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15 minutes ago, Wintek said:

:dancingpooh:WELCOME TO THE 1ST VIRTUAL "GLOBAL POOH RAIN"!!!!!! :dancingpooh:


Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around.



“Fly Yuzu! we support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country]

#GlobalPoohRain  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦  #YuzuruHanyu𓃵

Add your favourite picture of Pooh, Yuzu/Pooh interaction or Pooh fan art.


***You can use a different message or add your own message after the suggested one. It’s important to include the hashtags and a picture of Pooh.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange

@Wintek Can you pin this somewhere so it doesn't get lost?

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7 hours ago, Wintek said:



Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Following the example of Planet Hanyu in the past, we want to test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with positive content focused on Yuzu.
  • Make Pooh Rain accessible to fans that won't be able to attend competitions due to different barriers (e.g. money, disability).




“Fly Yuzu! We support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country]

#LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦 

Add your favourite picture of Pooh or Yuzu/Pooh interaction.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange

I added this to PH events. You can set up a reminder there (but we will also share this post again to remind you :wink2:)


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1 hour ago, Wintek said:

:dancingpooh:WELCOME TO THE 1ST VIRTUAL "GLOBAL POOH RAIN"!!!!!! :dancingpooh:


Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around.




“Fly Yuzu! we support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country]

#GlobalPoohRain  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦  #YuzuruHanyu𓃵

Add your favourite picture of Pooh, Yuzu/Pooh interaction or Pooh fan art.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange

Let it rain!!! :dancingpooh:

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11 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Rappelez-vous le seau à roulettes que Yuzu a utilisé lors d'exercices d'échauffement.

Cet équipement est conçu pour l'entraînement des muscles transverses de l'abdomen, l'appareil a été inventé à l'origine pour l'entraînement sportif en fauteuil roulant. Yuzu a fait des recherches pour faciliter son entraînement après sa blessure à la cheville, afin qu'il puisse optimiser l'entraînement alors qu'il ne pouvait pas aller sur la glace ou sauter. Cela l'a aidé à s'entraîner à l'image pour l'axe des sauts et cela l'aide également à s'échauffer les ischio-jambiers, sans mise en charge bien sûr. Kikuchi san explique cette méthode d'entraînement dans son livre


Hello (since you are English) you are MD and know all the muscles of the body and their importance for "such" sport and here are some of mine on Kikuchi San who has been VERY well helped Yuzu since his young age in Sendai and that she HUGE luck that Yuzu had to know such a Mr  :headdesk: and we miss him a lot with his smiling and friendly face towards Yuzu


https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/630328400852271105/continuing-kikuchi-senseis-book-strongly   and you will find an explanation of the roller bucket well 




https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/627491746405908480/translation-of-kikuchi-sans-book-a-friend   here he talks about young Yuzu and had already noticed that he was "apart" from other children about his age 


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10 hours ago, Anni said:

Also from me a big thank you  @birnasan for your translations and your efforts. :Thanks:

During yesterday's "Yuzu SkatingParty", I really enjoyed H&L (Helsinki) again. :heart: I found this clip of the little medal ceremony.👏

FaOI Costume Cookies :67638860:




Ahhhh of course Yuzu speaks several languages (like me  :space: ) and if I remember correctly, it was here at these 2017 Worlds (ahhhh this H&L  :girlsigh: :heartpound: )  that there was the intervention of M Gee who did the interpreting for Boyang since he speaks Chinese? 


These biscuits: I do not eat them NO and keep them carefully in a box 

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1 hour ago, Wintek said:

:dancingpooh:WELCOME TO THE 1ST VIRTUAL "GLOBAL POOH RAIN"!!!!!! :dancingpooh:


Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around.




“Fly Yuzu! we support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country]

#GlobalPoohRain  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦  #YuzuruHanyu𓃵

Add your favourite picture of Pooh, Yuzu/Pooh interaction or Pooh fan art.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange

I am so excited for this! Thank you so much for arranging the event, it'll be a joy

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Yes correct, I'm a doctor,  my speciality is not Sports Med or Orthopaedics/Trauma. I'm in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, so I am often looking after patients undergoing Orthopaedic or Trauma procedures and I also specialise in looking after children for procedures where an anaesthetic is required. 


