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Everything posted by Kadova

  1. It's less cold at the moment, yes. Far more people this morning.
  2. People at front row block 7 so no worry. I'm at my seat.
  3. Hi, where are you? I'm in Block 9 row G. Can we go front where you are?
  4. Hi, I'm here in block 9. It's a pity they don't let people sit where they want for the practice. Coming to see you.
  5. I finally sent my photo to you, Anabel. I don't know how to post it here..... If you want to improve it, that's fine. I put Ireland as country, because I want Yuzu to know he has fans here. A friend of mine should send you something too. She's French and live in France so you should have Poohs on the map in Ireland and in France.
  6. Kadova


    The Gofundme does not work anymore ? Donations are turned off because the charity connected to this fundraiser is no longer supported by our payment partner. Going on Paypal if I can remember my password Edit: I found my password and I could send money. Thanks a million for your work and your dedication. Let me know when you receive it. You've sent EUR 60.00 to [email protected]
  7. Sotchi 2014 SP on BBC TV. I got hooked.
  8. Kadova


    That's great. Will do.
  9. Kadova


    How do you give with gofundme? I never tried that. I had a paypal account but I'm not sure it's still there.
  10. I'm only seeing this thread now. I have to check what Yuzu photo I have taken the only time I saw him in competition. I'm very poor at drawing anything. Will add a text and send it.
  11. I could not do it on my laptop but I can do it on my phone. So it's now done. Thank you anyway😊
  12. That's me again after 2 years.... Can I change avatar? If it's no, it's OK, I'm just asking.
  13. Does someone know the professional fs competitions?
  14. Well, we'll see what this will give.
  15. Sorry no question from me at the moment. I need to think about it.
  16. Well fs.gossip were caught mis-translating interviews in order to fit them into their own narrative....
  17. It says to me "private video" so I cannot watch it.
  18. Oh God, I see what you mean.....are there so many people who could fill the ice rink seats?
  19. I don't know which medias you're reading. I'm European and European medias don't trash Yuzu, as far as I can see. From what I can see, only some US medias are harsh on him. I just avoid them so I don't get too angry. I'm not sure Yuzu skating life was made worse after OG18 or not. What I could see is he struggled mentally to adapt to skating without Javi at his side and he was trying different techniques to overcome this. We all know "I can't do it without you". I believe he's fine now because what he went through after the OG18 made him grow, which means he's more serene today and far less nervous. This makes me hope he will be fine at the OG22. I don't want to get too angry at the ISU, the JSF... because there's no point. We cannot redo the past. Let's see it like it's part of life, life can be terribly unfair at times but life takes turns and after the darkness, the bright sun always shines. If Yuzu wins a third OG, all the bad things that happened before will become unworthy of remembering. Keep in mind Yuzu just said he believe he can win the OG so let's cheer on him and show our support.
  20. I agree. The JSF are dead only because they want to be. Proverb to the point and very clear. The ladies are often problematic, whatever the scoring system, and the Ice dance. Yes, they did not want anyone to try the 4A But noone can tell skaters what they should try or not try.
  21. wow, that's very sad. Is there a way to know what kind of people the Chinese IOC will choose? If the fans know it, Yuzu should know it too.
  22. This is mainly the Japanese fault as they refuse to support their skaters. The ISUI will listen to the ones who support their skaters like the US fed and the Rusfed. The only thing I want to add is you decided his depression came from underscoring (only as you don't talk about other factors), there's no proof of that. ZAs I said underscoring affects him, of course; We could see it at the GPF19 SP press conf for ex. He would have gone into depression years ago if this was due to underscoring because he was underscored from the start or almost from the start. OK, I stop annoying you with my opinion. Let's keep in mind Yuzu does know how much we support him, even when we cannot go to competitions. I will be at the Worlds and I would be happy to meet you there if you come and agree. We can think different and still be friends.
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