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49 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


lol. i think he can dance. you don't pull the kind of moves he does on the ice if you can't inherently do it. but when it's not part of a strict choreography (of which he's put in practice), or when he puts his own spin on to it, he has these habits that are very distinctive...i mean, if harnessed, it could become a unique style but it's not, so he's usually kinda wild and all over the place, like a yuzu-style pop-locking-flamenco three-way hybrid thing...think i even see a bit of unintentional dubstep moves every now and then xD he clearly doesn't know what he's doing other than simply "feeling the music" (though like @SparkleSalad said, he usually seems to hear the music half a beat or so faster than it actually gets played) and doesn't seem to care all that much, if at all. so i'm witcha on the no shame thing.


in fact, there's this rather interesting blog entry i recently came across talking about this special and rare quality of his, crediting it as a large part of what contributed to his success as a star. it notes that what makes him, and others like him, special is that he strikes a good balance between not being afraid to flaunt what he has and being able to flaunt it right (cos if you're not, you'd usually only end up embarrassing yourself). it's a potent combination of fearlessness, confidence and sincerity and i can't say i'm disinclined to agree. oh, but this person used the word "narcissist" because apparently, that's what they call the people who are...less inhibited...in japan.


I don't think he'll ever be good at hiphop or anything that requires a constant, controlled beat and I just don't think he has the laid-back or "cool" personality to properly "feel" that sort of music, hence the rushing (also his posture gets pretty bad but I've noticed a lot of nerdy or uptight kids try too hard to emulate such laid-back body language and that's how it turns out.)


Classical and Japanese music suit him very well and the way he's able to express that music is just exquisite. Literally breathtaking. I believe him when he says Chopin is like breathing and SEIMEI is his true self. Neither requires consistent and precise movement and they allow for much more freedom to play with the music and the timing. And his timing in both is impecible.


I hope my past 2am explanation makes sense.


And I agree about that balance. I envy it. 




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^yeah. lol. it's too bad. he's got the crisp moves down pat. he just also infuses them with all these other...things...


13 分ぐらい, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:


I don't think he'll ever be good at hiphop or anything that requires a constant, controlled beat and I just don't think he has the laid-back or "cool" personality to properly "feel" that sort of music, hence the rushing (also his posture gets pretty bad but I've noticed a lot of nerdy or uptight kids try too hard to emulate such laid-back body language and that's how it turns out.)


that's it. nail on the head right there. 2am explanations are the best kinda explanations xD


i think he does modern good too, tho. maybe something with a rock twist to it? lgc was testament to that. heck, even pw was, but lgc was a higher level. he does those...sudden eel-like twisty-turny movements (i dunno what they're called) really well...



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30 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

^yeah. lol. it's too bad. he's got the crisp moves down pat. he just also infuses them with all these other...things...



that's it. nail on the head right there.


i think he does modern good too, tho. maybe something with a rock twist to it? lgc was testament of that. heck, even pw was, but lgc was a higher level. he does those...sudden eel-like twisty movements (i dunno what they're called) really well...




PW showed he can blues, LGC showed he can rock, now I'm really craving a swing performance <3 (or... what about an Italian tarantella? There are extremely good ones in Sicilian, but I think it's a whole different world for him and the culture shock might be too much :rofl:)

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1 時間前, Murieleirumさんが言いました:


PW showed he can blues, LGC showed he can rock, now I'm really craving a swing performance <3 


Hadnt he kinda already done that? Though it'd be nice to see him doing something along those lines again as a full-grown adult.


1 時間前, Murieleirumさんが言いました:

(or... what about an Italian tarantella? There are extremely good ones in Sicilian, but I think it's a whole different world for him and the culture shock might be too much :rofl:)


I'm not familiar with that school of dancing/music. Might look it up on YT if I'm curious enough. >_<

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3 hours ago, kaerb said:

I'm procrastinating on an assignment so, naturally, my exhaustive yuzu intro post with all the links is finally done (keen for people to send me other recommended links so pls message me here or on tumblr if there are Iconic(TM) things I've missed lol)



Oh wow, this is...


Know what we need? A reaction post of Javi bowing to Yuzu. :omg:


I hadn't seen that little clip of him falling and wailing about how walking is scary. I'm giggling like an idiot. Four rotations in the air and landing on ice as if he weighs nothing? No problem. Four and a half? Probably doing it. Walking? No!

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10 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Hadnt he kinda already done that? Though it'd be nice to see him doing something along those lines again as a full-grown adult.



