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The main thing is I hope he is healthy and happy no matter what happens from here on out.


But I'm also impressed with the level of power move he is making.  The fact that he announced this decision on the day that the ISU is supposed to make their decisions on the Grand Prix sends a clear message by not allowing them to milk his fame for money at the expense of safety. He's being a real example for the community.

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Translation might come soon, but he comment something like coronavirus and ashma, a health concern,  then the coaching team, his coach unlikely can  accompany him for competition in Japan, and he would have to self isolate for 2 weeks with no pratice if he go to canada. He said he can't compete in such condition. His action during the pandemic may affect many people to move along and may increase the risk of infection.As the number coronavirus cases in the world has not slowed down, he think he should play a part to prevent the spread of infection


Its not an easy decision and Im sure he thought alot. So much respect for him. He not only think for himself. but his team, his coaches, those who will travel to see him. 

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  On 8/28/2020 at 8:22 AM, Old Cat Lady said:

The main thing is I hope he is healthy and happy no matter what happens from here on out.


But I'm also impressed with the level of power move he is making.  The fact that he announced this decision on the day that the ISU is supposed to make their decisions on the Grand Prix sends a clear message by not allowing them to milk his fame for money at the expense of safety. He's being a real example for the community.



  On 8/28/2020 at 8:38 AM, Katt said:

Translation might come soon, but he comment something like coronavirus and ashma, a health concern,  then the coaching team, his coach unlikely can  accompany him for competition in Japan, and he would have to self isolate for 2 weeks with no pratice if he go to canada. He said he can't compete in such condition. His action during the pandemic may affect many people to move along and may increase the risk of infection.As the number coronavirus cases in the world has not slowed down, he think he should play a part to prevent the spread of infection


Its not an easy decision and Im sure he thought alot. So much respect for him. He not only think for himself. but his team, his coaches, those who will travel to see him. 


I agree ☝️ 

He’s really true to his words. In the 24hours tv interview, he has already mentioned how NOT joining activities that may spread the virus will be the best help for the front line medical personnel.

And obviously he knows how many people will still risk it to see him if he is competing. So even though I’m sad to not see him skate, I’m super relieved. Being safe and healthy is more important than competitions. 

Mad respect :nod2:

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Yuzu's appearances this year have mostly been to try and encourage people to act safe, take precautions and slow down the spread. He is practicing what he preaches, whatever the cost.


We know he wants to compete more - only a few days ago he mentioned the blessed 4A again - but I think he's giving notice to the ISU that he is not risking his, Brian's and his fan's health to do so, no matter how much they may want him to fill the coffers.

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I am so missing Yuzu’s skate!! argh!! 

But that was a right decision and a hard one to make too. Not many can resist temptation to do what one’s like just for the good of others. More than concern of his health, I feel the greater reason would be to protect his fans and coaching team who may fly around and follow him during competition. 


Yuzu, please continue with the little monthly sprinkle of water....this drought is long...

Will we see Japan Nationals?

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Very smart and responsible decision, great example of leadership and right message to the skating world. He can afford this kind of maturity and we can afford patience to wait a bit longer to see him perform being well prepared in circumstances when neither skaters nor the audience have to worry about safety, morals and health, when we all can just enjoy the show (and casually curse ISU) ;)

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LOLsob, when I saw the skatingjapan tweet (basically the moment it was posted) the link to the statement was down (I'm guessing people had been flooding there) but since it was JSF account, I could be sure it was Yuzu's official decision

As a YuzuSkating-deprived cactus, I'm really sad about that (and about the Droguth season extending to autumn) but I also totally understand Yuzu's reasons and I admire him so much for making this call. Ad for making it now, two months prior to the start of GP.

He isn't suffering of the "I'm invincible, so who cares if I get it" syndrom that some other sportsman have shown (not that I had any doubts about that). Understandable that he would especially pay close attention since he has asthma, and I appreciate that he is keeping himself posted about the fact that even in fit young people sars-cov-2 can have serious consequences (however less likely than in older people).

And especially after what he said about 4CC and Montreal, we know he truly cares about this matter, and about how things were being (not)handled by those in charge. He's proved once more he isn't just doing pretty talks.


He's the first making such a radical announcement, so probably, on top of his personal concerns about covid, he also felt that, as public figure (and most followed skater) he had the duty to make things very clear and kind of "pave the way".

He's also giving a not-so-sublte hint to ISU (and to other certain feds that seem to believe they can, after all, go on as usual sideeyeing Russian test skates and USFSA that still has not cancelled SA. Don't think Rus fed will care, they have their own internal audience and all their ladies, but maybe ISU will).

Gosh, his trust towards them must be below zero, if he took matters in his hands like this:tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:



I wonder how much, going into MontrealWC, but also 4CC, it weighted on him the knowledge that he is the one *moving* crowds. That *because of him*, so many people were torn and some were still willing to travel because his presence was the one thing tipping the scale towards the choice to go to a comp. 

He must have known that many were weighting "watching Yuzu skate live" against the possible health concerns. He must have known that many had bought tickets(for Montreal, unrefundable ones, and very pricey), booked flights and accomodations mainly for the chance to see him. He knows his presence in any event isn't just about himself. It's such a heavy burden: even if he wasn't to be "blamed" (since every one of us makes the choice to go to a comp for themselves), even if fans' choices weren't on him, I bet he still felt a lot of anxiety about this, too :/


I hope he stays healthy and can have safe training in the meanwhile:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow: and play with his fancy tech equipment and Nessie to his heart's content (but safely!)

If there is one athlete that you can be sure won't behave like a d*ckhead, it's him, so I hope skating gods are taking note and are giving him all the healthy ankles and lungs &everything



And I also hope that JSF can have a few small&"safe" domestic comps so this selfhish cactus can get a bit of watering. Autumn looks sooooo bleak:13877886: Though I can still look forward to the Yuzu crumbs, I'm sure they'll keep coming 'cause Zuzu is the bestest & most caring ninja:10742289:

Dreams on Ice and Mao's ice shows being organized with online viewing tickets hints that they're trying to find solutions to still have live skating (and some revenue out of it) while minimizing risks. If it can be done for an ice show, it can be done for a comp too, as long as domestic situation is under control. This might be the option that JSF is testing and it is certainly more doable than any option involving international travel and live audience

ETA: I'm kinda assuming NHK could still take place but as a domestic event only, so not really counting as "GP" (I mean, without the main star the comp is probably gonna be "downsized" anyway)

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As we have said before on here, Yuzuru has excellent timing and an amazing strategic brain - he is also a trailblazer - courageous, thorough, thoughtful - a leader in his sport on so many levels. Really, governing body should be making these types of statements re health of athletes, coaches, audiences, spreading of infection, long term health risks associated with contracting Covid... (maybe they will now??)


Wonder if/how this news will affect Worlds (all event) tickets cost and sales....

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