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  On 10/29/2021 at 8:14 AM, birnasan said:

Yuzuru interview from his new book "Creating the Future", automatically translated with OCR and deepL. I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. I think I was able to grasp the overall meaning, but we shouldn't trust every single word or sentence.


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(Some parts of this interview really made me cry. We should be careful with our expectations and the pressure we put on him.)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].




I hope he stays healthy and he enjoys skating which makes him happy. We love him and support him whatever he does. :tumblr_llidknnxec1qzbrv5:

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  On 10/29/2021 at 5:16 PM, sallycinnamon said:


: sad teddy bear:


I hope he stays healthy and enjoys skating which makes him happy. We love him and support him no matter what he does. :tumblr_llidknnxec1qzbrv5:



: iagree: with what you wrote and he knows very well that ALL his fans around the world love to admire his skating and Yuzu gives it back to us with his magnificent performances  :puddingpooh:  and here he is in practice and even here he agrees with the music and even he improvise on some perfectly :girlsigh: 



and I did not feel any slowing down, I still use my computer to come to the planet ..... 

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  On 10/29/2021 at 8:14 AM, birnasan said:

Yuzuru interview from his new book "Creating the Future", automatically translated with OCR and deepL. I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. I think I was able to grasp the overall meaning, but we shouldn't trust every single word or sentence.


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(Some parts of this interview really made me cry. We should be careful with our expectations and the pressure we put on him.)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

And to think some of the previous translations of his prior interviews made it sound like he was happy to be coachless, when in reality he was missing their input badly...

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  On 10/29/2021 at 8:14 AM, birnasan said:

Yuzuru interview from his new book "Creating the Future", automatically translated with OCR and deepL. I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. I think I was able to grasp the overall meaning, but we shouldn't trust every single word or sentence.


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(Some parts of this interview really made me cry. We should be careful with our expectations and the pressure we put on him.)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

I remember crying so badly when he announced in August 2020 that he will skip the GP series. He had such a bad time, yet every crumb was a sunray for us and continues to be. I feel guilty to put pressure on him.

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  On 10/29/2021 at 5:52 PM, Faithyu said:


Not sure about embeds (?), but I had to try three times to get my last comment posted (from my laptop).

Stopped it twice because nothing had happened after like three minutes, the third try made it.



  On 10/29/2021 at 5:04 PM, Fay said:

Definitely. The forum got slower for me. 



I shall look into it.. 

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  On 10/29/2021 at 7:11 PM, DancingFeather said:

I remember crying so badly when he announced in August 2020 that he will skip the GP series. He had such a bad time, yet every crumb was a sunray for us and continues to be. I feel guilty to put pressure on him.


I don't think that just the simple wish to see him is the kind of pressure he was talking about. Don't feel guilty for that. He often said that he feels the thoughts of his fans and it gives him energy. Of course we can try to be more sensitive and support him in a better way, but as long as he wants to be seen, it is okay for us to want to see him.

I think the pressure he means is to have to be perfect all the time. Whenever he has a miracle performance, people expect his next performance to be even better. People expect him to make world records, to get at least silver at Worlds, to win the next Olympics. This is the kind of pressure that we should be careful about. But there is nothing wrong with loving to see him skate and admiring his personality.

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  On 10/29/2021 at 7:53 PM, birnasan said:

I think the pressure he means is to have to be perfect all the time. Whenever he has a miracle performance, people expect his next performance to be even better. People expect him to make world records, to get at least silver at Worlds, to win the next Olympics. This is the kind of pressure that we should be careful about. But there is nothing wrong with loving to see him skate and admiring his personality.


Sadly, I don't think we can do anything with this. Even if we (fans) are aware of this, these expectations will still exist (general audience, media, judges, officials and so on).

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  On 10/29/2021 at 8:14 AM, birnasan said:

Yuzuru interview from his new book "Creating the Future", automatically translated with OCR and deepL. I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. I think I was able to grasp the overall meaning, but we shouldn't trust every single word or sentence.


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(Some parts of this interview really made me cry. We should be careful with our expectations and the pressure we put on him.)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


I preordered the book from Amazon Japan and it arrived this week - by DHL - only two days after the publication date!  It's a beautiful book, well made and high quality paper.  I just read the last section which contains the part translated by birnasan, above.   Will share /translate other sections when I get to them.  


The book is already #2 best seller among non-fiction sports books, and #4 among all sports-related books (on Amazon Japan).  Only 3 days after publication!  




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  On 10/30/2021 at 1:18 AM, Umebachi said:


I preordered the book from Amazon Japan and it arrived this week - by DHL - only two days after the publication date!  It's a beautiful book, well made and high quality paper.  I just read the last section which contains the part translated by birnasan, above.   Will share /translate other sections when I get to them.  


The book is already #2 best seller among non-fiction sports books, and #4 among all sports-related books (on Amazon Japan).  Only 3 days after publication!  







:wave: , I went to see on your link and I saw a calendar and I had the price Yen and Euros € translated and it is correct for me (and with the sending, of course) and Amazon Japan does not not accept my French email (I am registered on Amazon France) and I do not understand why? 


https://www.amazon.co.jp/Hagoromo-CL22-551-Yuzuru-Hanyu-Calendar/dp/B097PYXTDY/ref=pd_vtp_7/356-7440161-0211522?pd_rd_w=X8GDM&pf_rd_p=949fde26-f5 49d7614d0317 & pf_rd_r = S0131GQVZJBEYS2H7K1R & pd_rd_r = ff31a10a-7f2e-4a53-ad41-e63745dde1ad & pd_rd_wg = DzqQt & pd_rd_i = BY97PYXTD  

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  On 10/6/2021 at 6:22 AM, amylance1215 said:

Another Yuzu book. This one is an interview book by news every about Yuzu and the Great Tohoku earthquake. 


DeepL translation

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This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


This book was published today.

Here in the Kinokuniya bookstore, Umeda main store.:happy:


From Amazon 

41tZlws5A6L._AC_SY1000_.jpg     newseveryelko0.jpg





Currently bestseller#1 in the category "History / Geography / Travel"👍

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