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1 minute ago, OonsieHui said:


Because Yuzu is going to come back next season with a flaming vengeance to claim back his throne 

oh , if that's "only" that , it's an evidence :pouty:


p.s :  poor Shomita who is again n°2  :headdesk2:

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1 hour ago, Sammie said:

Its been awhile since he left #1. :peekapooh:

I like the idea of Bychenko at no. 6. Uncle power!

But seriously, who wants to cross Yuzu at the GP series next season? Or Boyang for that matter? 

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Does anyone remember which practice video it was Yuzu jumped a waltz jump, 1A and then a triple axel, in a semi-circle, on someone else's music accent (Shoma's Ladies in Lavender, maybe)? I think it would be a great addition to @kaerb's compilation. Paging  @kaeryth :laughing:


Edit: I think it was from GPF 2016 practice.



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1 hour ago, LadySnowblood said:

My immediate thought: Self-care, good for him!! Heartwarming to imagine him taking a break from the post-Olympics craziness and just geeking out over new earphones, even if only for a minute. Whatever makes you happy, dear boy...


On the weighing, I figured he didn't have a scale in his bedroom but in a shared area (bath or kitchen) so it was more convenient that way.


I wanted to know what cereal he ate! Probably something pretty boring ("healthy") though.


Hope Yuzu had plenty of fun visiting the earphone shop. It makes me happy to know he's doing his little things to make himself amused whenever & wherever possible.  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: Having so much talent makes it almost like noblesse oblige. Yuzu doesn't owe anybody anything but it becomes a sort of condition for the people with particular talent that they owe it (to perform) to the gift itself. Some may call it a 'curse' but it's just a way it is. But outside skating, I sincerely hope Yuzu enjoys things like ordinary people. So much burden he carries and sometimes I almost feel like saying to him 'そんなに頑張らなくても大丈夫だよ'  It must be my maternal instinct kicks in...:13877886:


Yuzu said he's not really into food or has strict diet like other athletes have.

It must be his DNA on his mum's side that he's naturally quite slim and does not put on weight by eating whatever he fancies.

Ajinomoto has been supporting Yuzu since 2013 in terms of setting meal plans and providing meals during training/competitions. They have also supported Team Japan during PC. I trust them while his mum's dedication is truly amazing, with professional & commercial company 's backing up, they don't need to worry about his nutritions as much as before.


Just looking at Yuzu in the old costumes at CWW, I can see he has grown more muscles around his shoulders, chest, thighs and buttocks. His official weight now is 57kg? I'd say he's still very very slim but is filling out healthily. I thought weighing after breakfast is a bit strange but if he eats the same breakfast every morning, it'd makes sense. He must keep records of his weight and report it to his nutrition team so that they collect data on different effect of food or something. Athletes like Yuzu, the data they can produce would become very important to those involved. 


57 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I’m so scared for Nathan and Shoma. :(


Not just these two who are scared...we're all scared in a way too but it'd be so good to have Yuzu back in the game again :10636614:

'Business as usual Mr Hanyu?'  :goe:  Very soon we will need new emoticons with +5 GOE...

I can't wait to see the first skater's score under the new rule. It must take a while for judges and the skaters (and the fans) to get used to the new ways. I kind of know how +5 GOE should look like (in a shape of Yuzu's 3A of course) but I wonder how -5 GOE disaster would look like...it has to be spectacular in that sense too :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: 

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3 hours ago, kaerb said:


attempting to start a jp hashtag : P


I don't think it's casual.  It's part of his strategy to discourage his opponents.  He might not be exactly duplicating what the other skater is attempting, but this is, I think, a subtle way of saying to the other skater that Yuzu's domination on skating skills is categorical, that at the drop of a hat he can match them, improvising to their own music.  He's saying that nobody is going to be able to match him as far as PCS is concerned (now that Patrick is no longer around).  By making other skaters nervous about their own command of skating skills he is managing to weaken them there.  He's also showing that he knows their programs almost as well as his own.  All in all he's saying that his position at the top of men's figure skating is not accidental.  He's there because he simply is better than everybody else.

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It might take a while for Yuzuru to regain his number 1 status even if he were to win everything next season, because Nathan and Shoma are also going to be gaining points for their placings in competitions, and they're likely to place well/win GP assignments. So while I'll be happy as heck if he does come back with a vengeance (here's praying for a complete recovery and no more injuries this coming season, please!), I'm not expecting him to be able to make up for this past season in terms of ranking. All that matters with the ranking is that he'll still get sorted in the top group for Worlds/4CC and skate last or second to last at his GP assignments, depending on whether he has any shared assignments with Shoma or Nathan.

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Thinking about world rankings.  I wouldn't worry too much about Yuzu being third.  Nobody takes that seriously.  They know his loss of first place is simply due to his missing most of the last season.  For those above him there's an asterisk by their name, just as there is with Shoma's name as the Japanese champion for the last two seasons and Nathan's as the GPF champion - they're there because Yuzu wasn't there.

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With Yuzu being 3rd, maybe during the group draw he'll finally be lucky enough again to draw last or after his main competitors.


Last season, I know he killed it and intimidated some by going before them, but it also gave me major stress with Shoma and Javi going after him during the Olys FS. I'd rather hope for Yuzu to pull out his best after his competitors go, rather than hope his competitors don't do as well after him.

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