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Guys about Max video ,just the gist of it(my english is not good enough for a proper translation) :

He didn't mention FS because that was his personal history(he says later that he started skating when he was 4 and that he practiced every discipline on ice so it is pretty obvious who is the best for him ):yuzuru to him is the absolute number one in the world because he's still here competing challenging himself and changing (as improving)the sport.

Yuzuru could very well do something else but he's still here.

Max calls him a superior head:someone very very smart ,with a kind of intelligence that goes way beyond what he does in ice.People like him are rare in every sports especially in FS...since Max himself is a former skater ,he knows very well how hard it is to reach Yuzuru Technical excellence :Yuzuru is the perfect combination of that technical excellence and artistry..the famous total packaging..an absolut champion.

the other guy ask him to compare Yuzuru to some other athlete:Max says you have to go look for amazing people like Michael Jordan,because they are both 'forward'..as in in they have the brain to sort of forsee how a competion can go ,they both works on their weak side and turns them in strenght point.

Then of course you can loose(he says something about a final lost by MJ team?sorry me and basketball are worlds apart)and of course Saitama 2019 but yuzuru had in a couple of years 2 career-stop injuries but he's still here!

He won his 2ng OGM with conservative program:he's been palnning to go to Korea with 4 different quads ,his body failed him and still he found another way to compete and win:that's his amazing brain/mind.

this year at Worlds he had again problems with his ankle but he went there and fought...in May he did the 4luzt  during Faoi:he thinks it will be very fascinating to follow Yuzu next season.

FS is an extremely complex sport and to excel in it you really are something else...that's why he thinks Yuzuru is the best.


Q:Max you put MJ and Yuzuru togehter do you think they have this rare talent by nature or there's something happening during a given time thatmakes them aware of how great/special thet are?

Max says it's something you have since day one(you were born with it):these are athelte with something more in thei head(head as motivations,will to win,strategy ecc)..again Yuzuru could live doing something else(coaching,being a coreographer)but he has goals,he wants to land the 4A for example...maybe Yuzuru's dream is to complete all of 6 quadsin one competition(something belonging to science fiction for Max)but he has a fire inside so you may never know.

Yuzuru maturity is shown when he couldn't do his original layout and changed it due to injury:he won period.that's his excellence,where he's truly superior.

They asked him to write a book about yuzuru:he says he couldn't alone...but if someone may join in writing he could think about it...anyhow he can't now,yuzuru is still active you don't do that while a sportman is still competing,but surely Yuzuru's life is very interesting and worth exploring or writing about...he'll see.


Guys take it for what it is...mistakes and all:headdesk2:

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  On 8/10/2019 at 7:18 AM, mercedes said:

Guys about Max video ,just the gist of it(my english is not good enough for a proper translation) :

He didn't mention FS because that was his personal history(he says later that he started skating when he was 4 and that he practiced every discipline on ice so it is pretty obvious who is the best for him ):yuzuru to him is the absolute number one in the world because he's still here competing challenging himself and changing (as improving)the sport.

Yuzuru could very well do something else but he's still here.

Max calls him a superior head:someone very very smart ,with a kind of intelligence that goes way beyond what he does in ice.People like him are rare in every sports especially in FS...since Max himself is a former skater ,he knows very well how hard it is to reach Yuzuru Technical excellence :Yuzuru is the perfect combination of that technical excellence and artistry..the famous total packaging..an absolut champion.

the other guy ask him to compare Yuzuru to some other athlete:Max says you have to go look for amazing people like Michael Jordan,because they are both 'forward'..as in in they have the brain to sort of forsee how a competion can go ,they both works on their weak side and turns them in strenght point.

Then of course you can loose(he says something about a final lost by MJ team?sorry me and basketball are worlds apart)and of course Saitama 2019 but yuzuru had in a couple of years 2 career-stop injuries but he's still here!