I'm not familiar with that school of dancing/music. Might look it up on YT if I'm curious enough. >_<


He did do that (with Sing Sing Sing right?) but he was so little! I wanna see grown up Yuzu swinging his hips to the rhythm of swing! 


Well, Italian southern traditional music is so characteristic that I actually doubt that Yuzu will ever skate to it. Javi might be a better candidate! But still, it would be fun to know whether he likes it or not c: (I'll put just an example of a pizzica on spoiler! Listen to it if you're curious)




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3 hours ago, kaerb said:

I'm procrastinating on an assignment so, naturally, my exhaustive yuzu intro post with all the links is finally done (keen for people to send me other recommended links so pls message me here or on tumblr if there are Iconic(TM) things I've missed lol)




What a good!! :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:

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On 17.9.2017 at 6:50 PM, Yatagarasu said:

(also remember, a glass of wine is fab for the nerves)

thanks for reminding me to stock up 

On 17.9.2017 at 1:35 PM, Valkyria said:

Nice to see new faces around here, welcome everyone! :grouphug:


I've gotten to the point where I'll just be minding my own bussiness, going through life as you do, and then will be hit by the sudden though of ACI (and all it entails) happening next week and...


That gif perfectly describes my emotional state tbh

14 hours ago, kaerb said:

lmao someone on the Ghana Choco marketing team is giving themselves a high five right now :laughing:

I actually like Ghana before it was cool Yuzu did promo for them but I haven't had any in years and seeing those CMs makes me wish they'd sell some here :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:

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LOL @Murieleirum  I'd never thought I'd found someone who knows pizzica on a FS international forum :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

I would be shocked if anyone would ever use it in FS, though. It seems pretty untranslatable for people using boots, but you never know ^^

I'd like to see Yuzu do a tango once, just for fun, to see how he can pull it off :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:Maybe we would have a revelation LGC-style :laughing:wouldn't that be glorious


14 hours ago, Vivienne said:


Japanese chocolate is on the sweeter side in general, and Ghana is sweeter than Meiji, imo :biggrin:

I might end up in the hell for unfaithful fans for telling this, but I'm in the bitter chocolate team, and if I have to eat milk chocolate at least not the extra sweet one (hate when chocolate tastes like sugar... e.g. I can't stand Kinder surprise* chocolate)

sorry Yuzu, I'm not going to buy that stuff, even if you like it:14066882:


*I wasn't sure kinder surpise was that known abroad so I googled it and I found out it's banned in the USA :laughing: Another collateral piece of knowledge I got from becaming a Yuzu fan:tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

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8 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

LOL @Murieleirum  I'd never thought I'd found someone who knows pizzica on a FS international forum :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

I would be shocked if anyone would ever use it in FS, though. It seems pretty untranslatable for people using boots, but you never know

I'd like to see Yuzu do a tango once, just for fun, to see how he can pull it off :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:Maybe we would have a revelation LGC-style :laughing:wouldn't that be glorious


I think LGC was about revealing how Yuzuru's charisma and sexyness come to be. Same as Javi fitting perfectly with malaguena, I guess Yuzu has his own style and it would be hard for him to make a tango 'his own' style, and same with pizzica or tarantella or stornelli and such xD But one can dream :smiley-love017:

(Also, I had a dear friend from Salento who made me listen to almost all the hits of Nuova compagnia di canto popolare, and they stuck because they're beautiful <3)

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19 минут назад, LadyLou сказал:

I'd like to see Yuzu do a tango once, just for fun, to see how he can pull it off :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:Maybe we would have a revelation LGC-style :laughing:wouldn't that be glorious


I might end up in the hell for unfaithful fans for telling this, but I'm in the bitter chocolate team, and if I have to eat milk chocolate at least not the extra sweet one (hate when chocolate tastes like sugar... e.g. I can't stand Kinder surprise* chocolate)

sorry Yuzu, I'm not going to buy that stuff, even if you like it:14066882:


*I wasn't sure kinder surpise was that known abroad so I googled it and I found out it's banned in the USA :laughing: Another collateral piece of knowledge I got from becaming a Yuzu fan:tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

I'm with you on this! I think Yuzu can do a great tango with his sharp movements ))

I'm also team dark chocolate but actually Ghana has one - I found it little sweeter then usual dark chocolate but still good, but most of all I liked the Crunky one https://www.amazon.com/Lotte-Ghana-Cranky-share-assorted/dp/B00NSL3FIM/ref=sr_1_24_s_it?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1505766342&sr=1-24&keywords=Ghana

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