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7 hours ago, moni said:

So, I rewatched his Chopin SP from Boston (probably more than million times, LOL) and here are some possible mistakes I found in his StSq. But it depends on how strict the judge is (Yuzu had few shallow edges, or at least it looked like it to me from that camera angle).


He had some unclear edges on some of his choctaws but I don't think this caused Lv3 because he did at least one clean choctaw in both directions. But his first loop (his exit RBI edge was probably not deep enough) or/and his second rocker(again, probably rather flat RFI edge) could be invalid and thus he could not fulfill the requirements to have 11 different turns and 5 different types of turns(if loop was invalid) or one difficult combination on each foot (if rocker was invalid). All the other turns seem clean too me. 

Here is my analysis (it starts right after his second spin), on the first sheet I wrote down all of his steps+edges (blue color means difficult turn) + possible mistakes (red colour) at Worlds, Nationals, GPF and NKH. On the second sheet there is a summary of which requirement of Lv4 he (probaly) didn't fulfill. It's a little bit different than this analysis from NHK 2015 made by another fan. Although most of the relevant steps match, I found one more rocker and choctaw and one less counter. I'm far from an expert but this is what I'm seeing in those videos. If someone here knows about steps, please tell me whether I'm right or wrong! :)


Tomorrow I will try to do the same with LGC at 4CC.

Yes, if the specialist couldn't see the turns (because it's too fast or it's too far), they won't count it and it might affect the level of the step sequence. Or if the specialist thinks some of the turns don't meet their requirements (not clear edge, too flat edge), they have the rights to invalid the turns even though skaters clearly did it. However, it's kinda funny to see that some skaters always get level 4 regardless of how they skate that day. I would say there is no skater who could do the step sequence perfectly all the time (I mean there's no singer who could hit high notes all the time). There will always be some mishaps in some turns or steps... but apparently specialists tend to believe some certain skaters meet all the requirements. 

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53 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Colection of this season's jumps! :heart: Nice vid!



This was an interesting video but I'm a bit confused at the seemingly arbitrary attribution of the good extension/creative exit bullet. I am curious how good extension is defined, because I assumed it related to your free leg position and torso during landings and I see some jumps that didn't get that bullet in this analysis that I think had good extension, and some that got it that I'm not sure I'd give it to, including, probably, Yuzu's 3A2T. 

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22 hours ago, LadyLou said:

EDIT wait, sorry @SSS  I misread what rule change you were talking about (I'm kinda still asleep:laughing:)

You can find the whole thing about Seimei stsq and rule change in 2015-2016 discussed at lenght here


So I just went to watch 10 times H&L in different languages, then took a glance at WC last group FS, at the end tried to focus on Shoma's step sequence and performance... Considering the potential lenient judging next season, his arm movement looked so "dangerous", which totally scared me again... Then your post saved my life... Seimei's step sequence cured me. Now I can sleep with pooh in my arms peacefully...:dpooh:Thanks a lot!

cry for 0:25

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31 minutes ago, SSS said:

So I just went to watch 10 times H&L in different languages, then took a glance at WC last group FS, at the end tried to focus on Shoma's step sequence and performance... Considering the potential lenient judging next season, his arm movement looked so "dangerous", which totally scared me again... Then your post saved my life... Seimei's step sequence cured me. Now I can sleep with pooh in my arms peacefully...:dpooh:Thanks a lot!

cry for 0:25

0:25 kills me - literally makes me gasp. It's so gorgeous, I wish he had kept it. 

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


I kind of wish he'd just wear UA as a costume. You can see the movements so clearly and it highlights his alien form so well.

I mean......I'd take UA over whatever 'manly' mess some of the men usually wear (their old winter sweater + some pants..................) but for Yuzu, that'd be the most extreme of minimalism :facepalm: (highkey want his LP costume to be tight-fitting and dark toned though. A GIRL CAN PRAY)

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2 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I mean......I'd take UA over whatever 'manly' mess some of the men usually wear (their old winter sweater + some pants..................) but for Yuzu, that'd be the most extreme of minimalism :facepalm: (highkey want his LP costume to be tight-fitting and dark toned though. A GIRL CAN PRAY)


Sparkly UA?

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He could revive Bolero as an LP and wear his Junior days Bolero costume, for black, tight and sparkly... :slinkaway:(I actually really liked that, costume, music and program... an adult version would be fun, but no idea how it'd work as an LP lol)

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10 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


I kind of wish he'd just wear UA as a costume. You can see the movements so clearly and it highlights his alien form so well.

:offtopic:I do love UA!! But I am so into Yuzu's light costume. He is the light on the ice! recently, I feel like dark color and sparkly costume  is Shoma's style lol 


I need 4lz right now, now...><

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On 2017-7-30 at 3:03 AM, SSS said:

:offtopic:I do love UA!! But I am so into Yuzu's light costume. He is the light on the ice! recently, I feel like dark color and sparkly costume  is Shoma's style lol 


I need 4lz right now, now...><


Speaking of which, I heard Shoma intends to possibly try to add a 4Lz? The quad race is getting scary. Also, Junhwan is injured in hips and both ankles due to training quads.

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On 19/07/2017 at 4:46 PM, xeyra said:
UNO 51.31 4F // 4T3T 3A 112.69 4Lz 4Lo 3A3T // 4F 4T2T 4T 3A1Lo3F 3S 164.00
      114.89 4Lz 4Lo 3A3T // 4F 4F2T 4T 3A1Lo3F 3S 166.20



Shoma's planning to add a "4Lz" and backloading 2 4Fs so it's looking like he's going for the 166.20 BV. :facepalm: In light of CJH's injury, I just want everyone to stay healthy...

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I was sad to hear the news about the extent of Jun Hwan's injuries. I knew it wasn't going to be good after seeing his and Brian's face after the FS this weekend :sad-smiley-046:


Just goes to show that we really don't know how this amount of quad training at such young ages is going to affect skater's bodies in the long run. There's no precedent for this, and so they're putting themselves on the line as guinea pigs...

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I think Shoma is another adorable cutie pie and fierce competitor who deserves respect for his skating - but also let me add this that my initial reaction to this news is disappointment. I would like for him to focus on the quality of his jumps before upping the ante, though he probably is trying and not to say he can't do it simultaneously but ISU and their easy scoring of him is indirectly ruining him and the health of the new generation of skaters. Yuzu is able to reach his current peak years with 8 senior years under his belt but will any of these boys after him?

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1 hour ago, the50person said:

Speaking of which, I heard Shoma intends to possibly try to add a 4Lz? The quad race is getting scary. Also, Junhwan is injured in hips and both ankles due to training quads.


That's so sad. Skating is such a short career to begin with and really this is not worth it. Not for glory and certainly financially there's nothing to be gained. All I can say is I hope the rules change to lessen the reliance on quads and thank goodness Yuzu was part of the generation who could slowly add to his repetoire of jumps at an appropriate age.


Now I'm getting extra worried about 4A.

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