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4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Maybe his gloves are super tight, like his Seimei's ones. It was made to fit his hands perfectly right...

Or he's just extra :smiley-laughing021:

I have these gloves too and they are snug but  I manage to remove them with my hands perfectly well.....:pouty:

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11 minutes ago, Yolo3a said:

I read on tumblr that he is going on a hiatus?? 

I almost had a panic attack.

And I come here and ppl are just feeling over gloves?? 

Is our fandom okay? Was there any false rumours? 

what hiatus? Does resting for health reasons count as hiatus? Nothing has been mentioned on more reputable twitter feeds, so prolly false rumors.

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23 minutes ago, Yolo3a said:

I read on tumblr that he is going on a hiatus?? 

I almost had a panic attack.

And I come here and ppl are just feeling over gloves?? 

Is our fandom okay? Was there any false rumours? 

Can you be a darling and please give us the link where you have read it so that we can have an idea on why they have concluded he's on "hiatus"? 

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Both Tumblr, and especially Twitter, were riddled, and still are, with all sorts of speculation and false rumors. Don't pay that much mind, and stick to peeps like our @gladi for the solid information! The last thing is that he needs 10 days off ice, so complete rest then 3 to 4 weeks to return to pre-NHK competition form or there about, this coming from both Yuzuru and Kobayashi from JSF.

Knock on wood, and all that, but it should all be just fine. 


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12 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Article I read said 10 days complete rest then rehab and training should take 4 weeks to get back to pre-NHK condition.

That's what I read of too and I believe everyone else here have known and I don't think that's how hiatus is defined. Hiatus has a different implication. I think they used the wrong word.

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Personally, I expect to see him compete at Nats ( and 4CC if possible). Firstly, this means he recovered well, which is expected more than anything else. Secondly, he will have one more chance to skate competively before Olympics. I think there is no way that JSF doesn't send him to Olympics even if he withdraws from Nats. Yuzuru is literally popular in Japan as reigning Olympic champion so they are put under pressure not only from the media, the public but also from Japan sport federation to send him to the Olympics, especially when he is able to compete and win a ( gold) medal. 

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@SparkleSalad Are you home and recovered from your travels? I know it was disappointing not to see Yuzu (understatement of the year) but Jason's ex and Adam's short, not to mention Voronov, make it seem a little better in hindsight, I hope. :) And the ema you left, and the prayers... I believe they'll be part of what keeps Yuzu motivated and positive as he recovers.


And the hiatus people need to hire subeditors.

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