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1 hour ago, yuzupon said:

There was a reply to a tweet about that video when it was translated to Japanese, which basically said "In Japan, if you don't have a medal from WC or Oly you cannot be commentators. In Italy, non-figure skater, or finishing 27th* in WC will be commentators". I replied, saying exactly what it is: "And random people in internet get to make their ad hominem heard"**.

I must say that ad hominem attack, no matter how ridiculous it can be as a logical fallacy, is indeed very easy to do. I personally tried to look into who the person who made the argument only after I weigh the argument by itself, myself. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. I usually dismiss an argument based first on its merit, and then try to understand how the author can think like that based on who they are. (An example would be the whole "Uno's jumps are bigger than Hanyu's if we consider an isolated case where friction with ice and air do not exist" nonsense from back then. How a person can make such argument makes sense only when I saw that they also believe "Unlike judges, even physics is on Uno's side".)


My point is, discourse on the internet most of the time is pointless, because logic very rarely prefails.


In a way, I am glad that Zu (and we) is aware of his haters, but I hope he (and we) can also disregard illogical statements uttered along the way. 


*I don't  remember the exact number. Also is that Ambessi or Dolfini?

**Ambessi liked that tweet of mine:P

Mine was liked by Ambesi. :embSwan:There was a reply there which implied that the Italian commies were not credible because they show their bias. And i'm pretty sure that's what she meant because that was the same person who basically said that the Asahi article about Shoma's jump being bigger than Yuzu's was "realistic", even providing calculations and theories and in the end saying "if they skate in vacuum and there's no friction...". :headdesk2: I digress, apologies. 

So, going back to the tweet where she implied that commies with bias can not be trusted to give objective analysis, i replied, "Yeah, like that Henretty. Good thing the Italian commies can back up what they say." :tongueyuzu: 

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I actually wouldn't be surprised if he does lurk. But actually, if he does, he might lurk less in fan forums and on fan accounts and more on general skating ones. He is a fan of the sport and I think he'd actually be really interested in debates on technical merits in FS and maybe even the new rules and their pros and cons. Of course, English is the biggest issue with that. Aside from him being Yuzuru Hanyu lol.


I still haven't watched that press conference and I kind of want to watch it raw first, and then with subtitles, to make my own first impression. I hope to manage to do that, soon.


From previous interviews/conferences, I would say Yuzuru is surprisingly straightforward, for a Japanese. He also has moments when he sees no point in modesty, although he always says such things mather-of-factly, and not in a bragging way. I'm sure there are Japanese people who think he is arrogant. (I also personally think any good athlete needs a dose of arrogance, as long as it doesn't go to their heads.) But there are so many other proofs of humbleness and down-to-earth-ness. (And with this I think I finally realized what I love about Yuzu that he has in common with all my other favorites. Dreams big, but with feet firmly planted on the ground.) And so, for the general public, it balances out. I wonder if anyone taught him that or if it comes naturally or if it's another result of his studies.


Anyway, I'm also happy that he speaks up about haters and is aware of them. I think for someone who isn't aware, it can be a shock if they become aware of them suddenly - I remember seeing reports during Olympics about various athletes who suffered cyber-bullying for one thing or another. I think it's better to be aware of it, recognize it for what it is - meaningless - and put it behind you. Actually, a part of me would love to see some antis actually face to face with Yuzu trying to argue their opinions that he's not that good or that X or Y are better than him. I think it'd actually be hilarious, because Yuzu would probably listen to their arguments, accept any criticism he might find constructive and then systematically explain away all the others. Not that that's likely to ever happen, but I think even he might find that interesting. (He might know most of their arguments are ridiculous, and that could be why it doesn't really affect him, beyond a natural disappointment and upset.)


