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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. I love this - I'd put it up on my wall in a flash! It portrays that "Yuzuru magic", full of feeling and drama and beauty
  2. Cold hands (I thought), warm heart(s)
  3. Fantastic interview and translation thank you, the questions were intelligent and appropriately probing, and the answers by Yuzuru were so interesting, wise and mature for such a young man, very impressive and I really enjoyed reading it!
  4. I love your story about the Skate Canada practice and Yuzuru's swan costume and other skaters stopping to watch him practice - I could hear your gasps as I read your account!! I think his costume, the music and beautiful singing, and his skating to Notte Stellata was absolutely exquisite and enchanting (especially at WTT), and I will really miss it - hope he uses it again at some point in the future....
  5. Yuzuru's costumes are such a talking point, and something we all seem to look forward to seeing whilst waiting for the next season to begin. So many of his costumes have been gorgeous so to pick 5 is hard - here is my attempt: 1. Hope and Legacy - it perfectly suited the programme and Yuzuru's interpretation, it was beautiful and reminiscent of nature and he described himself as feeling like he was merging with a river (I think?) whilst he was skating his WR performance. (Plus I saw him skating this live in Helsinki so it will always be a personal favourite). I think Joe Hisaishi's music had such beauty as did the choreography, and this and the costume reflected Yuzuru's Japanese heritage which is so evidently important to him. 2. LGC - he looked great in the white costume, but it was difficult to see on the ice so the purple has it. I think Yuzuru was perfect for this Prince track and even though he complained about not feeling comfortable with this programme he did a brilliant job of it in my view and the costume was a big part of the rock star feel of this programme. I liked Tara Lipinsky's comment that you have to be pretty confident about yourself to wear purple lycra LOL! 3. POTO - the gold blue and white - I love this costume so much, and the programme and the music, they all went together really well. The fabric and it's design emphasised Yuzu's shape too, his shoulders/back looked particularly good in it!! (tell me it wasn't just me that noticed this??!) 4. Chopin Ballade No 1 - I like the first costume best because of it's beauty and simplicity, and the programme was/is so beautiful and the costume matched the classical nature of the programme. 5. I do love the Notte Stellata costume - Yuzuru's skating is such a wonderful interpretation of the swan, and the costume reinforces the programme! Because it is an exhibition piece, the lighting is always gorgeous and the costume, skating, music, Yuzu, and lighting all make for a magical experience. (I can't believe I have left out Etude, RandJ, and I liked Requiem too, and Seimei.......)
  6. (Re Floria Chopin clip) This is a wonderful short clip - he moves so beautifully, and the close up of the transition out of the quad is gorgeous..... Thanks to Floria!
  7. Geo1 you made this point very well and I hope people accept such challenges gratefully - we need to learn from each other to be more informed and embrace the differences between us and celebrate it, as well as what we have in common! (mainly Yuzuru on this forum LOL!!)
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