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2 minutes ago, Fay said:

Can it be not last, please? Stunning photography at breathtaking proximity, though, you literally see those muscles work... delicious. 

Oh, I'm sure Jordan has more Skate Canada footage, but how much more does he have of Yuzu? But I do hope there's more. 


Also, about the *ahem* viewpoint ....:love::redface::heartpound: ....yeah....why do you think I'm in need of resuscitation right now, after all? 

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On 2020/7/6 at 午後4時44分, daisyjuneさんが言いました:

I successfully could get two Nishikawa files A and B!!!:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

At first the site was completely down and I couldn't proceed at all. I almost cried (hahaha), but after hitting F5 like crazy for thirty minutes, I could reach to the shopping page and bought two towels. First I chose a file B (Masquerade one) . I was so relieved:10636614:, and  then I tried another towel. It was relatively smooth to buy the second towel. I chose file A, very careful not to choose Hiepita :68468287:


There's still chance tomorrow, so don't lose your hope! Tomorrow at noon, there's another sale on line :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

My advise is at 12:00 you should put the good into your cart (also, don't choose cheap ones because they are popular and will be sold out quickly), then just keep hitting F5. After 12:30, I felt the site moved faster and I could go on more smoothly, so don't give up before 12:30. I read many people could buy the towels between 12:40-13:00.

Good luck!:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:




Reading your post, I realized again that I'm lacking guts that you have.

I could reach the site today, but there was no File B left.  So, I gave up :0002:


TBH, I'm not so enthusiastic in collecting Yuzu goods usually.  Sometimes just trying to get Lotte cleafiles that are much easier to get.

Or, I seldom buy such novelties at the competitions or shows, even the brochure.


But, this Masquerade file attracted me a lot, as it is my most favorite program of his now.  I love R&J1, H&L, and of course Seimei, but when I saw Masquerade performed at Makuhari on TV last year, it was so cool and astonished me that I couldn't hold back some strange moaning sound coming out from my mouth (embarrassing) :tumblr_inline_mh8pweVDqw1qid2nw:

I felt he was a genius skater, dancer and actor at the same time.  He created a drama of some minutes there.


OK, I'll buy magazines with Masquerade pictures more, and wait for the broadcast of FaOI 2019  :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:


The leather costume at Makuhari :10636614:

So sad as probably it would not come back.



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57 минут назад, rockstaryuzu сказал:

Oh, I'm sure Jordan has more Skate Canada footage, but how much more does he have of Yuzu? But I do hope there's more. 

There's a photo in one of the photobooks where Yuzu is going through the corridor backstage with Origin hair and determined eyes and there's Jordan with camera at his side - me wants that video too! But for now I'm going to enjoy this one some more and more and :10742290:

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Ahhh new (old) Yuzu footage!!!!! (when will Jpn broadcasters be like Jordan and release all the hidden goods? There are at least 10 years of footage somewhere in their archives!)

Yuzu bowing is already lovely&special in normal speed, with slow mo even better. THAT smile at the end, while looking into camera?:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:

That really makes you feel "seen" :tumblr_inline_n0o1fhfhFY1qid2nw:

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2 часа назад, rockstaryuzu сказал:

:13877886::13877886::10742290::10742290::5918bda872cf0_0006(2):......send help....a defibrillator and some smelling salts, please....


Jordan saved his best for last, eh? And I whole-heartedly agree with the sentiment. 

I can look at it endlessly! The main thing is that without fainting, the concentration of beauty is too high.:) And that smile is at the end!

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3 hours ago, Fay said:

Can it be not last, please? Stunning photography at breathtaking proximity, though, you literally see those muscles work... delicious. 


@Fay what muscles in particular did you watch working and find so delicious?


Let me take a wild guess – the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles?

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3 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


@Fay what muscles in particular did you watch working and find so delicious?


Let me take a wild guess – the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles?

(Blushing) ... Er... yes. But his back muscles are great too. All in all, what a dish for eyes! 

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