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12 minutes ago, Henni147 said:


I'm actually relieved for multiple reasons:

1. He's probably still injured and it would be absolute madness to skate with painkillers in a useless event, where medals are pre-determined.

2. There's still covid. Just because there are so many other problems now, it doesn't mean that it has disappeared.

3. We have the dangerous political situation in Europe and I'm glad that he doesn't need to sit in a plane that flies over Eurasia.

4. It's France we're talking about, which usually means: many ice puddles, cheap paper-medals and shaky podiums. So what's the point anyway.


My response to your thoughts:

1. Yeah, this (I realize my initial comment seemed a bit flippant — not my intention 😩🙈💀)

2. Of course, this is still that significant — Yuzu ended up going to Olys because...well, it was Olys.

3. At the time of this comment France is still safe, so if he could (and he wanted to) he might have gone, but...

4. This point shows why it's justified to be wary of competing in France (even if he were in prime condition, no pandemic raging, heck complete peace). Even before all this *waves hands franticly* the ice condition in French comps is usually <<<<<<<<< :animated-smileys-halloween-012:

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1 hour ago, Henni147 said:

Meanwhile, I try to process how he is able to casually stand and pose in mid-air with no strings, wings or an invisible platform under his feet.

I really love him, but it's not nice to break the basic laws of physics so shamelessly. Gravity really suffered a devastating defeat that day.




Wow this height.:O
Here a another clip from a different perspective (how Melodie posted) :img_21:




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Rest well dear Yuzu. 
I’m already preparing for this drought by listing old threads I want to read lol (sounds pathetic I know, but hey I was not here before! 🤣) Or visiting the video archives. Just last week I read the PC thread, good times :smiley-love017:  At least I got to relive it through PH. Thank god for PH! 

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I have been making myself busy with work and has been out of touch with Yuzuru news and fs for self recovery after the Olympic and has come back to the news of Yuzuru withdrawal from Worlds.Kind of expected and wish for fully recovery of his ankle .In my opinion this World should just be cancelled..so much going on right now and the Russian skaters also are not allowed to compete.Just a question is Yuzuru qualifies for 2 GP spot next season?He has not competed at all this season besides the Olympic.Another question is there a specific thread/place where i can catch up with all Yuzuru post olympic interview or any videos of him during the Olympic ?i have been away from fs sites and now has miss Yuzuru so much

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To be fair I much prefer a worlds WD announcement rather than a retirement announcement even though this could still happen obviously!

So I'll live with that, knowing he's at least looking after himself :)


(obviously if he chose to retire I'd still support him 100%)

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35 minutes ago, lynnidolz said:

Just a question is Yuzuru qualifies for 2 GP spot next season?He has not competed at all this season besides the Olympic.

If he wants to go to GP next season, yes. I mean only top 12 at Worlds + eligible Junior champions get 2 spots immediately, but let's be real, of course he will, just can't be seeded. It would be tricky if he wasn't competing at all and wouldn't be at SB list, but even then it could be done using 'comeback rule'. I guess now we wait if he is gonna compete there, wouldn't blame him for taking a longer break at all.


35 minutes ago, lynnidolz said:

Another question is there a specific thread/place where i can catch up with all Yuzuru post olympic interview or any videos of him during the Olympic ?i have been away from fs sites and now has miss Yuzuru so much

Video section probably has all or almost all Yuzu videos/interviews from Olympics https://planethanyu.com/video/browse/115-2022-olympic-games/

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3 hours ago, Henni147 said:


I'm actually relieved for multiple reasons:

1. He's probably still injured and it would be absolute madness to skate with painkillers in a useless event, where medals are pre-determined.

2. There's still covid. Just because there are so many other problems now, it doesn't mean that it has disappeared.

3. We have the dangerous political situation in Europe and I'm glad that he doesn't need to sit in a plane that flies over Eurasia.

4. It's France we're talking about, which usually means: many ice puddles, cheap paper-medals and shaky podiums. So what's the point anyway.