Health as we know is not just about the physical, there has been relative neglect in Western style medicine with regards to mental, psychological and emotional impact on health. Interestingly, medical practice in the Far East and Indian subcontinent has also included a more holistic approach to health, the concepts of balancing mind, body, spirit. Clearly, these disciplines may not necessarily help in the case of acute severe infection or major trauma, but they do have an important part to play in the arena of chronic conditions. Western medicine has been quick to ignore or dismiss this balancing of the whole person and label it in the same manner as 'witchcraft'

There is a lot to be learned from healthy diet, lifestyle and energising and relaxation techniques. Most people needing medical input require long term health care from their General practitioner and advice about how to manage long term conditions. 

Thank you for the links. I follow Yuzusorbet on tumblr and was fascinated by Kikuchi san's book and his longstanding relationship as therapist to Yuzu . It is apparent from the excerpts his close attention to Yuzu's physical and mental wellbeing and he developed genuine care and fondness for Yuzu. Yuzu benefitted from Kikuchi san's care for over a decade. That kind of therapist most be so hard to replace. When Yuzu had to return to Japan and start training alone, I had concerns fro his overall wellbeing as well as his physical condition. It seems that he has developed a routine and found a good perspective and I also hope he has good sports therapy/medical advice and care.


( As a Paediatric Anaesthetist, safeguarding vulnerable people is one of the cornerstones of my practice. That was one of the reasons that I am really outraged by the goings on with regards to the young skaters, doping, overwork and mistreatment in a certain training places and that it is being brushed under the carpet by governing bodies which should have the well being of athletes at its core )


Edit: typos and grammar

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Hace 1 hora, Wintek said:

:dancingpooh:WELCOME TO THE 1ST VIRTUAL "GLOBAL POOH RAIN"!!!!!! :dancingpooh:


Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around.




“Fly Yuzu! we support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country]

#GlobalPoohRain  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦  #YuzuruHanyu𓃵

Add your favourite picture of Pooh, Yuzu/Pooh interaction or Pooh fan art.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange


Hi dear Wintek! Planet Hanyu has organised before virtual Pooh rains, however in the traditional way after Yuzu skated in competitions. The first time was here:



 and the last time  this one: 



So maybe you could use the existing hashtag because having his name in it, gives the hashtag more visibility (you could also just add his name to the hashtag you have created!).

The other hashtag regularly used is #LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  but you should have max. 3 hashtags in your tweet, so you have to pick up carefully which ones you will use. 


Also, if you are encouraging people to share their favorite Pooh fanart as an option, please add that it should be properly credited...people sometimes tend to forget it and just use the image.


Regarding the date you want to do it, is there any particular reason for it? Because another possibility would be to use it the day the assignments are out and thus truly welcome Yuzu into the new skating season. 


You have mentioned this: ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around." The Pooh rain has always been a special tradition to show Yuzu our love just after he skated. I think it's a nice idea to "welcome him in the new season" by doing it one time but it's not suitable to use it to "bury" content or fake news circulating in the internet just any other day. Yuzu has said he loves to see the Pooh rain, so I think we should keep it just in its "pure original" form (to say it somehow!) for the times he just finished skating his programs, preserving and protecting it the way it's close to his heart. Maybe you meant it just as the first test and it's not your intention to use the Pooh rain hashtag every time, if so, please just disregard what I wrote before. 


One last small detail, I think it should be "Fly Yuzu! We ..." and not "Fly Yuzu! we..."


I hope you don't mind in a wrong way my suggestions. I truly think it's a lovely idea. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:



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6 minutes ago, Yuzu_legend said:


Hi dear Wintek! Planet Hanyu has organised before virtual Pooh rains, however in the traditional way after Yuzu skated in competitions. The first time was here:



 and the last time  this one: 



So maybe you could use the existing hashtag because having his name in it, gives the hashtag more visibility (you could also just add his name to the hashtag you have created!).

The other hashtag regularly used is #LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  but you should have max. 3 hashtags in your tweet, so you have to pick up carefully which ones you will use. 


Also, if you are encouraging people to share their favorite Pooh fanart as an option, please add that it should be properly credited...people sometimes tend to forget it and just use the image.


Regarding the date you want to do it, is there any particular reason for it? Because another possibility would be to use it the day the assignments are out and thus truly welcome Yuzu into the new skating season. 


