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6 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I mean I would if it were my younger brother (I do already LOL) but he's mentioned before that his sister is a really kind and gentle soul - she looks like it in the Sendai support video - so maybe she'll be the nice one :laughing: (lbr he'll probably make fun of himself)

All while animatedly gesturing while retelling the stories behind the photos LOL. 


I really hope the trip helped cheer him up even a little bit, though I'm sure the time spent with his family will always energise him.

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3 minutes ago, katonice said:

All while animatedly gesturing while retelling the stories behind the photos LOL. 


I really hope the trip helped cheer him up even a little bit, though I'm sure the time spent with his family will always energise him.

Did he say before that he feels energized by all the fan support for him, when he was down at WC17 SP? So hope going helps him cheer up and recover safely. =)

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1 hour ago, katonice said:

The poster said this is how Yuzu wrote his message in Hangeul (she just copied). Not quite correct, but cute nonetheless and I'd like to see his own handwritten version ^^ 




is that really how he wrote it?




that is so cute......




I'm dying that is so cute

but maybe Junhwan should help him brush up on some crowd pleasing basic phrases before Pyeongchang :rofl:

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2 hours ago, katonice said:

The poster said this is how Yuzu wrote his message in Hangeul (she just copied). Not quite correct, but cute nonetheless and I'd like to see his own handwritten version ^^ 



I can't deal with how cute this is

Does that mean he actually learned hangeul

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5 hours ago, kaerb said:
He wrote thank you in Japanese, English, French, Korean, Chinese and Russian ;;


Sweet boy, darling boy as always :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: 


I guess he is in Sendai then? Hope he's having a good time there and healing well


aww he is always so sweet :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: hope he had fun at the family trip to see his photos :laughing:

5 hours ago, b138oo said:

help me I can’t unsee this when I look at my pooh bear now :facepalm:


4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Actual representation of them.. :smiley-laughing021::smiley-laughing021:

omg why would people draw this to pooh piglet and eeyore :slinkaway: now I can't unsee them

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1 hour ago, katonice said:


JSF should take note.:war:


1 hour ago, katonice said:

This poster said that Yuzu came to the exhibition with his family. I don't know why I thought he would've come alone with a companion or two only. It's heartwarming to think of it actually being a family trip. 



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You know, I've been wondering why the JSF would favor someone else over Yuzu (even though it's supposed to be evenhanded in its support of its various skaters).  Could it be because Yuzu is training abroad and not in Japan?  That seems to me to be the only likely reason it does so.  In any case, as has been mentioned previously, it favors Shoma over Yuzu only at its peril.  I just hope Yuzu considers this as a basically a non-issue.  He's out there to skate and win.  Of course if Yuzu is (marginally) upset about the JSF and he beats Shoma soundly at nationals in December, it will constitute a first-class middle-finger to the JSF.

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10 minutes ago, Moria Polonius said:


I wonder what ratings other competitions with Japanese skaters get. I kinda understand that lots of people would tune out if there's no chance their skater would be on the podium, but what about competitions with Shoma, for example?


I'm curious about competitions with Nathan as well, since it seems Japanese love him too. I'd love to see ratings for SC, IdF and SkA. 

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AAAAnd again, I said 'Only a quick catch up with the thread, maybe two or three quotes...'-AS IF! (This Planet is utterly amazing, please do continue your work guys xD)

10 hours ago, getsurenka said:

I am curious, do you think it may be due to his jumping techniques that he doesn't have the major injuries some of the other skaters have? I have read in this forum before that Yuzu has quite good axis and body alignment when jumping and landing (not sure if I remember right), so can that be the reason why he hasn't suffer a "major" injury so far like Nathan (for example)? On another note, it seems like majority of Yuzu's injuries are at his ankles and knees, what can be the contributors to that? Is it his technique that makes him more prone to injuries on his ankle and knee?

I think that in CoP-ernicus there was a thread about the different techniques and how they affect the body, and basically Yuzuru's is perfect for maximizing longevity of the career, since he doesn't rely on power to pull off the quads but timing, his position in air is great and his landing technique makes his body absorb the impact of the landing evenly between ankle, knee and hip(??), when landed properly; also doesn't put so much stress on knee since he opens in the air, as compared to Shoma, who opens on the ground, adding work to his joints (p.sure somebody else was also mentioned opening too late, and therefore enchancing stress on the joints, but Shoma stuck with me, sorry). There was also something akin to comparision between his and Javi's technique, With Javi's relying on core strength (making his jumps look 'sure', while Yuzu's 'light' when both land correctly), but I think it was x-monster's post on her tumblr.

