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2018/19 Coaching changes

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This year's off season was (is?) a wild ride. It feels like riding Disney Sea's Tower of Terror...remember when everyone thought Medvedeva leaving Eteri a hoax news? :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:


My fav program from Boyangman is also the CTHD! I wouldnt mind a playful sp and a mature/dramatic lp or vice versa for Boyang next season, tho...( but i cant imagine Boyang dancing to a Javi-like programs by Wilson, so I'll pray for amazing programs whipped by Nichol for him ):dancingpooh:

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19 minutes ago, cirelle said:

I saw people refering to this on my twitter timeline.



In the thread they say not all of BOrser’s students will stay on.

I am not sure what to think of that, I have never considered the possibility for some reason :confused0066:


And who is leaving?!!!!

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16 minutes ago, golden said:

i thought brian mentioned something previously about not coaching us skaters because of an issue? paperwork? something like that. hmm, interesting 🤔

Was that after he coached Adam Rippon? 

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I will be the odd woman out in this I guess.


I don't think this is particularly positive and someone will pay the price to the Pied Piper, sooner or later. 


Boyang is being imported as the new #1, and along with Gogolev, who is a sure thing as he's the huge Canadian hope, I think those two are the primary interests for Brian now, along with possibly Zhenya, on the female side. This is where I see the focus going.

However as one person who doesn't believe in friendships among direct competitors, I don't see how this can even remotely work, even with skaters being with separate coaches. Someone always gets shortchanged or someone feels like they're being shortchanged. Especially when the Feds get into it, and they will be getting into it, especially as we approach the Olympics.


Boyang, Cha, Gogo, Jason and yes, even Yuzuru. In one place. Nope. Don't believe it. 


Anyway, right now, I am expecting to see who is out. Price is first always paid by the 'less important' people so my guess is someone from Gabby/Little Bet/Cha group is going to leave. Or multiple someones in the next year or so. 


I certainly don't see a particularly harmonious TCC in the future, the more so as the Olympics approach. Just Boyang and Gogolev are enough to bring things to a boiling point. 

As for Zu, I think he's in a special position in his career. I think Brian believes he won't last the whole quad, hence the Boyang inclusion. In terms of training, Ghislain is there for him, so it should be fine. 

I expect separate ice times for all of them, or at least most of them.


I have no idea what Brian is thinking, so I wish the actual skaters a whole lot of luck.

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I had a sudden feeling that Daleman would be leaving... But I'd forgotten about Tursynbayeva.


That's who's leaving.


Cha won't leave (at least this next season or two), and I expect him to do well in the coming quad.


Still out on Brown. USFSA dealing with Orser again?


Best of luck to everyone. I think Orser would have discussed everything with his skaters, and I'm assuming that includes future plans.

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1 minute ago, hoodie axel said:

I had a sudden feeling that Daleman would be leaving... But I'd forgotten about Tursynbayeva.


That's who's leaving.


Either she or Cha. I think Daleman staying is a way better bet, than the other two. She's Canadian for one. But the other two? I think either one, or both, leaving from now, to sometime next off season is more than plausible. 

If I were Cha, I'd sure be thinking about it now, even if Bet does jump first. It's a far bigger cluster in the men, than the ladies, so the pressure will be through the roof there but I'd say of the three, Bet probably has the 'lowest' standing so her bailing first is realistic imo.

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With alot of new elite skaters join, after a long time,  the dynamic and atmosphere of the team will take a huge change. Brian and his team will have alot of work to balance things out so that all skaters can focus and feel comfortable. I hope they can manage to work it out, for everyone's sake. This will attract alot of media fenzy, attention, noise and drama and seriously I'm scared to think about it. :slinkaway: 

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