And I agree this place is probably sheltered, but in many ways, that's why it was created, wasn't it? To be a safe haven for us to be fans of Yuzu and others and avoid the hysterics and bias - and accusation of bias - from other places. No place is perfect, but I think this place is pretty close to that and it meets the goals everyone had when we migrated lol


As for hating Nathan - or Shoma or whoever else - I'm the type of fan who does get much like a hissing cat if one criticizes my favorite, and tend to lash out. However, beyond instant reactions that I rarely act upon, I am aware that Nathan is not his scores, Shoma is not his scores and ultimately it's not really their fault. As long as the judges give them points without them having to try harder, why should they? A lot of people in the world would do the same. If you were to get a high salary without having to do much, why would you try harder? Better spend that time doing something else, right? Yuzuru is an exception. He also had different goals - yes, he wanted gold for himself, but he also wanted it for completely different reasons that I doubt any of the others could understand - and he was also pushed to improve by judges not really giving him much candy. I was checking scores last week or so and found 2011CoR. Yuzuru won then, with just 0.03 points over Javi. NEITHER of them had any 9s in their PCS. And yet they were first and second and Yuzu was bronze medalist at Worlds, some time later. I'm not sure even Patrick got 9.5s regularly then. Now, just about anyone - or maybe anyone with enough quads - gets 9s or around there. I'm not saying Yuzu deserved them then, just like I'm not saying they're never deserved now. I'm mostly saying the standards have changed and I doubt it's in a good way. (Also, Nathan actually seems like a fun kid and he seems a million times more grounded than most people around him. I can easily imagine him rolling his eyes or headdesking at the hype and desperation of US media. And Shoma's awkwardness reminds me so much of my own I could never hate him, even while I sometimes get annoyed at the narrative around him. Beyond that, love Javi, love Boyang, even Patrick is fun, they all are, really)

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3 hours ago, OonsieHui said:


As some others already mentioned, I'm sure there are some really rude comments from "fans" out there. Not that I've ever encountered any truly rude ones. But also, I've noticed some Nathan fans tend to take not gushing over Nathan as being equivalent to being rude/harsh/unkind. Unfortunately it's come to the point where sensible constructive criticism is viewed as a negative since clearly only positive support is allowed to exist. 



. . . FROM WHOM??? :headdesk2: 




Omg. I wish u had google translate to see their horrendous comments.



If u wnt to see their opinions u can see it on the pyeongchang olympics instagram in the comment section under yuzus gold medal photo lol. They claim he stole it frm nathan, boyang, javi etc etc

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2 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

It's actually true that this is a very sheltered place. Or at least, it's a place with clear rules and when those are broken, there are enough people who will point that out and not engage in certain kinds of conversation. I'd hope that that makes the planet an unattractive place for anybody who extends Yuzu-stanning to hating other skaters. Yes, I can see how there must be pockets that really do hate on Nathan right now. Here, most conversations about him focus on legitimate criticism and federation boosting power, with caveats that Nathan is very talented, a very good jumper, and only 18 and therefore capable of improving to get those scores and deserving them. The differentiation between the skater and the media hype around the skater is usually made. 


But I can also see that there's a bunch of people who call ^that^ hating, too, and that's just silly. I'll stick by my view that Nathan does indeed deserve to be called the World Champion because he is, he deserved to win that, unquestionably. But that score was ludicrous, I will be very salty that such a ludicrously scored and flawed programme nearly beat such a strictly scored and near-perfect one. And he's scored almost solely on fed power for TR, which is also ridiculous. Maybe he does have as much skating talent in him as Yuzu did at his age, but he hasn't shown the commitment to improving every single aspect of his skating to achieve perfection, and without that, we will never know just how much talent he has except at jumping. Now, is that hating? I don't think so, but I'm sure there are people who will disagree. (I will admit that my disgruntlement is also driven by what Nemesis could've been and wasn't, and I resent that because I really liked that programme in the beginning.)


I also have to say that without Yuzu in the picture, Nathan's shortcomings wouldn't be so obviously visible, without that direct comparison. I understand why they hate Yuzu. They're wrong but I get it.



Yuzu is the total package. It is a magnet for jealousy and hate from other skater fans lol

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2 時間前, yuzuponさんが言いました:

There was a reply to a tweet about that video when it was translated to Japanese, which basically said "In Japan, if you don't have a medal from WC or Oly you cannot be commentators. In Italy, non-figure skater, or finishing 27th* in WC will be commentators". I replied, saying exactly what it is: "And random people in internet get to make their ad hominem heard"**.


As you know, there are many Japanese commentators who were not medaled in WC or the Olympics, I didn't even know what that reply was talking about. So I checked what kind of person she was and saw her "Hanyu's injury is fake! He is a liar!" tweets and then I understood :laughing: I'm so sorry for Max being involved in this kind of craziness. 


