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13 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Yet, that does not stop people from accusing us of being unfair to other Japanese skaters when we say that he deserves that spot by merit and accomplishments even without competing at nationals  :facepalm:



Whoever says that is a troll and is absolutely not worth anyone's time. Especially if they're a rabbit. 

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19 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Yet, that does not stop people from accusing us of being unfair to other Japanese skaters when we say that he deserves that spot by merit and accomplishments even without competing at nationals  :facepalm:


You know the phrase shooting yourself in the foot? That's JSF if they don't send Yuzuru to Olys, except it won't be shooting a foot, it'll be blowing off their entire body :facepalm: JSF is incompetent, not stupid ... which cant be said for those people screaming unfair and injustice. Which speaking of which, funny how the exact same merit criteria was used to bring Takahashi to Sochi 3 yrs ago and no one complained, but Yuzuru????? Getting equal treatment??????? F*CKING BLASPHEMY

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55 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Yet, that does not stop people from accusing us of being unfair to other Japanese skaters when we say that he deserves that spot by merit and accomplishments even without competing at nationals  :facepalm:


Those people just hate him, even when he breaths and only feel good with their conspiracy theories. Its not like JSF, ISU, IOC will give a d*mn about it. Yuzuru will go to PC and all they can do is crying and smashing the keyboard. 

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41 minutes ago, micaelis said:

If Yuzu wants to wow the world, I think he might think of a quad/quad combination.  I'm positive, with his legendary momentum coming out of his jumps, that he could pull it off, particularly if it's a combination of two fairly simple quads (simple?  remember though that 12 year old in the wings at TCC).  If there is a  base value for a quad/quad combination in the scoring manual, then I think he should pursue it.  That would give him a definite record to embellish this very difficult (non)season he's been having, being the first skater to do a quad/quad combo, although I'd recommend that he save that for PC rather than Taipei.  Knowing Yuzu's competitive nature, I think he needs to have something new to show off when he's back in competition.  A quad/quad, however, would be a first and I don't think any other skater has the necessary height and speed to pull it off, and particularly no other skater could pull it off and follow it with a combination that knits the jump into the choreography.  Any other skater would be happy just to land the thing and not having fallen or touched his hand to the ice.  If not a quad/quad, maybe Yuzu might pull off a quad axle instead, a move he'd been developing in absolute secrecy (wouldn't that be nice?). 


Sorry but I disagree about this part.

There no sense under current rules to attempt a 4-4 combo. No extra reward for that and extremely high risk of UR or pop. Yuzu tried 4T4T at gala in Helsinki and Shoma tried it in some practice, too (or was that 3A4T?)... both clearly underrotated their second jump. It IS hard and it makes zero sense to try it if they can do it cleanly as two separate passes. Definitely not worth under current rules.
And more importantly, it's a nonsense to debut a new jump (4-4 combos, 4A or whatever) at the Olympics, even more if he just healed from his injury. He needs to return to his top form, work on his stamina and most importantly - to stay healthy from now on. I'm not sure what is Yuzu's mindset about his 4Lz right now but I will respect and support whatever he decides to do.  

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He is constantly criticized  by haters for everything he has done. I really do not need drama to protect him from criticism because he has his own way of getting them to shut up. Personally, I find these ridiculous criticisms have nothing to do with him, no one can change the fact that he will go to the Olympics and compete there if he is healthy. What JSF is doing is annoying and  just makes current situation more depressing. 

