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General Yuzuru Chat

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3 minutes ago, Valkyria said:

It'll pass soon enough, I think. The hour just happened to be okay for a bunch of people and since nothing is going on yet... shenanigans happen :smiley-transport012:


Oh, I'm not complaining! I'm finding it really amusing this turned into a Japanese show commentary. I'm not following the stream for reasons but I'm cracking up at the live commentary. I'm imagining the lurkers going huh once they come check this thread at some point, though. :rofl:

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2 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Well, we just know he'll appear... I am guessing it will be just a short report on FaOI :P i doubt he will appear in an interview? The timing doesn't seem enough for an interview with him and Marin?

idk, i thought i saw someone earlier saying they hoped he would talk about his decision to keep chopin so i assumed it was an interview:rofl:

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5 分ぐらい, Hydroblade said:

Well, i'm having fun commenting on this here :P so it's not lost. Plus i always have tv asahi as background noise while i work anyway so this time is different only because Yuzu will appear :D 

Good to hear that. I’m also enjoying your commentaries on CMs, croissants, etc.:smile:

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