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Re: us Yuzu fans being bawling brawlers/brawling bawlers


This whole video is extremely relatable. Oh Nobu :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: Truly one of us (except he must have known about Yuzu's remaining injury which is why he must have been bawling so much after Chopin.)

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OT and extremely random, but I whenever I watch gala practice videos and such, I find myself wondering just what other skaters honestly are thinking when they watch Yuzu skate..... I mean, some of the moments when I'm been most impressed are when he's just skating around and doing stroking and somehow he does things that just looks inhumanly smooth. 

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  On 3/16/2018 at 12:00 AM, OonsieHui said:

OT and extremely random, but I whenever I watch gala practice videos and such, I find myself wondering just what other skaters honestly are thinking when they watch Yuzu skate..... I mean, some of the moments when I'm been most impressed are when he's just skating around and doing stroking and somehow he does things that just looks inhumanly smooth. 



@kiches had a fancam of Yuzu's gala practice of Notte Stellata at SC'16 and you can see the skaters on the other side of the rink just watching him..

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Thanks for sharing these fancams! I sometimes find fancams better than the official vids. They make me feel closer to him. And the excitement when he comes closer to the camera is unbeatable.

I really want to see him in a live competition but it's next to impossible...  :crybaby:So fancams are the next best thing (after live streaming).


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That gala practice felt really special, he created an incredible atmosphere that was entirely different from the actual exhibition later in the day. 


I’m not sure if it was the lighting, the less empty arena, or what - but it felt like Yuzu was skating in his own world and allowing us a glimpse into it. 

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  On 3/15/2018 at 9:11 PM, qactus said:

But! It did get me wondering—so we obviously know that yuzu not only enjoys skating competitively but just genuinely enjoys skating in general to the point that being on land feels "unusual" LOL, so I wonder if whenever he gets a lot of time off, does he eventually reach this point where he gets bored when skating isn't filling his time?? Does he miss the ice or is that time very much appreciated as a resting period that he enjoys as just a resting period bc he knows he'll be back on the ice eventually?? Is there a good balance there?? I know it's yuzu, but I kinda wonder just how far his love for skating extends in this regard, not limited to a competitive sense, especially now that he's reached his biggest dream? It might just be an obvious and simple answer, but I'm curious what you guys think!



It's hard to guess because we don't know what goes on in his private life. However, the few glimpses that he gives us indicates that he is rather focused on FS for almost every aspect of his life. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: Examples: He relates his university studies to skating. When he played MonHun he named his characters Salchow and Toeloop. During behind the scenes of commercials  (and even his movie cameo) he would comment that he would rather skate of it's easier to do a quad...  When he talks to other athletes he would always talk/ask about how their sport can relate to FS. He does image training at night... I think the only thing that can rival his love of skating is his love of earphones (which he sacrificed for Pyeongchang :smiley-laughing021:).

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  On 3/16/2018 at 1:09 AM, kiches said:

That gala practice felt really special, he created an incredible atmosphere that was entirely different from the actual exhibition later in the day. 


I’m not sure if it was the lighting, the less empty arena, or what - but it felt like Yuzu was skating in his own world and allowing us a glimpse into it. 


I agree, I was there too and that practice session was unexpectedly glorious! I'll never forget the moment he came out on the ice in his Swan costume, I'd seen him leave and didn't think he'd be back. I looked up and he was skating RIGHT at me!


I know I gasped, he may have heard me, he was pretty close for a moment LOL. And I was also moved when I noticed all the skaters stopping to watch, what a huge sign of respect!

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  On 3/15/2018 at 9:11 PM, qactus said:

Okay just to backtrack a little—reflecting on this whole experience, I almost want to laugh at it all cause man, we really thought yuzuru was okay and healthy again like "yES, he's BACK, he recovered in time and although short, his training has probably gone pretty well bc damn he looks great and secure in these practices!!" 💀💀💀I just remember feeling so stupidly excited and relieved especially after his third practice with him throwing that 4T-1Lo-3S-1Lo-3S in front of nathan lmAO a true it's over for you hoes moment. 



Wow the psychological warfare was real!!  I watched barely any practices online partially for my own sanity, partially because the were geoblocked, and partially because I just didn't have the time, so this sequence is news to me and boy is it glorious!!  Looking at all of these fancams I am finally getting off my bum to upload mine.  I've not even watched them since those days so it'll be fun to relive a bit.  Curious how my screaming there stacks up to my Helsinki screaming.  


As for the rest of your post, I think Yuzu likes to have goals for himself. I feel like successful people like him don't relax for too long because they don't know how to do it.  He'll set his mind to what's next even if it requires patience.

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