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10 minutes ago, katonice said:

Somehow, it feels blasphemous to ask an Olympic champion to do your laundry :rofl:

Olympic champion or not, he needs to learn to be an independent human being capable of doing some chores on his own. He has to start somewhere.  Otherwise, he's going to be a grouchy old man who still manages to burn water....oh the kuyashii that would lead to...

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who found Yuzu doing the FS at COC seriously reckless instead of admirable and I'm happy that made ISU change some guidelines surrounding similar circumstances. I'm glad I wasn't around back then to witness it. 


(My feelings are conflicted about it but I kind of think it was a horrible thing to make the audience in the stadium sit through. :13877886:)

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2 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:


I have a similar mix of being almost (tragi)comically prone to injury and having a high pain threshold which is actually a really friggin' bad design for a human being (thanks, cosmic creator) because it increases the danger of doing serious damage.


Sorry to hear about that. Please take good care of yourself.


2 時間前, SparkleSaladさんが言いました:

Just imagine the quality of his performances had he been more open about his injuries or had the proper guidance to prevent them. We got H&L from that approach. 


Nah. Like @Murieleirum so aptly put it, he's human, not a god. And we humans are all the sum of our experiences. With his kind of experiences, Hanyu's an even wiser man today, with a far stronger mettle than a lot his peers. So I wouldn't bemoan those experiences. I'd rejoice them instead.


1 時間前, Xenさんが言いました:

Olympic champion or not, he needs to learn to be an independent human being capable of doing some chores on his own. He has to start somewhere.  Otherwise, he's going to be a grouchy old man who still manages to burn water....oh the kuyashii that would lead to...


I wouldn't worry about that. I've noticed that for all they're usually not trained in doing housework as kids (mainly those who come from a typical family model), the Japanese adapt and adjust pretty fast to living on their own as adults. Think it's something to do with deep-seated Asian values ingrained from young. They don't necessarily have to be good at it, but they usually manage and don't do too terribly. It's quite fascinating.

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:

On the other, I feel like I want to strangle athletes who risk their bodies like that.

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who found Yuzu doing the FS at COC seriously reckless instead of admirable and I'm happy that made ISU change some guidelines surrounding similar circumstances. I'm glad I wasn't around back then to witness it. 

I feel the same. Everytime I read about things like CoC or Worlds 2013 or Boston I want to just grab Yuzu and give him a good shake. And the way he talks about that, as if going through that ordeal wasn't such a big deal, leaves an even deeper impression.

I guess every top athlete must have a similar mindset. :tumblr_inline_mfy930ntA01qid2nw:

But, while I admire Yuzuru's strong will, pain is the way the body screams for help, so he shouldn't have tried to just shut it out or merely endure it (like he did during 2015-2016 season). Hopefully he's now past that, but he had to learn it the hard way

and that's why now I believe him when he talks about taking care of his body. And he played the good boy at WTT gala and even during FaoI:tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw:

I always think how strong his mom must be to let him do things like that CoC free skate. Watching someone you love  fight like that and risk hurting himself even more requires a lot of braveness. his mother knows him well and understands which battles Yuzuru needs to fight.

3 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


Ironically, I think this was also where he gained some super diehard Chinese fans. I mean that pooh rain in Shanghai was really something else..

 that was more like a storm of poohs :xD: (poor flower girls)

Though I wonder how much culture influences views on pain and whether someone's enduring it is seen as a truly admirable quality. For instance I think in my country the logic of endurance is way less exhalted (which isn't always all that good either...)

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2 hours ago, xeyra said:

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who found Yuzu doing the FS at COC seriously reckless instead of admirable and I'm happy that made ISU change some guidelines surrounding similar circumstances. I'm glad I wasn't around back then to witness it. 

For me, CoC is kind of both... I only watched it in retrospect, as well, so I guess the fear wasn't as great, but it was painful to see him struggle like that. And I agree it was reckless, but I also understand why he did it, and I think it would have been a lot harder to get back on the ice if he hadn't done it THEN. In the footage from Japanese TV you can see he was already having a bit of a panic attack (Brian's "Don't worry about breathing in, just breathe out, foo, foo, foo" seems super cute in a way, but I've actually adopted it for my own panic attacks). Imagine if he'd let that fear stew inside of him for 2-3 weeks. I think NHK would have been much, much harder than it already was. On top of that, athletes live for their sport. Like musicians live for their music. Their sport, their art is the most important thing to them, usually far more important than physical well-being. Of course, once they see the bigger picture, they realize that health is a great advantage to have. But if something medical can be postponed for the sake of the immediate sport event, it usually will be. Like Yuzu postponing surgery for after Nationals in 2014, despite , despite an infection and an open wound. Like that, which was done after talking to doctors, I think none of his decisions have been quite as reckless as they seem... maybe. It's just his priorities are different. Or used to be. Maybe for our collective sanity, he's seen the bigger picture.


Anyway, my point was that I understand why he did it and admire him for having the strength to pull it off. And as someone who was often told to grit her teeth and bear with some pain, I guess I can't help admiring him for doing that which I never quite managed to do. But in the same time, I do wish he'd generally take more pity on his body. ^_^;


36 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

I always think how strong his mom must be to let him do things like that CoC free skate. Watching someone you love  fight like that and risk hurting himself even more requires a lot of braveness. his mother knows him well and understands which battles Yuzuru needs to fight.

I don't think his mom had any word to say in him deciding to do CoC. I don't think she got anywhere near him during the whole bandaging thing and it always seemed to me like things happened pretty quickly. I don't think anyone had time to call her or anything like that. The decision was Yuzu's and Brian's, supported by the American doctors and Kikuchi, I think. (Though, in a way, I believe the decision was mostly Brian's, because I think if Brian had thought it was too dangerous, Yuzu would have been shipped off to the hospital, kicking and screaming, if necessary. But who knows.)

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27 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I don't think his mom had any word to say in him deciding to do CoC. I don't think she got anywhere near him during the whole bandaging thing and it always seemed to me like things happened pretty quickly. I don't think anyone had time to call her or anything like that. The decision was Yuzu's and Brian's, supported by the American doctors and Kikuchi, I think. (Though, in a way, I believe the decision was mostly Brian's, because I think if Brian had thought it was too dangerous, Yuzu would have been shipped off to the hospital, kicking and screaming, if necessary. But who knows.)


Actually, Yuzu talked to his Mom after the treatment and before the second 6 minute warm-up.

Brian said so in his interview. She was so shaken and Yuzu tried to calm her down. I suppose Yuzu told her that he was alright and he'd decided to skate his FP. I can't imagine how she felt hearing that!

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