He won his 2ng OGM with conservative program:he's been palnning to go to Korea with 4 different quads ,his body failed him and still he found another way to compete and win:that's his amazing brain/mind.

this year at Worlds he had again problems with his ankle but he went there and fought...in May he did the 4luzt  during Faoi:he thinks it will be very fascinating to follow Yuzu next season.

FS is an extremely complex sport and to excel in it you really are something else...that's why he thinks Yuzuru is the best.


Q:Max you put MJ and Yuzuru togehter do you think they have this rare talent by nature or there's something happening during a given time thatmakes them aware of how great/special thet are?

Max says it's something you have since day one(you were born with it):these are athelte with something more in thei head(head as motivations,will to win,strategy ecc)..again Yuzuru could live doing something else(coaching,being a coreographer)but he has goals,he wants to land the 4A for example...maybe Yuzuru's dream is to complete all of 6 quadsin one competition(something belonging to science fiction for Max)but he has a fire inside so you may never know.

Yuzuru maturity is shown when he couldn't do his original layout and changed it due to injury:he won period.that's his excellence,where he's truly superior.

They asked him to write a book about yuzuru:he says he couldn't alone...but if someone may join in writing he could think about it...anyhow he can't now,yuzuru is still active you don't do that while a sportman is still competing,but surely Yuzuru's life is very interesting and worth exploring or writing about...he'll see.


Guys take it for what it is...mistakes and all:headdesk2:



Thank you very much for the translation! :thanks:

If he writes a book about Yuzu one day it'd surely be a good read!

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  On 8/10/2019 at 7:18 AM, mercedes said:

Guys about Max video ,just the gist of it(my english is not good enough for a proper translation) :

He didn't mention FS because that was his personal history(he says later that he started skating when he was 4 and that he practiced every discipline on ice so it is pretty obvious who is the best for him ):yuzuru to him is the absolute number one in the world because he's still here competing challenging himself and changing (as improving)the sport.

Yuzuru could very well do something else but he's still here.

Max calls him a superior head:someone very very smart ,with a kind of intelligence that goes way beyond what he does in ice.People like him are rare in every sports especially in FS...since Max himself is a former skater ,he knows very well how hard it is to reach Yuzuru Technical excellence :Yuzuru is the perfect combination of that technical excellence and artistry..the famous total packaging..an absolut champion.

the other guy ask him to compare Yuzuru to some other athlete:Max says you have to go look for amazing people like Michael Jordan,because they are both 'forward'..as in in they have the brain to sort of forsee how a competion can go ,they both works on their weak side and turns them in strenght point.

Then of course you can loose(he says something about a final lost by MJ team?sorry me and basketball are worlds apart)and of course Saitama 2019 but yuzuru had in a couple of years 2 career-stop injuries but he's still here!

He won his 2ng OGM with conservative program:he's been palnning to go to Korea with 4 different quads ,his body failed him and still he found another way to compete and win:that's his amazing brain/mind.

this year at Worlds he had again problems with his ankle but he went there and fought...in May he did the 4luzt  during Faoi:he thinks it will be very fascinating to follow Yuzu next season.

FS is an extremely complex sport and to excel in it you really are something else...that's why he thinks Yuzuru is the best.


Q:Max you put MJ and Yuzuru togehter do you think they have this rare talent by nature or there's something happening during a given time thatmakes them aware of how great/special thet are?

Max says it's something you have since day one(you were born with it):these are athelte with something more in thei head(head as motivations,will to win,strategy ecc)..again Yuzuru could live doing something else(coaching,being a coreographer)but he has goals,he wants to land the 4A for example...maybe Yuzuru's dream is to complete all of 6 quadsin one competition(something belonging to science fiction for Max)but he has a fire inside so you may never know.

Yuzuru maturity is shown when he couldn't do his original layout and changed it due to injury:he won period.that's his excellence,where he's truly superior.

They asked him to write a book about yuzuru:he says he couldn't alone...but if someone may join in writing he could think about it...anyhow he can't now,yuzuru is still active you don't do that while a sportman is still competing,but surely Yuzuru's life is very interesting and worth exploring or writing about...he'll see.


