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Thank you for knowing and caring about what's happening after the quake. :thanks:

I doubt people's consciousness of the problem will contribute to filling the theaters, but I really appreciate your concerns as a Japanese.



Movie theaters in Japan in these days rarely become full. They sometimes become close to full when they offer a discount, when they are small and screening a film which has hard-core fans but rarely gets screened, and when they invite actors and celebrities to promote the film. It's not rare to see a movie in a theater all by yourself. So those theaters won't expect a content to fill the whole seats every time. I don't know how much attendances will be enough to produce a surplus, but I'm sure he doesn't have to fill the whole seats in the whole theaters. I don't even know if this live-viewing is a plan for making much profit. I think the main point is to offer a chance to enjoy the show to people who cannot travel all the way to the venue since he's always been conscious of such fans supporting him from far away. 
Anyway, don't worry too much. It's a big project but such project doesn't happen without a help of professional.

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32 minutes ago, Toni said:

But if they actually lose money, that might hurt Yuzu’s chances with future financial backers. That’s why I think they should make it easy for people who want to support him to throw money at them.  Merch should definitely be sold on-line.

I think that the people working on this know their audience and none of their decisions is arbitrary. They are not throwing money away without any planning so there is no need to worry. Even if there is a loss, it is most likely calculated and expected.  You usually take risks when starting something new (like an ice show),  it is just normal business

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2 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

Random and OT but its been 900 million years and I still don't know where this is from...


Calling on Yuzu dictionary @kaeryth !!! Save me please!! 


Not kaeryth but this is from FaOI rehearsal. I can hear the theme of FaOI from their movement.

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1 minute ago, sweetwater said:

Not kaeryth but this is from FaOI rehearsal. I can hear the theme of FaOI from their movement.


haha guess I should have phrased it differently. By where I meant which video clip, not the event. :laughing: but thanks anyway!

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2 minutes ago, tafattsbarn said:


I always felt that Yuzu was a cat person, the vibe is strong in this one. 



True dedication to the ultimate fluff balls of happiness :tumblr_inline_np9uqfin9j1qid2nw_75sq:

I have a fluff ball of my own so I totally get it.  I want another pet but debating if I want a birman or a cavalier king charles spaniel or a Corgi that I'm gonna name Ein.  My cat now seems to get along with others despite being the "only child" for 11 years. 

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1 minute ago, Danibellerika said:

I have a fluff ball of my own so I totally get it.  I want another pet but debating if I want a birman or a cavalier king charles spaniel or a Corgi that I'm gonna name Ein.  My cat now seems to get along with others despite being the "only child" for 11 years. 


OT incoming 


Hmm, of course you should choose what best fits your situation but i absolutely adore birman's! My grandma had two and they're the kindest animals, very social and they loved to interact with the family (: 


My family owns two regular barn cats, we got them together when they were kitties (: They're old uncles now and they're chill to the highest level, but sometimes i miss having wild kittens climbing the curtains and peeing in all the plants lmao. To compensate we have a not-so-young-anymore-but-still-full-of-too-much-energy jack russel terrier which we adopted when she was three. 


Animals bring so much joy, i'm thankful to them haha

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9 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:
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OMG HOLY SMOKES WE HAD TWO YUZU DICTIONARIES?? :jaw::jaw::jaw: I felt like I had searched every FaOI video on the net without success!!! 



No. I happened to have re-watched this video not so long ago to see the venue where FaOI will be held again this year.:68468287:


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