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Thank you so much for all the translations!  You are all very dedicated fans and I really appreciate all of your efforts ! Yuzuru takes such detailed ,color-coded notes on his training not only for the lessons learned from mistakes or success but also as his own motivations at difficult times to go back to his notes to find encouragement. Such dedication! Such diligence! Even his academics are intertwined with skating. His whole life is dedicated to skating. I hope with all my might that all of his hard works will reflect greatly on his performance!  I admire him so much as the athlete who always strives to improve. And he hasn’t visited Niagara Falls yet!:sadPooh:


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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


Yuzu will get an updated phone! :laughing:

Actually, as far as we know (unless I missed something), he'll get his first phone lol (It's one of my random curiosities, whether he's finally 'graduated' to phones or not... but I guess with this he'll definitely get one. As far as I know, Samsungs are rare in Japan, though. Most people seem to have iPhones or local brands there. Mine is a J5/2016, from work, but it does its job lol)

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5 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Actually, as far as we know (unless I missed something), he'll get his first phone lol (It's one of my random curiosities, whether he's finally 'graduated' to phones or not... but I guess with this he'll definitely get one. As far as I know, Samsungs are rare in Japan, though. Most people seem to have iPhones or local brands there. Mine is a J5/2016, from work, but it does its job lol)

Yeah they are loyal to their own...and Apple.  But I'm about that Android life.  Swype or go home. :laughing:

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Appears there's some trouble with Pyeongchang tickets in Japan - a travel tour company in Tokyo (Green Tours) was selling A seat tickets to PC mens event. Tickets + hotel sales were totalling approximately 100,000,000yen (I assume in total sales) but the Korean agency in charge of confirming the tickets could only guarantee B or C tickets. The fan featured was a Yuzu fan who goes to university who paid 130,000yen (approx $1500AUD holy shit) for an A ticket with a credit card and was told she would 100% get A tickets, but then they gave her a choice to cancel or downgrade to a B/C ticket seat so she cancelled. However, she still hasn't received a refund and seems to be the case with a lot of other people who cancelled. The tour company apparently has to return over 45,000,000yen )): hopefully everyone who bought tickets here to PC have them already, I feel so sorry for her ;;

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Just now, kaerb said:

Appears there's some trouble with Pyeongchang tickets in Japan - a travel tour company in Japan (Green Tour) was selling A seat tickets to PC mens event. Tickets + hotel sales were totalling approximately 100,000,000yen (I assume in total sales) but the Korean agency in charge of confirming the tickets could only guarantee B or C tickets. The fan featured was a Yuzu fan who goes to university who paid 130,000yen (approx $1500AUD holy shit) for an A ticket with a credit card and was told she would 100% get A tickets, but then they gave her a choice to cancel or downgrade to a B/C ticket seat so she cancelled. However, she still hasn't received a refund and seems to be the case with a lot of other people who cancelled. The tour company apparently has to return over 45,000,000yen )): hopefully everyone who bought tickets here to PC have them already, I feel so sorry for her ;;


holy shit that's terrible D:

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4 часа назад, ruruzest сказал:

Thank you so much for all the translations!  You are all very dedicated fans and I really appreciate all of your efforts ! Yuzuru takes such detailed ,color-coded notes on his training not only for the lessons learned from mistakes or success but also as his own motivations at difficult times to go back to his notes to find encouragement. Such dedication! Such diligence! Even his academics are intertwined with skating. His whole life is dedicated to skating. I hope with all my might that all of his hard works will reflect greatly on his performance!  I admire him so much as the athlete who always strives to improve. And he hasn’t visited Niagara Falls yet!:sadPooh:


I agree with all your words. For the bolded part I'll only add that I admire him also as a person dedicated to his "job"/what he's doing. I think it's quite rare (I'm surely not like that at all :laughing:). But he likes what he's doing so that's great!

I'm now also thinking about rewriting my Japanese class's notes with colourful pens :laughing: so it will be more easy to use them for repeats/learning. I need to organize this black mess anyway (and my grammar book has important parts in red which stright away catches your attention so I think it's useful).

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8 minutes ago, Lunna said:

I agree with all your words. For the bolded part I'll only add that I admire him also as a person dedicated to his "job"/what he's doing. I think it's quite rare (I'm surely not like that at all :laughing:). But he likes what he's doing so that's great!

I'm now also thinking about rewriting my Japanese class's notes with colourful pens :laughing: so it will be more easy to use them for repeats/learning. I need to organize this black mess anyway (and my grammar book has important parts in red which stright away catches your attention so I think it's useful).

OT, but I fully advise that, re: colourful pens. It makes studying more fun, and as you re-write, you end up reviewing the study material, too. I did that for my math classes in high school and that was pretty much the only studying I ever did (well, I also did my homework, unlike other classmates) and was top in my class. So I am very confident of it as a top learning method. (I was really happy when I saw Yuzu uses colors too lol)

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