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What Hogwarts house would Yuzu belong to?


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3 hours ago, nagini said:


Haha, i was wondering when this will be brought up 


PS: I'm truly in gryffindor. The name though it stuck with me as i just liked how it sounds. Long, long time ago i read somewhere that it is a Hindu name and it's  originally coming from the goddess Naga which is the Sanskrit and Pali word for a deity or class of entity or being. I just never thought to change it.

The FIRST thing I thought of when I saw your name was this omg :muahaha:  Was like, "HP radar detected. Ignore or don't ignore?"

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Hogwarts houses!!!


Hi! A true hat stall, here! So, yeah, if I (still a very human, ordinary, nothing truly special specimen) get offered to choose among the 4 houses, I bet Zu would also be a hat stall, too. Not telling what I ended up choosing, tho.:winky:

Have you guys heard the primary-secondary house categorisation? As in what your motivation in doing anything in life (primary) and how you do it (secondary)? Cz then it would be much more interesting.


Also, I think he will be best suited with Mahoutokoro system (earning the GOLD robe as a goal, especially), which he would be attending anyway.:snpeace:

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Hace 4 horas, dotsquare said:

Another thing I think makes me think Slytherin>Gryffindor is that I feel like Yuzu is the type to think before he acts rather than the other way around. He doesn't strike me as being impulsive but moreso the type to take a step back and calculate.

... COC 2014 though.... that was pretty reckless

Though he shares traits of the other houses -like intelligence, courage, bravery and friendliness-, I think his Slytherin side is the most prominent:

"Slytherins are crazy ambitious, and lots of the time want to be the best at everything. They have big dreams and the drive to accomplish them. Slytherins are focused on personal achievements rather than idealistic ones. They are very exclusive about who they let close. Slytherins, more so than other Houses, are very picky and selective with who they allow into their inner circle.

Slytherins are often self-assured and confident of their own competence."

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4 hours ago, Xen said:

we all think Yuzu plans, and then he reveals he decided his layouts for olys on the morning of comp. I  would argue that while he has a large goal, he ends up being more random than premeditated. His attitude towards competition and rivals is different from others, and I would argue lean more towrds Gryffindor. 

It's part of a list of planned layout. There were 3 for OG I think, as per Orser's interview. Yuzu trained the layouts (also according to Orser) but decided the finalised one on the morn itself. 

Its not that hard since it's similar to 2015 layout, with 4T 1L 3S replacing 3A2T.


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17 minutes ago, ICeleste said:

... COC 2014 though.... that was pretty reckless

Though he shares traits of the other houses -like intelligence, courage, bravery and friendliness-, I think his Slytherin side is the most prominent:

"Slytherins are crazy ambitious, and lots of the time want to be the best at everything. They have big dreams and the drive to accomplish them. Slytherins are focused on personal achievements rather than idealistic ones. They are very exclusive about who they let close. Slytherins, more so than other Houses, are very picky and selective with who they allow into their inner circle.

Slytherins are often self-assured and confident of their own competence."

CoC was reckless but he had a goal he wanted to reach aka GPF.... so in a way, he was mostly driven by his ambitions... Slytherin all the way. 

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1 hour ago, yuzupon said:

Hogwarts houses!!!


Hi! A true hat stall, here! So, yeah, if I (still a very human, ordinary, nothing truly special specimen) get offered to choose among the 4 houses, I bet Zu would also be a hat stall, too. Not telling what I ended up choosing, tho.:winky:

Have you guys heard the primary-secondary house categorisation? As in what your motivation in doing anything in life (primary) and how you do it (secondary)? Cz then it would be much more interesting.


Also, I think he will be best suited with Mahoutokoro system (earning the GOLD robe as a goal, especially), which he would be attending anyway.:snpeace:

I'm amused by us trying to psychoanalyze him. What will likely happen is that we'll all argue that he's gryffindor/slytherin with a side dash of Ravenclaw. Then one day, Yuzu will say "Oh, I took the sorting hat and I'm a hufflepuff. Yeah, bees are kawaiiiiii~~~~"


Based on the general briefing in the basics page, I'm inclinded to say Gryffindor Prim+Ravenclaw secondary, reminds me more of a young Dumbledore (whom I consider almost the same blend).

It depends on whether you judge Yuzu based on his overall character package, or just what he displays in ice skating alone. The part that struck me was how they described the ambitious, goal driven vision of a gryffindor (http://sortinghatchats.tumblr.com/post/123207613877/on-gryffindor-primaries) :


One of the Gryffindor Primary’s greatest strengths is their ability to make a decision, and then go out and do their damndest to make a difference. They are willing to sacrifice their safety, social harmony, and a certain amount of logic to do what they feel is right. They can create great change in the world because they are willing to make difficult decisions and then commit fully to that decision, even at the expense of things most other people would not be willing to sacrifice.