Ankle and knees are main injury points in any sport that require you to jump in any way (add hand joints to the list in gymnasts' case), since it's through their work you accelerate upwards, and through their alignment goes the impact of the landing (sorry, I'm not so good at explaining physics-my brother who played volleyball, would explain it better, tbh.). The fact that Yuzu's injuries are mostly sprains *insert ugly sobbing here* and 'uneasiness' like before ACL to me only suggest sliiightly incorrect take on maximizing the potential of your body across a very short period of time without appropriate healing time (a bit as if you were doing cardio with too short 'slow' stages, compared to 'quick' ones), aka 3A,3A,3A skating skills training, 4A,4Lz,4Lo,4Lz,4Lo regime without enough SS 'breaks' in between. Basically, what Brian has said xD


8 hours ago, swanbeau said:

I logged back in n ppl are seriously wondering if 'jsf favoring other skater' would mean yuzu not going to make oly..... when there are 3 spots..... This is so bizzare lmao


Also, he wasnt no 1 in world standings going to sochi either so it literally does not matter (he didn't even skate sp in the last group....)

I went and checked, actually top three after sp were going one after another so that's pretty interesting...(for interested-Yuzu 19, Javi 20, Patrick 21, so that would be, going by the 5-people groups...Group 4 and 5, with 6 groups in Olys...hmm)

6 hours ago, swanbeau said:

Thanks! I wish we have extensive database history for this thing lol which makes me think, how the hell max ambessi can just pulls off random fact at the top of his hat every time something happened, does he actually have a database or is he just that much of an fs nerd

He's like Kaeryth with Yuzu-related videos maybe? xP


6 hours ago, Xen said:

1-2-3 AWWWWW......

wait...how did he avoid getting mobbed o_O

He went after public-viewing hours...


5 hours ago, Danibellerika said:


A+ ninja skills. 

...okay, actually, nvm, I like this explanation better.


4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Actual representation of them.. :smiley-laughing021::smiley-laughing021:

...Where is the unseen button when you need it... I never thought I would see bara Winnie the Pooh...how come my life took this turn...


4 hours ago, xeyra said:

This conversation probably moved on from this but the way World Standings are calculated is that you only count the two best points from Championships, the four best points from the Grand Prix series and the four best points from Selected International Competitions. 


Edit 2: What Yuzu will be losing on is in Season Rankings, which will be low, but those count for absolutely nothing. 

:bow::bow:God bless you for that explanation, and may Pooh power be always with you for it. :bow::bow: That would explain why I got those ridiculous scores with my nonexistent math skills:facepalm:


2 hours ago, swanbeau said:

Did he write the japanese pronounciation of it? lol (Kamusamunida) its cute tho, n now i wonder if he actually memorizes the korean alphabet

Another 'thank you' to his list!

2 hours ago, katonice said:

Lol yes, he probably wrote it the way he hears it in Japanese. To be fair, that IS the way you'd hear it pronounced when spoken. 

Okay, now I can't stop thinking about how cute Korean thank you is.


1 hour ago, katonice said:


Just saying but 7 point drop (between the highest in this year and average from last year) in viewership in one year should be a friggin red alarm. With all love to the competing men, but Jason's words are true on so many new levels- competition in Japan isn't the same without Yuzu


1 hour ago, kaerb said:

Aww cute, how touching to get definitive proof your message reached him! Can some kind soul just document everything in photos? Hopefully they leave the stuff he signed out for the public to see so the JP fans can do their thing and share photos ( : 


(I'm glad he's spending time with his entire family...felt sad for him when he said it's been 6yrs of living apart from them and must be tough for his mum too. Although I'm giggling at the thought of 'let's go on a family trip to...LOOK AT PHOTOS OF YUZU'S FACE')

1 hour ago, katonice said:

Lol now that you mention it, I can imagine his family having a ball making fun of him and teasing him about his photos. His sister especially :laughing:

My fanfic writer's soul squeals with glee at the thought that his mother and sister ganged up on the idea, and his father just went 'well, whatever goes with you', leaving only Yuzu against... only until he starts to relieve all the memories and reproduce them...while still on crutches xD

*imagine Yuzu doing some of the final poses, crutches falling away as a result...*


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19 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


Hangeul is super easy to learn


and maybe the whole ~it was invested to be easy as shit to learn~ part of it would interest Yuzuru's nerd brain


I can imagine him learning it especially with Olys being in Korea, as a gesture. Now I can't stop thinking about kamusamunida hahah

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It is nice to have everything calm down a little and get such happy pieces of news about Yuzu.


I'm glad he's taking breaks from power-eating protein to spend some time with family, even if that too revolves around skating somehow. Some things can't be changed, I suppose.


As long as he's happy. It is hard to believe how much that matters.

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