Guys take it for what it is...mistakes and all:headdesk2:



@mercedes Thank you so much for the translation!! :thanks:


  On 8/10/2019 at 9:03 AM, sallycinnamon said:


Thank you very much for the translation! :thanks:

If he writes a book about Yuzu one day it'd surely be a good read!



Yes. If Max writes a book about Yuzu, that has to be published in many different languages or at least Japanese and English (and maybe Chinese as the market could be quite large...)

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  On 8/10/2019 at 9:03 AM, sallycinnamon said:


Thank you very much for the translation! :thanks:

If he writes a book about Yuzu one day it'd surely be a good read!



  On 8/10/2019 at 9:21 AM, BWOZWaltz said:


@mercedes Thank you so much for the translation!! :thanks:



Yes. If Max writes a book about Yuzu, that has to be published in many different languages or at least Japanese and English (and maybe Chinese as the market could be quite large...)


he says there are many projects a podcast for example but he basically says he has no time right now especially alone.

they tease Icardi(famous footballer)becuase there's already a book about him of course:I'm not sure if Max would be able to find a publisher here in Italy but surely if he ever writes it ,it would be fantastic....Max,even with all his adoration for Yuzuru,has a pretty clear vision of him and sport in general,it would be very interesting and revealing.

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  On 8/9/2019 at 8:31 PM, TallyT said:

The thing is, the people from the earthquake areas, both from the 2011 one and later, they all can talk to him knowing he just doesn't sympathise, he empathises, he's been there and knows what they went through better than any amount of well-wishing celebrities and public figures ever can.


This shows precisely why I do not think Yuzu should be classed with those pop-music and other media idols that some here were worried about.  If Yuzu acquires a girl-friend only a few (a very few) of his fans would react negatively.  Yuzu's fame is that of a national hero and like all heroes he can have faults.  The thing is that his faults are not somethings that matter but faults that every human being has. 


One has to remember that pop-idols do not get victory parades no matter how great their achievement is.  Yuzu's victory parades and even his People's Honor Award are because he is a survivor, a person who did not let 3/11 derail his plans for himself, although as a result of information that came out after Sochi all know that he almost did.  He persevered and went on to achievements that few athletes ever achieve.  His struggles through his first injury to his attaining his second Olympic gold merely added to the legend of his being a survivor. 


As to Yuzu's lifestyle, I think it is largely self-imposed.  His life revolves around the two things (outside of family) that most matter to him, skating and his education.  He limits himself so he can focus on those things because Yuzu knows that in a symbolic way he's living on borrowed time and he wants to make sure that his achievement in some way matters to the world at large.  In his skating he's already well-along that path.  He's become a living legend and has pushed the sport to new levels, not so much in terms of quads but in terms of the balance of athletics and aesthetics.  He's making his mark as a skater who pursues the elusive goal of being the perfect package.  In the eyes of the fans here he already is but it's the remaining skating fans he's after, although he knows he'll never have them all.  As to his educational goals I'm still puzzled.  Cognitive science is by and large a very esoteric pursuit although one with potentially major human consequences.  Like so much in his life Yuzu is not tipping his hand here.  Perhaps he's still not sure exactly what cards he's holding there. 


I sense here that Yuzu now thinks he's at a stage where major decisions must be made.  He senses that he's reached pretty close to the end of his competitive career.  Two injury-damaged seasons in a row have underlined his sense of fragility.  His receiving the gold medal in Moscow while on crutches is to me clear evidence that he knows he's not invulnerable.  He's never committed himself to Beijing so he can leave competition before that with a reputation intact.  He didn't chicken out.  This season is the decider.  If he doesn't think he can catch the gold in Beijing he'll retire after this season, not after the following.  To leave competition at the end of one preceding an Olympic season will not look well.  So this is the season that matters.  I just hope that this season goes well for Yuzu, goes well enough that the decision to pursue Beijing is an easy one, easy enough that he can go forward to Beijing yet also a season that is good enough that he can retire after it and not lose face.

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