Thank you for the great work, gladi, as always:thanks: There was the scene that Yuzuru thanked a reporter (he is from NHK) for featuring him in TV program on NHK and I was very surprised that he had watched it, because that program is only 10 minutes length and I even skipped watching it lol. So he might be watching his news or materials more than we imagine :biggrin:

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1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:

New magazine!  :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:



Yuzu looks positively diabolical here... :muahaha:



32 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

They claim he stole it frm nathan, boyang, javi etc etc


. . . . How even. What. I. Don't understand. Yuzu didn't win by like a point or two such that you could argue there was some form of possibility of a different results. Freaking 11 points margin like what.... :2: (I'm not aiming this at you obviously. I know everyone on here knows this. Just expressing my disbelief)

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7 hours ago, asiacheetah said:

I've only seen what's posted in Tumblr and most people are more upset with the overly generous scores that got ridiculously close to the perfect WR LP Yuzu had for Hope and Legacy.


Nathan fans are delusional as well. They seem to think jumping quads is the only metric for figure skating and all the other "stuff" are fluff.


Something I read infuriated me. They said if Yuzuru is the REAL champion, he can come back next year to prove it. I'm like b*tch please. He doesn't need to prove ANYTHING to them. His 2 Olympic gold, 2 WC gold, and 4 GPF gold more than prove he's the real champion.


I try to stay away from anything to deal with Nathan and his new fans. Of course it's hard when they insist on tagging Yuzuru.


I saw that tumblr post and I laughed. They have no idea what's coming.


Yuzu was probably at home watching Nathan's WC FS, raging at his ankle injury and chomping at the bit to get back on the ice to practice. Boy has "Don't touch my world record" syndrome. If his Olympic gold whetted his competitive fires, Nathan's WC win probably started them back up again. Thank you Nathan for waking a sleeping dragon :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


I need to find that interview where Yuzu said "it's no fun winning over weak opponents". :smiley-devil: I can see him already salivating about landing the 4A in competition and grabbing his title back in Saitama. He prioritised his Olympic title defense over his World title defense but as Yulia Lipnitskaya said, Yuzu doesn't like giving things away easily.

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8 hours ago, asiacheetah said:

Something I read infuriated me. They said if Yuzuru is the REAL champion, he can come back next year to prove it. I'm like b*tch please. He doesn't need to prove ANYTHING to them. His 2 Olympic gold, 2 WC gold, and 4 GPF gold more than prove he's the real champion.


I try to stay away from anything to deal with Nathan and his new fans. Of course it's hard when they insist on tagging Yuzuru.

It's on yuzu's tag on tumblr isn't it?

Yeah, I saw that, too, and "block button, I shall clicky:winky:"

I also flag certain skaters' name from my tumblr, so I don't have to see such posts, even if they tag Yuzu. I am sure it causes me to miss some good edits of skaters I actually like, but meh. I don't think I'll miss much.


But yeah. Certainly not doing anything to endear their faves to me.


To be fair, there are Yuzu fans that I blocked, too. Cz their posts are just :anger:

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11 minutes ago, CookieMaster said:

hello, just popping to share this gif i made lol





3 minutes ago, Swanyu said:

Ok out of topic but I don't know where I can write this


Please help me how to use this forum (I mean I still don't know exactly how to reply something in this forum T.T


Welcome to the Planet!:smiley-happy105: First of all to reply, if you mean replying by quoting someone, there's a small "Quote" under every replies (between the "+" and "Bookmark"). Just click there and that reply will appear in your reply section, then you can add what you want to say. You can also reply to someone by mentioning @_their_name like this @Swanyu



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Hello again. I want to write a post on my Russian fan sports blog abt Notte Stellata and how Yuzu made this program. I know abt TAT and music and today Alice's tumbler post will help me a lot. I know abt Starry night documentary, but is there more interviews or information?

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6 hours ago, cinemacoconut said:

[Admin edit: Please stop bringing up haters from other platforms.]


@cinemacoconut, I understand you're frustrated but you have to stop inviting people to go read hate on Yuzu. Just let it rest. Some Koreans don't like Yuzu, we know, we don't really need that negativity here and you keep bringing it up. Please... try not to. 

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