This is Yuzu in a nutshell. There is nothing un-ambitious about Gryffindors, for example young Dumbledore. But despite all that ambition, part of the reason for the results, is for a final goal that isn't narrowed to just personal accomplishment-there is a vision there, even if its misguided. For young Dumbledore, it was "for the greater good"-and the flip side for Grindlewald was perhaps (slytherin like), for "my people to live safely." I think perhaps where I view Yuzu, is that he has a larger goal to a degree, whether it is one he had as a child, or even one he picked up along the way, but to win OGMs is as much a goal as a method to getting accomplishing a goal/ideal. While I would not argue he is utterly selfless, he's not quite the selfishness level that the Slytherin primary goes. He is ruthless in getting to his goals, but like the quote above, that ruthless bit is directed towards himself, and not towards others (which requires a touch of apathy that I find lacking in him).


How ironic that we're discussing deep, psychological insights into Yuzu in the sorting hat system, while staring at images of him peddling a razor. :1:


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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Far far away in Japan...a bunch of Ojisans wonder why all their razors look the same (and wonder why their wives suddenly gave them expensive razors).

Unless they are those ojisans who goes to competitions for Yuzu/with their wives. They're probably 'Hanyu-kun did it again'...

I always wondered why everybody put Yuzu ambitiousness into Slytherin category when I saw ALMOST always Ravenclaw there... in that way that no matter what others do, I strive for perfection on my own type of smartness and ambition, coupled with "I <3 Pooh"&am a happy child whenever I'm not being inhumanely perfect always struck me as a blend of Hufflepuff(his awaressness of people being hurt, but unlike Griffindor, instead of battling the bad guy, focus on helping the victims was also like this a bit), and Ravenclaw(intelligence,learning ability, tensai-teki skills, devotion to perfecting both sides of his sport), with a dash of the other two.

I would write a longer thesis but I'm on my mobile and it's a bit of pain xD

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1 minute ago, Aotoshiro said:

Unless they are those ojisans who goes to competitions for Yuzu/with their wives. They're probably 'Hanyu-kun did it again'...

I always wondered why everybody put Yuzu ambitiousness into Slytherin category when I saw ALMOST always Ravenclaw there... in that way that no matter what others do, I strive for perfection on my own type of smartness and ambition, coupled with "I <3 Pooh"&am a happy child whenever I'm not being inhumanely perfect always struck me as a blend of Hufflepuff(his awaressness of people being hurt, but unlike Griffindor, instead of battling the bad guy, focus on helping the victims was also like this a bit), and Ravenclaw(intelligence,learning ability, tensai-teki skills, devotion to perfecting both sides of his sport), with a dash of the other two.

I would write a longer thesis but I'm on my mobile and it's a bit of pain xD

I feel like this could be a thread all on its own- fans trying to sort and psychoanalyze Yuzu, only to be completely thrown off and him coming out as Hufflepuff with a Pooh Onesie, and he declares that his loyalty are to the bees (as they make the honey that feed the poohs in the forests).

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I can't believe i've read it all 


best convo ever i love this forum!!!


P.S. I always think him as a Gryffindor. I can't see him as Slytherin idk.  



Also my favourite comment :LOL:


7 hours ago, Yoa said:

Yuzuru has traits from every house. For sure the Sorting Hat would have a problem with him. So it would probably ask him where he wants to be sorted. I imagine it would look something  like that:

*Yuzuru ignoring traits of every house. Using his deduction and observation skills*

Yuzuru: Blue is my lucky color. Did you see most of my costumes? Also I already have a lot of ravenclawish neckties. 

Sorting hat: Okay. Ravenclaw then...

Yuzuru: Noo. Let me think a little bit more. Bees are cute. Bees are black and yellow. Just like Hufflepuff crest. You know what else is yellow? Pooh-san

Sorting Hat: So you want to be in Huffle..

Yuzuru: Wait... Snakes are cute too. Did you know that the there are 725 species of venomous snakes? Or that they don't have eyelids. They smell through their tongue.
*insert random snake facts*

~after 5 minutes

Sorting Hat: Is Slytherin your final decision?

Yuzuru:  I just realized that there's silver in Slytherin crest. I hate silver. I love gold. You know who has gold in their crest? Gryffindor! And red is my favourite color

Sorting hat:

Yuzuru: :winky:

Sorting hat: I give up. Go away



So Yuzuru had to go to a different school of magic. His new school has 6 houses: Toeloop, Salchow, Rittberger, Lutz, Flip and Axel. He was sorted into Axel house which was named after its founder - Axel Paulsen. He will do anything to learn the most powerful of spells:  quadruple axel...


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@ everyone talking about sorting into Hogwarts houses, may I introduce you all to Sorting Hat Chats' system, which I find much more nuanced and interesting? : P (I'm still struggling to sort yuzu tbh, even under this system - I actually have him rn as a primary gryff w/ strong puff model & secondary slytherin w/ strong claw model so he's basically everything LOL) http://sortinghatchats.tumblr.com/

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I went off to bed thinking "that's that" about the HP discussion, woke up to the wonderful continuation. I just wanted to thank you all for taking my HP house question seriously (for 10 pages, yikes... lmao), i loved reading through it haha :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:


(also, the sorting hat chats take on it is interesting, sparked a convo in my friend group so thanks to whoever shared that :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:)

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  • Hydroblade changed the title to What Hogwarts house would Yuzu belong to?

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