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2019 Russian Ladies World Team Selection

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5 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

Same. It feels like all of Liza's achievements on the GP this year counted for nothing. Maybe RusFed know some things we don't but ugh, it's really hard not to feel disappointed.


And here I thought I'd be fine with either Liza or Zhenya.

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3 hours ago, katonice said:

Same. It feels like all of Liza's achievements on the GP this year counted for nothing. Maybe RusFed know some things we don't but ugh, it's really hard not to feel disappointed.

She was recovering as seen at RCF, and the margin there was too close for it to not go to Tukt, IMO. She'd already proved she could medal with the best in GPF, too...


3 hours ago, katonice said:

And here I thought I'd be fine with either Liza or Zhenya.

Well, I didn't think so. Med still has her issues, her flutz was ignored, she fell on a +3Lo, and had some other URs ignored, vs Tukt who basically went clean apart from a fall in the SP on a 3A, and a UR in the LP that IDK was even right.


Med also still is retuning her technique, and there is zero guarantee that she's stable enough for worlds as we saw her at RCF, or if she will be. This just seems like a blatantly political move to save face after the support RusFed threw her way. Of course she will still be in the top 6 or 8 no matter how she skates because of lingering reputation, and the utter lack of depth this year, but they could have had stronger chances for a medal with Tukt, and it seems unfair to pull her back by the hand like this. And if Med does bomb again, that will hardly bolster her confidence, and on a world stage it will attract even more backlash. There is zero smartness in this decision for me, but maybe someone will add something to the discussion here to explain what I'm missing.

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I don't feel good about this decision. The pressure on Zhenya to do well is gonna be enormous. Otherwise, imagine all the hate that will be thrown at her. 


And Liza, my darling Liza. I have no words. You deserve better than this.


19 voted for Zhenya while 7 for Liza. Sad.

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1 minute ago, hoodie axel said:

She was recovering as seen at RCF, and the margin there was too close for it to not go to Tukt, IMO. She'd already proved she could medal with the best in GPF, too...


Well, I didn't think so. Med still has her issues, her flutz was ignored, she fell on a +3Lo, and had some other URs ignored, vs Tukt who basically went clean apart from a fall in the SP on a 3A, and a UR in the LP call that IDK was even right.


Med also still is retuning her technique, and there is zero guarantee that she's stable enough for worlds as we saw her at RCF, or if she will be. This just seems like a blatantly political move to save face after the support RusFed threw Med's way. Of course Med will still be in the top 6 or 8 no matter how she skates because of lingering reputation, and the utter lack of depth this year, but they could have had stronger chances for a medal with Tukt, and it seems unfair to pull her back by the hand like this.

Yes, all the reasons I thought they would give the spot to Liza. But apparently not 😩


Zhenya will have a lot to prove this coming Worlds. Wish all the best to her, and for Alina and Sofia too. 

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1 minute ago, hoodie axel said:

Yeah. The decision might actually have been made a while back, and the RCF results might have been planned. It does reek of TAT. :shrug:

This is so unfair for all the girls. Everyone is going crazy right now with the decision. People are bashing Zhenya when it's not her fault she was named. 

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At least they didn't wait until March to announce. Poor Liza. Imagine medal at every international comp and then lose WC spot base on a domestic comp. I'm not sure this is gonna be good for Evgenia, but for her own sake she need to skate well, better than she did the whole season and I have my doubt about it.   

As a person who follow Liza since 2014, I'm so sad. I watched her wonderful 2014-15 season then struggle the next three ones.I had so much hope this season because iit might be her last chance to go to WC and yet, this happened. Sigh...

At least Liza can proud of what she did this season, 4 gold and 2 bronze, she all earned it by herself not because of politics. 

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I'm pissed about RusFed's decision and I'm tired of following a "sport" that [admin edit] and that allows some of its athletes to be more privileged than others. As if terribly overscoring Medvedeva and turning a blind eye to her flaws for YEARS wasn't enough, now she's been given the spot that was undoubtedly well-deserved by Liza. This might be Liza's last chance to attend Worlds and I'm devastated that they robbed her of it. [admin edit: please don't direct mean-spirited criticism of judging to the skater] 

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