Hey, now, let's not exaggerate. Is it not everyone's dream to have their very own tacky star???



(Alternative title: The one time Shoma's bewildered expression was fitting)

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Rest well Yuzu, hoping for a speedy and full recovery :heart:


And another new mag:




And lol, i was slow with ordering new mags because i decided to wait a bit longer in order to carefully choose which ones i wanted the most since in no way i can buy everything. And guess what, 2 out of the 4 mags i shortlisted are already out of stock on amazon :yznotimpressed:
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Yuzu's WD was good news for me, but now in the morning (where I am) I feel so sad lmao


I don't want to watch Worlds but I'm curious about Kao's performance, so I will be checking fstwitter for videos and highlights this time. 

Meanwhile, time to dig through all archives in this site and manage self-control because these magazines look amazing, I might be getting at least 2 to cope. 


Thanks for this site everyone, so organised! 


Also, about axelwing full transcript and translation of the press con; I mean, we all know this, we love the man, but dear Lord, how thoughtful he is as an athlete. 

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Literally, the only reason why I hoped he would be in France is:

It will be the 10 year anniversary of baby Romeo's legendary performance in Nice 2012, Yuzu's first Worlds which was held in France too.

It would have been so emotional to see him perform R&J 1.0 in the gala...

But I'm truly relieved that he won't go. Health and recovery first. Nothing is more important than your well-being.

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Guest Mary_kyo

Is this shared?

I smiled a little when I saw Miki also backed up the existence of the hole. You know, she was Javi's ex. ;) 

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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3 hours ago, Henni147 said:


I am relieved for several reasons:

1. He's probably still injured and it would be absolute madness to skate with painkillers in a pointless event, where medals are predetermined.

2. There is always covid. Just because there are so many other problems now doesn't mean it's gone.

3. We have the dangerous political situation in Europe and I'm glad he doesn't need to sit on a plane flying over Eurasia.

4. This is France we're talking about, which usually means: lots of ice puddles, cheap paper medals and rickety podiums. So what's the point anyway.



:wave:  the fanyus and HENNI : Yuzu made a wise decision not to go to these worlds and I read ALL your writings from : rest / think about him / stay with his family and decompress  : meditationf:and in France, he has a little "relaxation "but with caution all the same and he's still lurking in a corner :/


Of course I have a thought for the Ukrainian people because of this cursed war >:( 


Yes HENNI and this GPF 2016 where you write our faults so well and you are right to make fun of it: eh YES we see the defective ice cream (as a frenzy figure YES  :thumbsdown: )  and I don't talk about the rest  :emoticonaci2019: (I don't have found the medal ceremony) 




and I add what has been posted more, the WONDERFUL worlds 2017 in French commentary, but subtitled in English for you fanyus and read carefully what is written and the BRAVO of the woman and what he says on his program 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV52YzH9LY8&list=PLMXZxJKAy8Fopn-b7ShYD3Pn81JOKuqBR&index=270  :knc_tracy2:






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28 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

Is this shared?

I smiled a little when I saw Miki also backed up the existence of the hole. You know, she was Javi's ex. ;) 

I haven't seen any expert agree with Javi's "analysis" yet...

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This suddenly appeared on my TL.

I did not expect Sharp to advertise their copier machines in convenience stores (7-11, Family Mart, Lawson) this way but one can print photos of Yuzu in A3 size with their print services. 

The link shows the photos available to print in Japan. 









This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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Guest Mary_kyo
15 minutes ago, Pammi said:

I haven't seen any expert agree with Javi's "analysis" yet...

Well, there are some paid idiots who claim to be “experts” and never mentioned the hole in their analysis; Such as Asher (and his co) who laughed at his misfortune. Tbh, Most of western experts ignored the hole too, implying it was his own mistake. But nothing shocking about them, the shock is when his “closer than family” friend boldly say the hole was an “excuse”. Among western experts, I think only Kurt acknowledged the hole existence (also shocking cause Yuzu is not his fave "masculine" skater).

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