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2018/19 Coaching changes

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Tracy said it in an interview about Y/J which referenced Yagudin/Pluschenko rivalry - it can work if everyone is a nice person ...

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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

tbf maybe the skaters don't really have much of a say in the first place, and they just get customary notification...coaches have to eat, too, so skaters might feel bad for refusing. it might hurt their relationship with the coach.

No, I think BOrser's always been particularly careful to get an okay from the existing skaters and he's emphasised this point talking about Javi and Yuzu so I feel like they might at least run it by their skaters (albeit idk how much involvement he has with Gabby's training)

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I cannot see Brian accepting Med without some sort of approval from Gabby, no matter that she's mainly trained by Lee. It's the same rink and, quite possibly, the same ice time ( as Javi and Gabby often skated together... as did Yuzu and Gabby). Brian would not want disharmony at his workplace and would think about impact on his current skaters, so he'd consider carefully with Tracy (if no one else) about this choice. I don't think (IF true), they agreed to take her because she's a 2x World Champ, they have more prestige than that already... but because they've decided it would be a good thing. Her consistency is certainly something that Gabby and Elizabet could benefit from being motivated by daily...

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2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

tbf maybe the skaters don't really have much of a say in the first place, and they just get customary notification...coaches have the eat, too, so skaters might feel bad for refusing. it might hurt their relationship with the coach.

While I acknowledge you could be right (though I doubt any of the TCC coaches is really in danger of starving; TCC is an exclusive club, so I tend to assume the coaches have a good enough income as it is. But, they do do it for a living, so, yeah.), that affects my idealistic view of TCC, so I'll choose to not believe it lol

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1 minute ago, liv said:

I cannot see Brian accepting Med without some sort of approval from Gabby, no matter that she's mainly trained by Lee. It's the same rink and, quite possibly, the same ice time ( as Javi and Gabby often skated together... as did Yuzu and Gabby). Brian would not want disharmony at his workplace and would think about impact on his current skaters, so he'd consider carefully with Tracy (if no one else) about this choice. I don't think (IF true), they agreed to take her because she's a 2x World Champ, they have more prestige than that already... but because they've decided it would be a good thing. Her consistency is certainly something that Gabby and Elizabet could benefit from being motivated by daily...

Look, Zhenya, Gabby and Brian we’re together at the same show, they could have talked about that. Zhenya isn’t really Gabby’s rival - they are from different national teams. And both can learn something from each other. 

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6 minutes ago, Fay said:

Look, Zhenya, Gabby and Brian we’re together at the same show, they could have talked about that. Zhenya isn’t really Gabby’s rival - they are from different national teams. And both can learn something from each other. 


Since both will probably make their national teams next year and both were on the world podium, yes, they are rivals (at least this upcoming year). And yes, I think that ice show was probably where a lot of things were discussed... and where they may have decided that things would work.

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6 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Yeah, Gabby isn't really at Zhenya's level...yet...

That makes it worse in my book... also, Gabby is older, so, technically, her chances of getting to Evgenia's level would be smaller.


But, if it's a done deal, I'm sure it's been talked about and everyone is ok with it. (And if not, then they should have said something.)


ETA: I'm not mentioning Elizabet because her I really know nothing about. But I'm sure she's been consulted as well. I just can't even guess a reaction there.

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1 minute ago, KatjaThera said:

That makes it worse in my book... also, Gabby is older, so, technically, her chances of getting to Evgenia's level would be smaller.


But, if it's a done deal, I'm sure it's been talked about and everyone is ok with it. (And if not, then they should have said something.)

Yeah, I hope everyone's okay with it. And it turns out well for everyone involved...

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I think having Zhenya there could be a great example to the other skaters about mental strength, and she could give them all a push in the right direction. Especially for someone like Gabby, who has struggles with staying consistent across competitions and is prone to bombing. Evgenia obviously has done SOMETHING to acquire the consistency she has now. She has said herself that she is not a natural jumper, after all. That's one of her greatest qualities and TCC could hugely benefit off of having her teach her philosophy to the other skaters, hehe

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To say I'm surprised is a bit  of  an understatement .  But at  the same time I'm so chill  that it surprises   myself even more . IDK why but I have  this  nagging suspicion that  Med  has made  this  move  having  a  clear  strategy  in her  mind  , and  nothing  of  it was spontaneous . I'm thrilled  to  see how  she  will develop from now  on.  



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