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  On 9/21/2017 at 2:55 AM, KatjaThera said:

And the other is Team Cricket ^_^ (I recognized that one first, I'm ashamed to say)


I'm a bit surprised he went by plane, though. I admit Canadian geography is a total mistery to me, but a week ago or so, Javi had a "going to Montreal" instastory and that was on a train, so I kind of expected that... But plane is faster, so...


I was wondering whether anyone else from Team Cricket was with him.

Esp. was wondering whether Javi was on the same flight and was just hiding out somewhere.

This answers that question though.

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  On 9/21/2017 at 2:55 AM, KatjaThera said:

And the other is Team Cricket ^_^ (I recognized that one first, I'm ashamed to say)


I'm a bit surprised he went by plane, though. I admit Canadian geography is a total mistery to me, but a week ago or so, Javi had a "going to Montreal" instastory and that was on a train, so I kind of expected that... But plane is faster, so...



The distance between Toronto and Montreal is over 500 km, so it made sense to travel by air, I'd say. Less tiring...

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  On 9/21/2017 at 2:55 AM, KatjaThera said:

And the other is Team Cricket ^_^ (I recognized that one first, I'm ashamed to say)


I'm a bit surprised he went by plane, though. I admit Canadian geography is a total mistery to me, but a week ago or so, Javi had a "going to Montreal" instastory and that was on a train, so I kind of expected that... But plane is faster, so...


Huh? The red one is Team Cricket? I thought Team TCC logo is the blue-green shield one? 

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  On 9/20/2017 at 7:39 PM, Yatagarasu said:


For me, Nathan Chen is his biggest opponent this season and meeting him head on at Rostelecom already is a stroke of good luck.

Never underestimate USFSA, ever; Nathan's programs this season are pretty much masterpieces in terms of how tailored they are to him to hide all possible weaknesses; his jumps do not have any major issues and he has a full set, and to top that off, they have chosen the ideal tactic for introducing his quads while maximizing his PCS. 


I see a lot of chatter about the strength of the USFSA. Do you think Japan skating federation has much power (not as much as US obviously). Also, are they pushing both Yuzu and Shoma or do you see them throwing Yuzu under the bus?

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  On 9/21/2017 at 12:44 AM, kaerb said:


official pic lol



  On 9/21/2017 at 12:46 AM, katonice said:


Wow. I like it. It's a tasteful design, very classy and Zen, right down to the wooden box, which kind of reminds me of the box they store those go pebbles in. The pastel ribbon is nice, too. The whole thing is just very tasteful and Asian. Love it.


No, it has nothing to do with the fact that I love:


Chocolate_Pie.jpg Lotte-Choco-Pie-Strawberry-One.jpg 



The Japanese one with the cream filling. Not the Korean one with the marshmallow middle. Don't like that one. But the Koreans love it so it could've been an inspiration of sorts. They did come up with the snack after all...


But I really, really like the medal design. It's a nice departure from the Sochi one, which was nice, too. They all have a different metallic shade, too. Sochi's one has a darker and more muted quality while this has a nice and softly bright shine. Like matte or frosted or something. The whole design is sharp yet fuzzy at the same time. Has a kind of marble-like quality to it, too. It's a more than worthy design, in my books. It's absolutely beautiful, like SEIMEI solidified.


(It also kind of looks like a round designer hand-held bag, with the pronounced ribbon suspension ring and line motif. xD Also like the fact that its unveiling is on the same day the man officially turns up in public for his first competition of the season .)

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So when you wake up to 15+ pages you know something happened ... lol. 

3 main events: 

1. Our Lord Zuzu is there ... looking stunning, btw I love the new haircut :tumblr_inline_nhkf07EXnO1qid2nw:.

2. The new Oly Medals looking like cookies and I'm team "I liked the Sochi ones better" just a matter of personal preferences, I guess... :P

3. Our planet banner is on the ACI rink - thank you @Hydroblade for showing it to us. :thanks: I confess I felt a little emotional when I've seen it. We are something, we are there ... :10636614:

OMG! Guys, buckle up! This is gonna be a very long and emotional wreaking weekend! I can't wait to see Yuzu competing again!!! Go Yuzu!!!! :clap:

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