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Everything posted by Kadova

  1. Exactly. I answered her tweet writing she closes the door to any improvement if this is how it is.
  2. The most stupid thing imho is that older skaters should make way for younger skaters...oh well.
  3. The options 1 and 2 are my favourites as they both carry the initial message. I believe the ones with the costumes will get people more focused on Yuzu himself than on the message. Just my opinion.
  4. I also support the We [heart with the flag] Yuzu of the 1st post. The message is Yuzu is loved all over the world, if some people don't recognise the flag, they can search it online, lol. Keep it simple. I only go to the GPF, and injury-wise, Yuzu should be there. I already bought a Pooh bear.
  5. 180 UR ? I need slo-mo on the landing to see it. I could see the PR, though. Anyway, Jackie said PR does not count in unofficial competitions. That does not change anything.
  6. They have done that in the past, 1 artistic programmme and 1 technical programme. Stupid idea imho, and will not resolve anything.
  7. ahem...feeling stupid tonight. I can't crop my photo correctly because the handles only go all together as a square and my photo is rectangular. Also, the photo appears blurry while it didn't not seem blurry to me when I took it. Can someone help me?
  8. Just read the news when I went back home from work. Still can't believe he passed away for car mirrors. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
  9. Yuzu and Javi are brothers by heart, if not by blood. Also, all Spaniards are very affectionate, boys and girls, old and young, they always embrace you
  10. If you knew, the sponsor ran away 2 weeks before the event.
  11. I cannot go to Helsinki but I can go to the CoR.... We have a topic for each GP, I suppose?
  12. Yes, and checking my computer again; I miss one hour, so if it's 5am in Japan, it's 4pm in Toronto, which would make more sense. Oh dear...finishing work in 20 min or so. Should have time to go home before the announcement.
  13. Put Toronto time on my computer all day for nothing... now thinking the announcement will be 5am Japan time on Friday morning. It's 12 hours less in Toronto if I'm right so that would be 5pm for Toronto on Thursday and 9pm GMT. Pffeew....I'm getting a headache....
  14. If they announce in Toronto on am, that will be pm for Europe and evening for Asia. So relax, people..... ahem .. saying that while I'm stressing out, lol.
  15. At what time do they make the announcement? I'm living on GMT time.
  16. Trains London to Paris arrive at Gare du Nord. I will be in Paris that weekend and I won't be able to go to Grenoble. Happy for you if you can.
  17. The perfect example of what a coach can do for you, boosting your confidence.
  18. Thanks a lot. Will do that when I have a moment this week. Will let you know if any problem arises.
  19. Being here for some times and finally deciding on an avatar. It will be a snapshot from a YouTube video. Do I put the YouTube link and the uploader name as a credit?
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