: smiley-music025:"You are too good to be true, I can't take my eyes off myself ..." : smiley-music025:




:wave:  the fanyus: ah YES Gaia to see him skating in a Winnie costume would be fun  :girlsigh: (I went to see and it exists) and in addition Yuzu being crazy to  :puddingpooh:  find one easily and THANKS for the photo with Javi and therefore, he is in Italy ? and he has that the Mediterranean has to cross 


Here is a video (that's all we can offer you) which is named "everyone loves Yuzu" (ah GOOD  :wink2: ) but I know, having read you that he has detractors and haters .... and j 've seen small details that have not seen with the naked eye and I was able to understand, since there is writing and to read the conclusion 



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  On 8/30/2021 at 3:34 PM, river said:

You know he won’t be wiggling anything if LMEY is anything to go by…


(Sorry Yuzu, the commitment to that particular bit of choreography was not what it could have been…)


Noooo lemme dream!!!! :tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:

In his defense, he's missing our LIVE and LOUD encouragements to really unleash the beast. Oh I wish to see LMEY again with full live screaming audience. It's gonna be deafening :muahaha:

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  On 8/30/2021 at 12:59 PM, amylance1215 said:




Yuzuru says beautiful things, he really does.  I don't personally think he cares about translucent skin, but I do think he cares about truth and beauty and finding moments of these in our lives. The examples he gives show his poetic soul. I know its an ad, I know he makes money from it, but he doesn't say the usual stuff, he does try to relate things to his own experiences and attempts to help us do the same. 

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  On 8/30/2021 at 4:13 PM, Pammi said:


Yuzuru says beautiful things, he really does.  I don't personally think he cares about translucent skin, but I do think he cares about truth and beauty and finding moments of these in our lives. The examples he gives show his poetic soul. I know its an ad, I know he makes money from it, but he doesn't say the usual stuff, he does try to relate things to his own experiences and attempts to help us do the same. 


Yeah even though it is an ad, he used the overarching theme to relate to his own experiences and explore much deeper meanings and philosophies. This is not too far off from him talking about cats and animals in a beauty blog :68468287:

Yuzu does not do or say anything that he does not believe in. And you can tell when he does something scripted, he gets a bit awkward, endearingly. His honesty and integrity boost credibility to the brands he represents, that's very valuable.

Not to mention he's beauty reincarnate so we get the whole package. And a soothing voice to boost! 

Typing all this has me smitten all over again :10636614:

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  On 8/30/2021 at 2:56 PM, amylance1215 said:

I can imagine him being all sassy while wearing a cute Pooh costume, blowing kisses left and right while wiggling his butt :tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5:



Unpopular opinion here, sorry, but I don't wish to see Yuzuru in a Pooh costume. :eek:

First of all, I love seeing his beautiful body lines, his postures, his movements even when he is fooling around. Second, his costumes are so gorgeous that I don't like to miss any opportunity to see him wearing one. Third, he can already be cute without Pooh costume and with mascots, no need to be one. Fourth, the interaction between Yuzuru and good ol' Pooh or yuzu-Pooh doesn't need to change. Fifth, there are enough Poohs in a venue where Yuzu skates.

And I think Blinding lights made up for the "wiggle issue" (it wasn't one for me) in LMEY.


  On 8/30/2021 at 4:29 PM, amylance1215 said:

Yeah even though it is an ad, he used the overarching theme to relate to his own experiences and explore much deeper meanings and philosophies. This is not too far off from him talking about cats and animals in a beauty blog :68468287:

Yuzu does not do or say anything that he does not believe in. And you can tell when he does something scripted, he gets a bit awkward, endearingly. His honesty and integrity boost credibility to the brands he represents, that's very valuable.

Not to mention he's beauty reincarnate so we get the whole package. And a soothing voice to boost! 

Typing all this has me smitten all over again :10636614:



I fully agree with this.  ...Staying for his character...

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Details on Yuzu's Gyoza. So now he is a food scientist too :hihi:


"According to Ajinomoto, Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu was the key to developing dumplings for athletes, after he publicly declared his love of gyoza by saying, “Even if you don’t have an appetite, you can eat gyoza” and “Gyoza increases your energy“.


Our reporters may be good at eating gyoza, but they’re not so good at sketching Hanyu, who’s been showered with Winnie the Pooh plushies from fans ever since they noticed him using a Pooh-shaped tissue box at every event"


=> The Yuzu in question 😅




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