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1 hour ago, mercedes said:


I agree with everything you both said but I think most of all he has that quality that makes you want to watch him ...he's just so pleasing when he moves,so elegant that you simply cannot stop.(And I'm not talking about a sexual attraction here he's too young for me,just he's so aesthetically  pleasing when he skates that I love just to watch him cooling down after practice for example).


Last but not least he has a wonderful high working complex brain,really I'm old enough to be his mom but sometimes I read what he says and I'm like "look at this kid teaching me a lesson"LOL

there are many sportmen and women ,many medals won but so few of them have something to say,Yuzuru has a lot instead and it's very interesting.



I wholeheartedly agree. On top of everything that everyone has mentioned, talent, hardwork, charisma, personality... I love him because he makes me want to become a better version of myself. 

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His figure is just so aesthetically pleasing. 

I live in the US and in my area the "pumped up"  and "burly teddy bear" looks are still popular; to see a figure like Yuzu in his sleek UA gear or Origin costume... you literally cannot take your eyes off of him. It's almost unreal. 


I hope that doesn't sound creepy. :slinkaway:



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Also, the duality of his personality is also something that is very interesting - absolute champion/slayer on ice, absolute kitty cat off ice. A seriously working person is always very attractive, and then when he turns it off, he becomes... cute. The kind of cute that makes me want to "grandma" him - add food to his plate, pat him on his head, etc.


He remains innocent (not ignorant), feels very deeply about his surroundings, lives with empathy - it's a pure soul that must be protected at all costs! Like, I'm pretty sure he -KNOWS- about the shitscoring of IJS and the reality of competing as one of those not from the politicking countries, but he sticks to his morals, fights the system his own way, and refuse to participate of any of that bullshit. "If I do it so well, you can't do anything but throw the scores at me" - see WC 2017. Underscored as fuck, still a WR. That is probably the Yuzu he wants to go back to being.


The Yuzu we saw in 2010 wants the same things as the Yuzu we know in 2019. He always stayed faithful and truthful to himself.


There is this Chinese saying, 相由心生,心慈则貌美 - which means that your looks follows your heart, and if you're kind hearted, you will end up looking good. It's not a literal thing, but if you're always having kind thoughts, your expression will soften and reveal the emotions naturally. I believe that is the case for him - he's not KimuTaku level kind of good looking, on the streets you may write him off as a thin dude that looks pleasing. But let's face it, how many of us have melted under that kind smile of his?

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Feel like we are highlighting or summarising in few paragraphs the-now 200+ (and still counting!) reasons why we love Yuzu in another thread!   He is just so EXTRA...  and with such strong gravitational or whatever magical forces that we or nothing can escape from inside it, like a black hole...



(Btw, that photo was filmed by scientists, around April 2017... looked like the cat’s eye in some jokes.. anything sounds familiar or just me got crazy? Lol) 

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Sato-sensei (Nobuo Sato) praised Yuzuru's skating.

The legend knows the best.




In case, I copy the article. Sorry no time to translate it.









Then, I couldn't resist to re-watch this special edit :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:




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1 hour ago, faeline said:

He remains innocent (not ignorant), feels very deeply about his surroundings, lives with empathy - it's a pure soul that must be protected at all costs! Like, I'm pretty sure he -KNOWS- about the shitscoring of IJS and the reality of competing as one of those not from the politicking countries, but he sticks to his morals, fights the system his own way, and refuse to participate of any of that bullshit. "If I do it so well, you can't do anything but throw the scores at me" - see WC 2017. Underscored as fuck, still a WR. That is probably the Yuzu he wants to go back to being.


Oh he totally knew! I've never had this thought as strong as in WC this year, he was so frantic and determined to land the 4Loop, he was aware that without it he couldn't win. In the OG he had the opposite vibe, I think this time he knew that even if he had a clean performance his victory wasn't for granted.


1 hour ago, Kim Nhung said:

I realize the real dry phase when we are chatting about appearance, face etc :sadPooh:


Lol....we are waiting for HIM  to manifest :dancingpooh: give us some contents 😂

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11 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:

Is it fair to say that Yuzu and Yuna Kim are the 2 most popular skaters in the last 30 years or so (the only skater I can think of that would rival them is Sonja Henie, maybe Witt)?  Mao is pretty popular too but not quite as famous as these two?  Michelle Kwan is probably the most famous American skater but from everything I hear she wasn't very popular outside the US - do you think winning gold would have changed that or do you think being more average looking would have held her back from attaining the fame of the other 2 no matter what? How much of Yuzu and Kim's popularity is due to their physical beauty - before each of their second Olympics they were very successful but not more than a lot of other champions.  How much of Alina's (and Masaru's) popularity is due to her being so beautiful? 


I think Olympic Gold is the most important factor of fame for both Yuna and Alina, but good looks definitely help with endorsements, especially in Asia. Beauty standard is a bit different across regions, maybe Japan prefers Gracie’s and Alina’s looks since they both got Shiseido offers and Gracie didn’t have superior results compared to, say, Zhenya, but Russia on the other hand may prefer Zhenya’s looks to Alina’s etc etc.

Personally I think Marin is the most pretty Japanese ladies skater. She got the Kose commercial as a junior, which Satoko didn’t get even with better results. But Marin won’t get to Mao’s popularity level if she doesn’t have results. 

I wonder if the looks of a skater affects judges to some extent. I hope not. 


Imagine Yuzu in this




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11 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:

Is this golden proportion/mean/ratio thing more of a Japanese thing or a general principal of aesthetic?  I tried to look it up but got a math thing and some explanations on how to use it in design.