You have mentioned this: ‘Bombard’ social media with alternative content to counteract negative messages and fake news circulating around." The Pooh rain has always been a special tradition to show Yuzu our love just after he skated. I think it's a nice idea to "welcome him in the new season" by doing it one time but it's not suitable to use it to "bury" content or fake news circulating in the internet just any other day. Yuzu has said he loves to see the Pooh rain, so I think we should keep it just in its "pure original" form (to say it somehow!) for the times he just finished skating his programs, preserving and protecting it the way it's close to his heart. Maybe you meant it just as the first test and it's not your intention to use the Pooh rain hashtag every time, if so, please just disregard what I wrote before. 


One last small detail, I think it should be "Fly Yuzu! We ..." and not "Fly Yuzu! we..."


I hope you don't mind in a wrong way my suggestions. I truly think it's a lovely idea. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:



I totally understand the tradition. That's why this is also a test run we will use to celebrate the new season and increase the reach for the actual virtual Pooh rain for competitions. Let's remember that there are lots of new fans that are not members of PH (and maybe they are not very aware of this wonderful place). And actually, I have seen on twitter quite an appetite for Pooh rains, so we better get ready for the real thing 😄. I agree that the Pooh rain is not to be used lightly. Other fans can then come up with other ideas depending on the situation and organize different campaigns.


I'll edit the original post to "First Test of Virtual Pooh Rain to Welcome the New Season", and will fix the "w" typo. As per hashtags, it's a good idea using one that's already in use in addition to the suggested ones with his name (those are the ones usually used on Twitter). As the actual pooh rain is for competitions, perhaps we can use  #LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  instead of #GlobalPoohRain.


Thank you for all the suggestions!!!

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7 hours ago, Wintek said:



Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Following the example of Planet Hanyu in the past, we want to test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with positive content focused on Yuzu.
  • Make Pooh Rain accessible to fans that won't be able to attend competitions due to different barriers (e.g. money, disability).




“Fly Yuzu! We support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country & name of the country]

#LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦 

Add your favourite picture of Pooh or Yuzu/Pooh interaction.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange


Thanks to all those who provided feedback. I have updated the information on the original post and the event on the PH Calendar. I will post a reminder so that you are all ready for this! I will also share the Twitter post with the info and instructions in case you want to share on your timeline.

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We started sharing the instructions for the Virtual Pooh Rain on Twitter. Help us share by re-twitting and get ready for Thursday!!!!

Thanks Planet Hanyu for sharing the post on PH Twitter :wink_star:




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19 hours ago, Yuzu_legend said:



Congratulations on 20.000 followers. :clap:




16 hours ago, Wintek said:



Ready for a coordinated effort to support Yuzu??? Read carefully, mark your calendar and share this info with your fellow network of fanyus.


We are planning a virtual “Global Pooh Rain” to:

  • Show support to Yuzu for this new season, highlighting that we are supporting him from around the world.
  • Following the example of Planet Hanyu in the past, we want to test run our coordination for virtual Pooh rains to show support when competitions start.
  • ‘Bombard’ social media with positive content focused on Yuzu.
  • Make Pooh Rain accessible to fans that won't be able to attend competitions due to different barriers (e.g. money, disability).




“Fly Yuzu! We support you from around the world [add flag/flags of your country & name of the country]

#LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld  #YuzuruHanyu  #羽生結弦 

Add your favourite picture of Pooh or Yuzu/Pooh interaction.


***Having all the same message makes the statement stronger, but you can use a different message or add your own after the suggested one BUT keep it short so that the picture of Pooh stays visible. It’s important to include the hashtags.



Thursday, Jul 7 2022. Around 10 PM (Japan time)

Check the time in your city


:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:You can check an example of how it would look like here


Please contact @Sun_Rise and me if you have any questions. We are in very different time zones so we have good coverage throughout the day


Let it rain!!!!!! Let's cover social media with love & support for Yuzu  :puddingpooh:


Tagging those who where curious about this initiative & give it a like to the posts with the seed of the idea: @LiaRy@Anni@Anabel@Yuzuwinnie@Pammi@ImmortalBeloved@Yuzurella@Sammie-s@littleorange


Thank you for organizing this action. I've only ever used twitter for Yuzu news and reading ...So I'm a "beginner".:redface: It could be that maybe I need your help.





14 hours ago, Yuzuwinnie said:



Ahhhh of course Yuzu speaks several languages (like me  :space: ) and if I remember correctly, it was here at these 2017 Worlds (ahhhh this H&L  :girlsigh: :heartpound: )  that there was the intervention of M Gee who did the interpreting for Boyang since he speaks Chinese? 




Yes :yes: Misha G has this translated.

More languages :happy:


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