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 Gabriel's Oboe may be a warhorse but it's gentle and won't overpower her..., yet powerful and inspirational. I think it's a great choice and she can do a good job to it. And David will most likely try to pack it full of more transitions etc.. If performed well, the audience will really respond to it.

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So glad that Satoko is in a better condition now, that's great! 

I've been watching ladies skating a lot lately to catch up on everything that I've missed during the past several years due to uni and stress and Satoko is the one who really grabbed my attention, her skating is such a joy to watch. So.. Hope she comes back healthy and strong :67638860: Her programs are very memorable. 

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6 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Translated interview with Mai where she reflects on her season. I'm off to read it now but from what the translator says, it's a really good read!


A very nice read indeed! I love her way of thinking and it seems that she is well aware of what she needs to work on to improve as a senior skater. I have become really fond of Mai lately, oops, all Japanese ladies are so talented :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:

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Yup. I become a bigger fan of hers all the time. It seems that, just like Yuzu when he was off ice, her love for skating just grew when she could not do it. Her perspective is now different as is her skating and confidence. She has quickly become my favourite Japanese lady.

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1 hour ago, katonice said:

Did anyone already buy this new manga featuring Satton as one of the main characters?



This new manga looks amazing. I hope it will be translated someday to english.


PS: I know it's featuring Satoko, but somehow that main character reminds me also of Eun Soo Lim 

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