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57 minutes ago, micaelis said:

 If Yuzu wants to wow the world, I think he might think of a quad/quad combination.  I'm positive, with his legendary momentum coming out of his jumps, that he could pull it off, particularly if it's a combination of two fairly simple quads (simple?  remember though that 12 year old in the wings at TCC).  If there is a  base value for a quad/quad combination in the scoring manual, then I think he should pursue it.  That would give him a definite record to embellish this very difficult (non)season he's been having, being the first skater to do a quad/quad combo, although I'd recommend that he save that for PC rather than Taipei.  Knowing Yuzu's competitive nature, I think he needs to have something new to show off when he's back in competition.   Remember that Yuzu's number one fan is himself, and that that particular fan is more exacting than any of those in the stands.  As for the quad lutz, well, while it would be hard for Yuzu to back off from that in competition, he can console himself with the fact that Boyang's the first to do that before a panel of judges, which means that Yuzu is just following someone else and is not the first to do it.  A quad/quad, however, would be a first and I don't think any other skater has the necessary height and speed to pull it off, and particularly no other skater could pull it off and follow it with a combination that knits the jump into the choreography.  Any other skater would be happy just to land the thing and not having fallen or touched his hand to the ice.  If not a quad/quad, maybe Yuzu might pull off a quad axle instead, a move he'd been developing in absolute secrecy (wouldn't that be nice?).  If not any of those two possibilities, then there is something else Yuzu could do at PC to put his mark in skating history as the 'Absolute Champion', and that would be to set three new world records.


Sorry but Yuzuru does not need any new trick at PC. It would be a great if he can regain his form and all his quads back by 4CC/PC. He has enough work to do once he's back on ice, especially not to re injury himself, let alone trying new element. The most important thing right now is his health, not to become the first to do this or that. No one can confirm that he can get back his jump in 2 days just base on Oda' s words. Who could've thought he had to be off ice this long ? There's so many things happen in recovery process and training that only Yuzuru and his team know about it. Yuzuru has incredible technical ability but I hope people won't take it for grant. 

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I've had a couple people correct me on my speculation about a quad/quad combo and the inadvisability of premiering something at the Olympics so I'll admit I was in error there.  However I do think I'd like to reemphasize a point I made in that same post, and that is how Yuzu 'dumbed down' his short program at ACI but still managed to set a world record.  I'm thinking now that Yuzu would maybe be advised to slightlydumb down his programs (perhaps replacing one or two quads with triples) and concentrate his efforts on getting his PCS as high as possible.  If he's going to be setting records, which I think would be really great if he could do them at PC, he should remember that it's his PCS that often makes the difference, particularly when all the other major skaters are jumping all over the place.  If nothing else, the contrast between a Yuzu who's obviously restraining his jumping even when all the judges know he's capable of doing more, that obvious emphasis then on artistry might actually cause the judges to rate him even higher there.  In the perennial struggle between technical elements and program components, that a leading skater is putting his emphasis on the artistic end and where, in fact, few people have his style as far as that aspect goes, well, it might possibly result in a 50 or 100 for his PCS in the respective programs.  If nothing else, getting a perfect PCS would be a record that nobody will equal any time soon.  In any case and to conclude, I do stand by my assertion that it will  be far better he recapture the mindset he had at the 2014 GPF than the mindset of NHK and GPF 2015.  In the latter year he was skating a season that was by and large routine.  In the 2014 GPF he was battling his way back from a disastrous earlier season.  That's the exact situation here.  That's why his experience back in 2014 is far more relevant than that of 2015, however spectacular the achievement then.


PS - I think Yuzu's career can be marked off by three major crises he's faced over the years.  The first was the earthquake, where he even contemplated abandoning skating.  The second was the collision and injury and the third is this year's crisis.  In the previous two cases he emerged even better than ever.  Here's hoping that he does the same here and do remember, as they say, the third time's the charm.

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8 minutes ago, micaelis said:

PS - I think Yuzu's career can be marked off by three major crises he's faced over the years.  The first was the earthquake, where he even contemplated abandoning skating.  The second was the collision and injury and the third is this year's crisis.  In the previous two cases he emerged even better than ever.  Here's hoping that he does the same here and do remember, as they say, the third time's the charm.


I think what happened at 2016 Worlds was also a major crisis for him. He went into that competition the only favorite to win a gold medal and it ended up being a disaster for him, made much, much worse by Brian's over-the-top joy at Javi's winning again. I believe this led to his coaching crisis where, per Brian, they all had to sit down in a formal conference room and work out their issues. That, along with his injured foot, must have taken a great emotional toll on Yuzu.

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