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20 минут назад, ralucutzagy сказал:


In the very end she also said, now she is getting ready for Nationals and she thanked all the people who support her and her fans who gave her "confidence and power for further training". :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:

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Fresh update - they've just shown Eteri's group on TV, and Zhenya seems to have got onto ice for the first time like yesterday. She says her leg/foot feels wooden. But they seem to have shown her jump. Reported from a Russian forum. 

I just don't get why... 

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25 minutes ago, Fay said:

Fresh update - they've just shown Eteri's group on TV, and Zhenya seems to have got onto ice for the first time like yesterday. She says her leg/foot feels wooden. But they seem to have shown her jump. Reported from a Russian forum. 

I just don't get why... 


oh no, this doesn't sound good at all :slinkaway:

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23 hours ago, Fay said:

Fresh update - they've just shown Eteri's group on TV, and Zhenya seems to have got onto ice for the first time like yesterday. She says her leg/foot feels wooden. But they seem to have shown her jump. Reported from a Russian forum. 

I just don't get why... 


This Yuzuru level of extra. Goof grief Zhenya. 

How is she going to perform with like ... 7 days of practice? :13877886:

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3 hours ago, Yatagarasu said:

Oh ok, well Sharov, the guy who often takes photos of Eteri's group says that was not her first day on ice.

That makes more sense and makes me feel a tad better!

It could be her second day :laughing::13877886:

Oh Zhenya, so determined to go and crush the others at Nats:13877886: As long as she doesn't hurt her foot again...:snonegai:

I confess I'd feel better if she WD. :drama:

Wouldn't it be worse for her to go at Nats with so little time to train and not in top condition and lose to Alina? But I'm not the one who skated with a broken foot, so what can I know:13877886:


Also, why no Nastya in that group photo?????:smiley-sad016:

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Guest turquoiseblue

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: I will continue to skate even if I don’t get to Olympics :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:




I can not but ask you about the doping scandal. If we admit that athletes have nothing to do with it and they are just the victims of the IOC decision, then should the officials be responsible for the current situation? Or in general, no one is to blame and this is a planned attack on Russia?


– If there had been no fault from the Russian part, there wouldn’t have been such a scandal. I do not really want to think who is responsible. We need to accept the situation and look for a way out. There have been so many trials that everyone understands who was guilty. But nobody will say aloud. (Laughs)


One of the figurants of the IOC case, according to media reports, was Adelina Sotnikova. In general, how doping can help in figure skating?


– Well, it can’t. Figure skating isn’t a sport about strength, but about concentration. I understand why they use something in in athletics. But in figure skating “faster, higher, stronger” does not work. You need coordination, harmonious, you will not achieve anything just with high jumps. In figure skating you need to think. So I don’t understand why doping is necessary here.



Elizaveta, going back to work: tell me, why, after the gold of the 2015 World Championships you can not return to the previous level? How do you explain this – injuries, loss of motivation?


– In this two years figure skating has made a very big step forward. All the girls skate very strongly, powerfully and consistently. And I stayed largely at the same level. I also had to do a triple axel, change combinations, jumps. Well, the post-Olympic season itself assumes more relaxed skating, it was easy for me. But after winning the gold of World Championships it has become much harder. Injuries? Yes, I had problems with my back and boots. Now I, for example, skate in boots, which is already three years old, because others simply do not fit – my legs ached. But this season I feel progress, began to recover. My back doesn’t bother me, there are no problems with boots either.


Many explained that you won because of anger after missing the Olympics.


– Means, people do not know me well or don’t watch my programs well. Anger never works in advantage, at least for me.  How can you skate soulful programs with anger? I can be angry during training, but not at competitions. There should be concentration, a desire to get pleasure from your own performance.



Adelina Sotnikova and Julia Lipnitskaya, with whom you fought for getting to Sochi, have already finished their careers. Do not you think about it? Especially if you won’t qualify for the second Olympics.


– I didn’t get to the Games in Sochi but I did not break. If I had been skating only for the sake of Olympics, I probably would have finished sports a long time ago. I will continue to skate, even if I do not get to Korea. This will not be an important nuance in the issue of continuing or finishing a career.


If not for the sake of the Olympics, then why do you skate?


– I skate for pleasure, for competitions. To feel this spirit of rivalry within you. And, of course, I like meeting with figure skaters, friends, you travel the world, you get a lot of acquaintances, great companies are gathering …For these sensations figure skating is worth doing. And if you skate well, show the result of the work that has been done at trainings, it’s such a cool, incomparable emotions.


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