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I'm sure you already know but just as a reminder, you can leave your message on Yuzu's first blog article: https://ameblo.jp/kose-sports/entry-12443651939.html


Click the middle box コメントする. (Already nearly 600 messages are posted.) Then there pops a box.

From the top, タイトル(title)  コメント(comment/message)  画像認証(verification by copying numbers) 名前(nickname) URL(if you want to show your twitter account or something).

After writing your message, click the green box 投稿する. It will take some time to be shown on the blog site because all the messages are read by administrators beforehand.


Surely Yuzu will read all the messages and English should be no problem for him.




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We all know Yuzu’s clear, radiant skin has nothing to do with cosmetics. And he probably can’t use Sekkisei because its lotion contains alcohol, which he’s allergic to. But people are saying he is the embodiment of Sekkisei (雪肌精), which could be translated as “Snow-skinned Fairy,” rather than an endorser of it. I totally agree with them!:tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp: KOSE is a long-time supporter of figure skating. That's the only reason I can think of for his endorsement.

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  On 3/11/2019 at 10:39 PM, Maya said:


My hypothesis: No, he is not human. He just once in a while seemingly casually does something that resembles us to trick us into thinking he is. This is the only explanation that makes sense to me for the things he does and the way he thinks and behaves. Anyhow, we could still aspire to be more Yuzu-like.



Like never ever wearing a suit that fits???? (don't mind me, I just saw the new CM and interview. How can someone whose on-ice costumes, and hakama for ultra occasions, be so perfect, so elegant and so fitted then have so many problems with a standard suit and tie?????) But you have to admit, it's one of his endearing little foibles...

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I've rewatched Yuzu's last competition in Moscow from a new perspective. These two fancams are so amazing (perhaps you know them already):

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I love them so much, because you can see the entire warm-up, performance, Pooh-rain, hugs and K&C moments from one perspective. In the official broadcasts with multiple camera angles you cannot really judge the huge ice coverage and speed that he actually has. I've never seen him live yet, but these clips gave me a rough idea. His aura and presence are so amazing.

With every new day I get more and more nervous about Worlds... but when I hear, how many young skaters love him, look up to him and believe in him, it calms me down and makes me happy:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:
Tomoki, Gogo, Roman, Daniel, Plushy Jr, little Voronov, the flower girls... now even Vincent said that Yuzu is "on a different level from the rest of us"... this is so encouraging and satisfying.

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  On 3/12/2019 at 4:48 AM, Lily* said:

We all know Yuzu’s clear, radiant skin has nothing to do with cosmetics. And he probably can’t use Sekkisei because its lotion contains alcohol, which he’s allergic to. But people are saying he is the embodiment of Sekkisei (雪肌精), which could be translated as “Snow-skinned Fairy,” rather than an endorser of it. I totally agree with them!:tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp: KOSE is a long-time supporter of figure skating. That's the only reason I can think of for his endorsement.




"In reality he's the guy who wipes his edges and his face with the same towel."


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  On 3/12/2019 at 11:24 AM, Old Cat Lady said:


That's a good point. He probably really doesn't have any skin care routine. I guess the universe actually is that unfair to us mere mortals :yznotimpressed:


You can really tell the universe has no sense of equity when it gives the same person immense talent, drive, grit, intelligence, and charisma, and then good looks and perfect skin on top of all that.


Well, I guess it did keep one thing away from him: the ability to find a suit that actually fits. :laughing:

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I wonder how Yuzu's sister looks like. I mean he is slim with good complexion, maybe his sister is the same too.

Mama Hanyu looks very slender too, they are a very gifted family.

I am curious what deal Kose made with Yuzu that he accepted the endorsement deal.

The free product perks, the pay or something related to his charity?

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