It is a math thing. From the ancient Greeks, no less: Phidias, the man who designed the sculptures of the Parthenon. Plato and Euclid also described the concept in some detail. 

 It's universal, like gravity, and not specifically Japanese. 

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9 hours ago, twitwi said:

so it is true western can't tell the different looking of Asian?

I hope I won't offend anyone by responding to this but, yes, I can tell that Boyang has a Chinese face and Yuzuru does not. But I work with a lot of Chinese people who have immigrated to Canada and my eyes have become used to how they look.


However, there is something very interesting that I noticed when I went to ACI last year, I've been wondering about it all year, and I was afraid to mention it in case people take it the wrong way. But I must know if anyone else has experienced this: when I saw Yuzu in person, his face looked much more 'Japanese' to me, than it does in photos and videos. I don't know why that is. Is it just that I'm crazy, or is it that his Japanese-ness can shine through better when you see him in person? has this happened to anyone else? 



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7 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

I find the preference for the “double eyelid” odd- is that a long-standing phenomenon or a recent one?  I believe some people have cosmetic surgery to achieve it?  For me the scrunchy eyed smile is very endearing, not just with Yuzuru, look at Kaori 


I think at least in China, the preference for double eyelids is a longer-standing phenomenon. With the development of modern cosmetic surgery, it's possible for people with natural monolids to achieve that look. That's why nowadays there are so many people - especially women - who get a surgery to "open up their eyes" (make them bigger).


I personally think that this "trend" of a uniform beauty standard has gone too far. I watch quite a few Chinese dramas on a regular basis and I've noticed that there's not even one single actress who doesn't have double eyelids and huge eyes. (With men this doesn't seem to be so extreme.) It's like if you don't have double eyelids, you just cannot be considered beautiful.


I also think the scrunchy eyed smile is totally endearing. I love Yuzu's and Kaori's smiles! I'm glad that at least athletes stay their naturally beautiful selves without trying to "enhance" their looks via surgery. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

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Well, as we've veered into reasons to love Yuzu ))) As a dancer, I am every time entranced by how Yuzu accentuates certain parts, how he accelerates and slows down, his lines, strong or soft when needed, the way he expresses emotion through movement and expresses the music, fills the pauses, fills up and owns the space around him, the effortlessness of his moves - they all speak of an amazing level of mastery. I don't know much about FS technique - only what I've learned from some explanatory videos and texts, but I can see and appreciate what he does from the point of view of a dancer.

As for Nathan, he does not do anything special from the point if view of a dancer. It's not that he is not capable, it's hard to say, really - I think he just doesn't bother , he has other priorities. He has a pleasant manner of a young good-natured guy (certainly more pleasant than Vincent, who is somewhat tense and awkward), and he largerly relies on that for good impression. Which is why in galas at least for me his skating is not interesting to watch (and not only his).

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7 hours ago, twitwi said:

so it is true western can't tell the different looking of Asian?

not to offend, but IMO yuzu can get a mark of 8-9/10 (i have turned off my fangirl filter) and boyang is 5/10.

So, this is my own personal experience and I'm not trying to speak for anyone else. I grew up in a city in the US without a large asian population and I couldn't differentiate between any Asian. It wasn't until I got into a Japanese girl group that I could start seeing the differences. Now I can easily differentiate and can usually name the country of decent.


That being said, when I first saw Yuzuru (and now as well) I thought, "Surely he is the most beautiful person ever created." I also have liked anime for a very long time and I noticed that my friends who find him the most attractive also like anime. There are many more reasons I love him, however I'll stop there because otherwise this post would be even more ridiculously long.


I would also like to express that in a decent amount of pictures of Yuzuru, he does look like he has double lidded eyes (not that I necessarily prefer that, just for people that do).

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There are so many reasons why Yuzu is loved and adored by so many people. What I'd like to point out are a few things that are particularly attractive, inspiring and fascinating for me (on top of the one hundred million other things for which I'd need a novel-length essay to elaborate fully).


Yuzu is probably the bravest person I know of. He has the courage to live his passion to its fullest. He has the courage to bare his heart and soul when he's on the ice. He doesn't just skate. He doesn't just perform. When I watch Yuzu on the ice, I have the feeling that he's sharing his most intimate thoughts and feelings with us, allowing us to look into his very essence, connecting with us on a spiritual level.


Yuzu has the courage to just do his thing, do what he thinks is right, without fearing what other people might think or say about him. And he has the courage to endure all criticism, ridicule and judgement, to overcome all of this and keep on doing what he loves, keep on going his way, doing his thing and living his passion.


Despite all of the setbacks, injustice and harsh criticism Yuzu's had to experience, he never became defensive, cynical or spiteful. He always remained highly respectful and always focused on the positive aspects and the things he can improve. And Yuzu never plays the blame game. He never finds excuses for his failures. He never complains and whines around about how unfairly he was treated (even in cases when he was indeed treated unfairly). He always takes responsibility for his skating and his results.


Yuzu has the courage to be be himself and stay true to himself. He dares to glide out into the center of attention under the scrutiny of millions of people all over the world expressing his heart and soul, performing in ways his spirit calls him to. I cannot even imagine how much courage it must take to dare to stand out like this in every way and withstand the storm.


I think most people are so afraid of the judgement of others, so frightened of rejection and ridicule, that they don't dare to express their true selves. I have to admit that I myself used to give too much significance to the opinion of others and more often than not tried to bend over to please other people.


In this sense, Yuzu is such an inspiration to me. Even though he's younger than me, he inspires me to be a better and braver person in so many ways. He shows me again and again that there is always a way to succeed and improve. He is simply the most inspirational person I know. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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