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2019 Russian Ladies World Team Selection

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I think people can be a little too hasty to attribute decisions they don't agree with to backroom deals/conspiracy. At the end of the day, no one here knows what's actually going on in any behind-the-scenes FS decision, and it's entirely possible that the people involved might just have a different set of information than is publicly available or just a different perspective. That's not to say that there's no corruption in this sport, but any individual decision we may disagree with has a number of possible causes. For instance, bad tech panel calls could easily be the result of the camera angle the tech panel has access too, or the fact that the tech panel isn't given the time to review everything carefully so if it kinda looks ok to the naked eye they give it a pass, not because the TP is necessarily trying to hold up a skater or knock a skater down. We can't say with any degree of confidence what the actual reason is, so I think we should be more careful before going around slinging accusations.


No one knows for sure why Rusfed went with Zhenya over Liza except the people actually involved in the voting. Maybe they thought their medals odds were higher with her. Maybe they're emotionally attached to her and their decision was based on feeling. Maybe they just decided to go with the winner of RCF after all. Maybe they think she still has higher long term potential because she's younger and Liza has indicated she may retire soon (goodness knows they never pick Voronov for anything because of his age, despite the fact that he performed the best out of all the Russian men on the GP circuit). Maybe they liked the potential of a redemption story arc. Obviously some of these reasons are better or worse than others, but the point is, no one knows for sure, and in the absence of knowledge we should try to avoid being vitriolic.


Same thing goes for why Brian said the decision was "fair." Obviously, he's going to say things that paint his skaters in a good light, but it's also entirely possible he genuinely thinks that. Maybe his understanding of the situation was simply "winner of RCF gets to go to Worlds." Sometimes people just have different opinions, and I dislike the tendency to think that the only explanation for someone disagreeing with you is because they're being dishonest or otherwise not acting in good faith. This is a very common tendency on the internet, and I think it's a large part of the reason the internet can be so toxic.

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6 minutes ago, shanshani said:

Sometimes people just have different opinions, and I dislike the tendency to think that the only explanation for someone disagreeing with you is because they're being dishonest or otherwise not acting in good faith. This is a very common tendency on the internet, and I think it's a large part of the reason the internet can be so toxic.

Yes, and it goes all the possible different directions in a discussion. People are quick to paint the ones who go against popular opinions as trolls and only meaning to cause strife. :shrug: The internet is simply not a place to hold a debate, but it happens anyhow.

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25 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

But I wasn't talking about cheating at all, nor was I talking about Canadian coaches exclusively. Back room dealing in-so-far as they involve money are disliked the world across. Skate Canada's politicking is well known, and there was very good speculation about why Gadbois took on all those international teams this season. Influence does matter in skating, and Canada is a big Fed. I don't see how the coaches there are exempt from the same pitfalls as other big feds in skating. I don't think you understood my point, or maybe I didn't convey it well... Anyway, I'll move on from this topic.

Every federation politicks with all the other federations. In a way that's what federations are for - how else, for example, are locations chosen to hold competitions? It only becomes a problem when there's blatant favoritism as a result. 


You said something entirely different than that, though. What you said was that individual coaches at the top level only get their jobs through dishonest means. And you implied that such was the case for Brian. And I'm telling you that not only is that not true, there's no way it could ever possibly be true for a Canadian coach. 


As for Gadbois, my understanding is, they don't go picking out skaters so as to have 'influence', but rather, that skaters come to them because they're that good at coaching. 


Which is the same for Brian , really. He's just that good at what he does. 


Anyway, I will stop now. We've derailed the thread far enough.

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I’m just gonna say I feel very sad at how Liza has been treated. She hasn’t had the best years and this season she had pneumonia and still managed to be one of the most consistent and solid skaters. I love Evgenia, but I’m pretty tired of the narrative of rivalry the Russian Fed is playing with her and Zagitova. Evgenia and Alina are undoubtedly the most popular skaters and as much as I enjoy Evgenia’s skating and as much as I like her personally, I’m sorry but I think Liza deserved her spot over her this season.


I feel like the Russian Fed is favouring Evgenia and Alina because they’re the young, pretty and skinny ones that are really popular with fans and because they can milk the Olympic rivalry with both of them beating personal records in the SP and getting the same score in the FS and with the fact they used to train together. It’s crazy to think of Liza, who is so young, as a “veteran” but... I also think they don’t favour her because she’s very outspoken and political and doesn’t try to fit into the idea of an “ice princess” (she’s the Empress after all :xD:).

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On other news, Radio-Canada put an addendum on the article previously posted indicating that they were mistaken about Medvedeva. She's not leaving Canada, just to be clear.




Radio-Canada Sports tient à rectifier un article publié mercredi. Nous avons écrit qu'Evgenia Medvedeva quittait le Canada pour continuer sa carrière en Russie. Ce n'est pas le cas.


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18 minutes ago, Veveco said:

On other news, Radio-Canada put an addendum on the article previously posted indicating that they were mistaken about Medvedeva. She's not leaving Canada, just to be clear.




Can’t open it at work, but thanks for the link! 

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18 minutes ago, Veveco said:

On other news, Radio-Canada put an addendum on the article previously posted indicating that they were mistaken about Medvedeva. She's not leaving Canada, just to be clear.




Was it basically "Our entire article was wrong including our decision to write an article" :rofl:

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40 minutes ago, Fay said:

They basically rewrote the whole article. Wow. 

I thought they might. I'm not the greatest in French, but when I read the original article, something seemed a bit off...not just that the content was wrong. I was wondering if it had been some kind of hoax. Guess not? Just a bad mistake.

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Just now, rockstaryuzu said:

I thought they might. I'm not the greatest in French, but when I read the original article, something seemed a bit off...not just that the content was wrong. I was wondering if it had been some kind of hoax. Guess not? Just a bad mistake.

It wasn’t April 1st yesterday, was it? 

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